వార్మప్ ఎక్సర్‌సైజ్ తప్పనిసరి ఏ ఎక్సర్‌సైజ్ చేయాలన్నా ముందుగా వార్మప్ ఎక్సర్‌సైజ్ చేయడం తప్పనిసరి. సున్నితంగా వుండే మహిళలు ఎక్సర్‌సైజులు ప్రారంభించే ముందు వార్మప్ ఎక్సర్‌సైజులు తప్పనిసరిగా చేయాలి. అలాంటి వార్మప్ ఎక్సర్‌సైజ్‌లు ఎలా చేయాలో ఫిట్‌నెస్ ట్రైనర్ పౌలోమి వివరిస్తున్నారు చూడండి...

  తైక్వాండో ఎక్సర్‌సైజ్‌తో ఫిట్‌నెస్... తైక్వాండో ఎక్సర్‌సైజెస్‌తో ఫిట్‌నెస్ ఎలా సాధించవచ్చో ప్రముఖ ఫిట్‌నెస్ ట్రైనర్ పౌలోమి చెబుతున్నారు.. ఆమె ఫిట్‌నెస్ ట్రైనింగ్ క్లాసుల ఇంట్రడక్షన్ ఇది...

  జాగో... జాగింగ్ కరో! * జాగింగ్ అనేది చక్కని ఆరోగ్య ప్రక్రియ. జాగింగ్ వలన కొన్ని వారాలలోనే మీ శరీరం ఫిట్‌గా తయారవుతుంది. అయితే జాగింగ్ ప్రారంభించటానికి ముందుగా కొన్ని జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవటం చాలా అవసరం. *  జాగింగ్ చేసేటప్పుడు మంచి దుస్తులు ఎంచుకోండి. మరీ బిగుతుగా ఉన్న వాటిని కాకుండా వదులుగా సౌకర్యవంతంగా ఉన్న వాటిని ధరించండి, పరిగెత్తటానికి మంచి షూలను వాడండి. షూ సరిగా లేనట్లయితే పరిగెత్తటానికి  సౌకర్యంగా ఉండదు. *  జాగింగ్ ప్రారంభించటానికి ముందుగా, కొన్ని సులభమైన వ్యాయామాలను చేయండి. వీటిని వార్మప్ ఎక్సర్‌సైజులు అంటారు. వేగంగా నడవటం ప్రారంభించి, కొద్ది కొద్దిగా పరిగెత్తి, వేగంగా పరిగెత్తండి. వీటి వలన ప్రశాంతమైన జాగింగ్‌ని ఆస్వాదిస్తారు.  *   సరైన పద్ధతిలో పరిగెత్తండి. సరైన విధంగా జాగింగ్ చేయకపోవటం వలన వెన్నునొప్పి లేదా వెన్ను సమస్యలు వచ్చే ఇబ్బంది వుంది. * కాంక్రీటుతో చేసిన నేలపైన జాగింగ్ చేయకుండా గడ్డి ఉండే నేల పైన జాగింగ్ చేయటం వలన కాళ్ళ పైన ఒత్తిడి తగ్గుతుంది. జాగింగ్ చేయటానికి ముందుగా  నీటిని పుష్కలంగా తాగండి. వీలుంటే వాటర్ బాటిల్‌ని వెంట తీసుకెళ్ళండి. జాగింగ్ చేశాక వెంటనే ఆగకుండా నెమ్మదిగా వేగాన్ని తగ్గించి, నెమ్మదిగా నడుస్తూ క్రమంగా ఆపేయండి.  * రోజు జాగింగ్ చేయటం వలన జిమ్ చేసిన ఫలితాలను పొందుతారు. * జాగింగ్ ను ఉత్సాహవంతమైన నడకతో ప్రారంభించండి. * ప్రతిరోజూ 40 నిమిషాల జాగింగ్ వలన శరీర బరువు తగ్గుతుంది. అంతే కాకుండా గుండె సంబంధిత వ్యాధుల ప్రభావాలు కూడా తగ్గుతాయి. మానసిక ఒత్తిడి మాయమైపోతుంది. * జాగింగ్ వలన శరీర రక్త ప్రసరణ మెరుగు పడటమే కాకుండా గుండెపోటు వచ్చే అవకాశాలు బాగా తగ్గిపోతాయి. * ప్రతిరోజూ జాగింగ్ చేయడం వలన వారం రోజులలో 1000 కేలరీలు వ్యయమవుతాయి.     Attachments 

