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Krish Dialogues for Pawan Kalyan the Shadow

Is Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi (Krish) writing dialogues for Pawan Kalyan The Shadow? Word of mouth says that Krish is wirting dialogues for Pawan Kalyan The Shadow and has replaced Abburi Ravi. Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi (Krish), who earlier directed critically acclaimed Telugu movies like Gamyam and Vedam, has reportedly given green signal for the movie it seems.



So what happened to Abburi Ravi? Well, sources say that Abburi Ravi is finding it difficult to pen the dialogues for the movie due to time constraints it seems. He is unable to managed Shankar 3 idiots and Pawan Kalyan The Shadow. The pressure looks to be high since both being high budget movies. Remember, previously The Shadow movie unit thought to ask Deva Katta to write dialogues and later they roped in Abburi Ravi. And now it looks like even Abburi Ravi would be replaced. And we need to wait for the official communication on this.