Fitness starts with Diet
Whether we want to gain weight or loose weight, or maintain the healthy weight one has been carefully managing, it is all in the hands of healthy diet. Eating oily and inflammatory foods definitely doesnot help continue in the right path. Hence, the first step towards health is always a good diet. Make a list of the regularly consumed foods and identify the most oily and inflammatory foods (foods that force bloating in the body). Replace the identified bad items with good vitamin and mineral supplementing foods. Add 8 medium glasses of water to the daily diet. During snack time in the evening, replace deep fried items with Green Tea, Lemon Tea or Fruits. Make up your mind to follow breakfast, lunch and dinner timings you have setup...and make a point not to skip them. Based on your health condition, identify 4-5 good exercises for practice daily. (Not every exercise is suggested for people with backache, skipdisk, arthritis, diabetes etc.,conditions.) Keep stock of Lemons in the kitchen for consumption. Get an ordinary Mat or Yoga mat ready.
With the basic foundation ready, Lets get deeper into Fitness from tomorrow !!
- Prathyusha Talluri