Cola ­ The Wicked Beverage!   The cola cans are the most sort after drinks, which have seeped into our lifestyles lately owing to our fast­paced tech world Every day about 1.7 billion serving of cola is being consumed. Although it is a popular and refreshing drink it too has serioud repercussions on our health. A can of cola contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30­35 mg caffeine, loaded with harmful artificial flovours and colours, and most importantly the euphoritic feeling which it impart after emptying a can in! Apart from these additives, the main culprits are high fructose corn syrup and phosphoric acid content. High fructose corn syrup is is a fructose derivative, a cheap sweetner made from corn, it is harmful not just because it has high sugar content which leads to Diabetes and a number of Liver Ailments, but also affecting the metabolic rate and thereby derailing the pace of the absoption and digestion. Many oeple have a mis- conception that colas aid in digestion but an actual matter of fact is that it inhibits the digestion process Secondly, the phosphoric acid. Acid being a corrisive agent it is the last thing we would like to pour in! Besides it harms the body's ability to utilise calcium, leading to softening of teeth and bones leading to osteoporosis! The main consumers of colas are the youngsters ­ the future of our country and the working class ­ the present aura of our country! So, for a fruitful future the body and mind of the poeple should be hale and hearty! Take Care!! Stay Healthy!! Siri

Eat to Nourish our Liver!   Liver being a life giving organ, foods nourishing it and maintaining it to function well should be necessary inclusion in our diets Why should we focus on nourishing it? Because: ∙ It boosts our immune responses against the invading infections ∙ Excreates harmful waste materials via bile and plays an important role in Detoxification ­ by cleansing the blood of drugs, chemicals and alcohol. ∙ The bile juices secreted aids in Fat digestion ∙ It converts excess glucose to starch for storage, which work as reserve banks of energy during starvation What should we eat, So that we nourish our liver? ∙ The foods that cleanse liver of the toxins are : Beets, Avacado, Cauliflower, Apples, Turmeric Powder, Spinach, Garlic, Green Tea, Broccoli, Carrots, Walnuts, Citrus and Cabbage. Make it a point to include these foods or combinations of these foods in your diets ∙ Eliminate foods high in saturated fats like Meat, cheese, cream, eggs etc., ∙ Excessive consumption of seeds and nuts, and avoid the use of refrigrated and stored goods for a long time. ∙ Avoid unnecessary popping in of drugs be it be of therapeutic use as it increases the burden on liver ∙ Try getting of the chemicals that seep in with food and water. Opt for organic food if possible, or at the least clean the fruits and vegetables by soaking them in filtered water with grapefruit extract ∙ The foods that back the functioning of liver are : Alfaalfa seeds, Asparagus, Basil, Celery, Cucumber , Fennel, Fermented Foods, Lettuce ,Raddish, Sprouts and Wheatgras. Try including few of these foods and give your liver a sigh of relief! Take Care!! Stay Healthy!!   Siri

PCOS ­ Substerility disease!       PCOS is one the most common endocrine disorder occuring in the reproductive age group of females ranging from 15 to 45 years ! The causes of the polycystic ovarian syndrome are diverse but it is strongly believed that it is a genatic disorder rather than lifestyle disorder! PCOS is the major culprit for the female subfertility. The most common presentation of the PCOS, is the cystic ovary but it is not sole manifestation.   The symptoms include :   * The immediate symtoms are ­ Anovulation( the ovaries fail to release an egg during a menstrual cycle) , increased seretion of androgenic harmones and insulin resistance * Menstrual disturbances are very common manifestation, it includes oligomenorhea, few menstrual periods and amenorrhea, no menstrual periods. * Anovulation leads to infertility due to lack of relase of oocyte during the menstrual period. * Due to the increased androgenic harmones, acne and hirsutism­male pattern of hair growth are the major complications. Hypermenorrhea( heavy and prolonged menstrual periods) and alopecia ( diffuse hair loss and increased hair thinning) * It also effects metabolically, it tends towards cetral obesity and insulin resistance. PCOS is a disorder of uncertain cause. There is a strong evidence that it is a genetic disease Irregularity of menstrual periods and obesity are the pre­disposing factors! Take care! Siri    

