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Scifi thriller Darshini releasing on May 17

The sci-fi thriller, Darshini casting Vikas and Shanti in the lead roles, is all set to hit the silver screen on May 17, 2024. The film, which came under the direction of Dr Pradeep Allu is being bankrolled by V4 Cini Creations. Recently, the film has also got a clean chit from the Censor Board, as it got a clean U/A, which means all the family audiences are welcome. 

At this juncture, producer, Dr L V Suryam interacted with the media and said, “Our film, Darshini got a U/A certificate from the censor board, the board members have also appreciated our film. And now, we are ready to release it on May 17.” Suryam further thanked producer Damodar Prasad for his co-operation for the film. “Our director, Dr Pradeep Allu has put his soul into making this movie and he is a very talented director,” said Suryam.

Further briefing about the movie, Suryam said that the story of Darshini revolves around three friends who get an opportunity to get hold of a device that shows the future. And then followed by its consequences because of it.

“Movie turned out excellent. It has all elements such as Comedy, emotion, love and everything in equal parts. We hope our telugu audience will like this movie,” said the producer.

Director Dr Pradeep Allu, speaking on this occasion, said, “K L Damodar Prasad is our Godfather. His support was very crucial. Our producer, co-director, our hero and heroine and all of us have now become like a family. We have all owned this movie and we liked it very much. Censor board gave us a clean certificate and said that they liked our movie. The movie will hit the theatres in both Telugu states on May 17.”

Actor Vikas, who is playing the lead role, said that Dr Pradeep Allu, director of this movie is the main pillar of this movie. “We have seen a lot of hardships in making this movie, but with a lot of passion, we came out with this output. The movie has turned out excellent, and it will hit the theatres on May 17,” said the actor.