ఆరోగ్యానికి చిన్న చిట్కాలు     1. వంటింట్లో పొరపాటున వేడి గిన్నెలను ముట్టుకుంటే చాలా మంటగా వుంటుంది. బర్నాల్ వంటివి అందుబాటులో లేకపోతే కొంచెం టూత్ పేస్ట్ రాసి చూడండి. నొప్పి త్వరగా తగ్గిపోతుంది. 2. వేడి వేడి టీ, కాఫీ గబుక్కున తాగితే నాలుక కాలినట్టు అవుతుంది. అప్పుడు ఒక చెంచా పంచదార నోట్లో వేసుకుంటే నొప్పి తగ్గుతుంది. 3. ఏదైనా కుట్టినట్టు మంటగా వుంటే వంట సోడాలో కొంచెం నీళ్ళు పోసి కలిపి ఆ పేస్ట్‌ను చీమ, దోమ కుట్టినచోట రాస్తే ఆ దద్దురు, మంట తగ్గుతాయి. 4. ఆగకుండా ఎక్కిళ్ళు వస్తుంటే ఒక చెంచా  చక్కెర నాలుక మీద వేసుకుని చప్పరిస్తే చాలు. నెమ్మదిగా ఎక్కిళ్ళు పోతాయి. 5. కడుపు బరువుగా వుంటే పుదీనా ‘టీ’ తాగితే రిలాక్స్‌గా వుంటుంది. పుదీనా ఆకులను శుబ్రంగా కడిగి చిన్నచిన్న ముక్కలుగా తరగాలి. తెర్లుతున్న నీటిలో పుదీనా ఆకులను వేసి మూత పెట్టాలి. ఆ తర్వాత పాలు, పంచదార కలిపితే పుదీనా టీ రెడీ. పాలు లేకుండా తాగితే ఇంకా మంచిది.   - రమ

మహిళ త్రిపాత్రాభినయం... అదే నయం..!   ‘‘అటు ఉద్యోగం, ఇటు ఇల్లు, మధ్యలో పిల్లల అల్లరి... ఇన్నిటిని సమర్థించుకుంటూ వచ్చేసరికి ప్రాణం పోతోంది’’ అని ఒక్కసారన్నా అనుకున్నారా? అయితే వినండి.. అవే మీ ప్రాణాల్ని నిలబెట్టి మిమ్మల్ని ఆరోగ్యంగా వుంచుతున్నాయట. వివరంగా చెప్పాలంటే... ఇంటికే పరిమితమైన ఆడవారి కంటే, గృహిణిగా, తల్లిగా, ఉద్యోగినిగా త్రిపాత్రాభినయం చేసేవాళ్ళ ఆరోగ్యమే మెరుగ్గా వుంటుందని సాస్కోచ్‌వాన్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం నిరూపించింది. ఈ సంస్థ నిర్వహించినన అధ్యయనంలో ఉద్యోగినుల్లోనే ఆరోగ్య సమస్యలు తక్కువగా వున్నట్టు తేలింది. అయితే మానసిక ఒత్తిడి ప్రభావం శారీరక ఆరోగ్యంపై కూడా ఉంటుంది కాబట్టి సరైన సమయపాలన, ప్లానింగ్, పౌష్టికాహారం, వ్యాయామం వంటివి ఉద్యోగినిని మానసికంగా, శారీరకంగా కూడా ఆరోగ్యంగా వుంచుతాయన్న చిన్న విషయాన్ని మాత్రం మర్చిపోవద్దని చెబుతున్నారు అధ్యయనకారులు. - రమ

Fitness Tips For Business Travelers       If you are a frequent traveler, it is difficult to maintain a work out routine. This generally happens with people who travel on work or business or with people who have their branches is different areas. However, it is pretty important to do justice to your exercise schedules. We are pinned up a few important tips on work out and things that you need to carry while traveling !!! Things to Carry : 1. Running Shoes 2. Exercise Clothes. 3. Swimsuit.  4. Skipping Rope 5. Music and Headphones.  6. Hand Grips           Ways to Exercise : 1. If you are traveling on a flight, make sure you take a quick stroll at the airport terminal  before you board the flight 2. If it is a train journey, walk through the cars occasionally. 3. Make sure you do some skipping at your Hotel room 4. If there is an option available for swimming, never miss the chance.  5. If in case you are driving on your own, take frequent breaks, get out and stretch 

Aloe Vera Juice For Great Health           Aloe Vera has vast benefits in various aspects but not many are aware of the kind of health benefits one can obtain through Aloe Vera Juice. We are listing a few important benefits entangled with Aloe Vera juice for a healthy lifestyle of our viewers.  1. Digestion Promotion :   Aloe Vera juice regulates our digestive system in such a way that our body becomes capable of absorbing all major nutrients.  2. Cleansing The System :       Citing the kind of pollution, contamination and junk food that we are consuming these days, it is important for a person to clean their system for proper functioning. Aloe Vera juice has the perfect detox elements to keep your system pure and away from toxic components. 3. Increases Immunity : The perfect anti-oxidants present in Aloe Vera juice helps in boosting your immune system.  4. Reduces Inflammation : Aloe Vera has the capacity to reduce inflammation without any side-effects. It can also be a great medicine for swollen, stiff or painful joints.        5. Weight Reduction :   As Aloe Vera juice regulates your digestive system, it will also fight against fatigue and exhaustion caused due to irregular diet. Along with this, Aloe Vera juice reduces your hunger factor which will eventually stop you from having junk. This will lead to a nutricious and healthy lifestyle keeping your weight under proper check. 

Health Benefits of Green Peas           Green peas are not just the greenish part of your plate. Instead, they are little powerhouses of energy and nutrition. Green Peas is encompassed with many health benefits that not many people are aware of. We have listed a few good things that green peas can do to your health. Take a quick look !!!     1. Peas Helps in Managing Weight. It is low on fat and also contains high protein, fiber and micro-nutrients. A whole cup of green peas contains less than 100 calories.  2. Green Peas contains coumestrol, a health-protective polyphenol that prevents stomach cancer. 3. Green peas's high fiber and protein content helps in regulating blood sugar. 4. Green Peas is a great food for anti-aging and prevention of wrinkles on skin. 5. Components like vitamin B1 and folate, B2, B3, and B6 present in green peas can reduce homocysteine levels which is a major risk factor in heart diseases.  6. Green peas helps in regulating metabolism and also prevents constipation. It also improves bowel health and peristalsis. 7. Green peas plays a vital role in bone health. One cup of peas contains 44% of Vitamin K which in turn helps in anchoring Calcium inside the bones. Green peas helps in preventing osteoporosis.

Control Food Habits At Office For Fitness       Office is one place where a person easily gets influenced by fellow colleagues. Although you have a strict diet plan, it slowly fades away with their obligations and wishes. It is important to maintain a strict protocol for your food habits at office. You initially begin indulging into junk food thinking that it is just for one time. However, this repeats on a constant basis with time. Here are some very crucial rules that you need to follow in order to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.       1. Always Carry Your Lunch. Healthy and nutritious home food always need to be your first choice.  2. Avoid biscuits at work place. Biscuits are the regular munching snack at most of the work places. You do end up eating many without your knowledge, especially if it is with a cup of tea or coffee.    3. There will be a lot of loving colleagues who will force you to eat unhealthy junk some times. It is not their fault but you stay conscious about what you are eating. Be ready and brave to say NO to your colleagues' love when it comes to food.  4. When it is an office with a lot of employees, then there would be a birthday or an anniversary that happens at least once in a week. So during such occasions, do not barge into the cake and finish it. Instead, make it a habit to only taste a bite.  5. When it is a weekend, your colleagues are sure going to force you for a lunch or dinner outside. In such situations, you are prone to lose on your appetite. So try and avoid such outings as much as you can.     

Yoga solutions for Rounded Upper Back   Watch Rajeswari Vaddiparthi - Yoga Therapist explain the reasons behind this spinal posture and shows us different standing Yogasanas for correcting the rounded upper back problems.  

Easy Workouts For Busy Moms         Working women hardly find time for exercise as they have the task of cooking, cleaning, office, taking care of kids and so on. In this busy schedule, it is important to spare 15-20 minutes for the well-being of their own health and fitness. Here are some simple workouts for busy mothers to rejuvenate the body parts in a quicker and effective manner.    Chair Dips :   Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair and place your hands next to your hip. Now, slowly and steadily push your body up and down to tone your hip and thighs.   Chair Squats :     Sit on the chair with hands spread forward. Now lean your chest a little forward, bend your knees and stand up in the same posture. Sit back again and repeat the same for at least 10 to 15 times.   Butterfly Abs :     Lie down on your back and place the sole of your feet together. Place your hands behind your head and gradually lift up your chest and shoulders now. Repeat the same for 10 times at least.   Modified Push Ups :     Lie down with all fours with knees together. Now use push ups for neck, head, shoulders and back. This is an effective way of toning your skin.

Tips For a Healthy Family   A healthy family is a Wealthy Family. A man or woman has one common goal in general and that is family and it’s welfare. Health issues in one person can disturb the peace of the entire family and it is important to inculcate a healthy lifestyle in all the members of a clan. Here are some important tips that will help you stay hale and healthy. 1. Make sure not to store junk food at home. People at home eat what is available and you make it a point only to store healthy food like, sprouts, fat-free dairy items, fresh vegetable and fruits, whole grain breads and so on. This will help your family in the consumption of healthy food. 2. Kids are the crucial part of a family they are the ones inclines in junk food. Try and make food items that are healthy and tasty for them. For example, items like wheat pizza with excess vegetables and fat-free cheese, sweet-potato fries, tacos filled with boiled and spiced turkey and grilled chicken fingers are a good choice for children.   3. Create a consistent meal and snack schedule for all members of your family. Eating on time is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Make sure your kids are not too involved in snacking as it will reduce their appetite for lunch and dinner. In other words, their intake of quality food will reduce. 4. Do not allow eating while watching TV. It is a proven fact that people eat a lot of junk while watching TV. 5. Involve your family members in daily exercises and yoga. All your family members should wake up early and go back to bed on time. Cycling, running, jogging, skipping, yoga, swimming and so on will help your entire family to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Fitness Mantra Of Bollywood Stars   Many Bollywood heroines are known for their flawless figure and a fit physique. Most of them believe in regular work outs, Yoga and sports activities. There are a number of fitness freaks in the B-Town and their looks play a major role in their survival and sustainability in the industry for a longer run. Here is a list of some of the famous Bollywood actresses and their fitness mantra for all of you !!!     Deepika Padukone : Deepika has one of the best figures in the film industry. Her fitness mantra is badminton, swimming and dancing.     Kareena Kapoor :   If zero size is a trend among women, then all the credit goes to Kareena Kapoor. Yoga and a complete vegetarian diet is the fitness mantra of Kareena.        Katrina Kaif : Katrina has a body that can make any woman feel envious. Katrina is trained in mixed martial arts, parkour, and other fighting techniques. She believes in regular exercises and eating nutritious and healthy food at periodic intervals for a maintaining a fit figure.      Priyanka Chopra : Priyanka Chopra is growing younger with age. She is born with great genes that makes her look trim and slender all the time. However, Priyanka's trainer Samir Jaura is making sure that she looks suitable and apt for any given role. Priyanka also works out really hard when required.     Kangana Ranaut : Kangana Ranaut is an ectomorph which means that she doesn't put on weight easily. However, Kangana eats healthy and does power yoga, kick-boxing and goes to the gym to stay toned. That's her fitness mantra.      Sonam Kapoor : The gorgeous Sonam Kapoor's fitness secret includes a mix of Pilates, heavy weight training, intense cardio sessions and a balanced diet.

Simple Anti-Cancer Diet           Cancer is a dreadful disease which no one would imagine encountering. The simple diet format that we are going to share is very important and effective not only to fight the disease but also for normal people to create good resistance power in their bodies. Cancer may occur due to hereditary  factor, pollution, smoking and various other reasons. But one can definitely fight out the disease at it's early stages with proper medicines and a very strict and healthy diet. Our diet includes a lot of plant based food. All Veggies carry medicinal values and the diet patter is as follows !!! Breakfast : Preferably Oatmeal with fruits and nuts. Most importantly, it should be a whole grain breakfast.  Lunch : A big plate of veggie salad along with beans and peas makes a healthy lunch. A small quantity of rice or roti with a moderately fried and fat-free curry should be added along with the salad. A piece of boiled fish is also a healthy choice. Evening Snack : 1. Fruit Salad 2. Freshly cut vegetables topped with pasta sauce 3. Mixture of nuts, dry fruits and corn flakes 4. Green Tea or Tulsi Tea Dinner : Moderate quantity of rice cooked along with vegetables or Rotis with Steamed vegetable curry. A glass of carrot or beetroot juice after dinner is advisable. Try and avoid heavy food for dinner, especially non-veg. Dessert : A single square of dark chocolate is the best dessert item on the diet list. Replace pastries and sweets with a single fruit. 

Start Running For Perfect Fitness         Running is one of the healthiest habits that helps you enhance your figure and fitness. Running helps you look and feel good. Running helps a person feel liberated in a way where only you are the one involved in it. Running helps to calm down your senses and regular jogging improves your quality of life. Here are a few reasons why Running is the most recommended exercises out of all the others !!! 1. Running is the best way to tone your body and look in shape.  2. Running helps you burn unwanted calories and paves way to healthy weight loss 3. While running, the heart beat rate goes to 50 to 60 per minute. In this way, the heart muscles are relaxed and also fresh blood is pumped into the heart.  4. Running plays a vital role in your psychological well-being.  5. Running helps in reducing blood sugar rate.  6. Running improves Lung functioning and respiration becomes easier and smoother.        Jogging on a regular basis builds good stamina levels, helps in getting rid of lethargy, keeps a check on weight controls, improves metabolism, proper blood circulation to all parts of the body and so on. Make it a habit. Start Running for a healthy and fit lifestyle !!!