How to achieve your fitness goals   Turning fitness routine into a habit by staying on track is not at all easy.... Though, we all know that regular exercise is good for us, but actually putting that knowledge into practice isn’t always easy. While we may take out expensive gym memberships, swimming classes or pampering self with new workout kits, still, staying committed for the long run looks tough. No matter, how serious we are about achieving our weight management goals, we often slip off. But, here are few tips given by experts by assuring results in achieving long and strong workout goals. “Have no time for workout” is not an excuse at all- say experts. Workouts don’t necessarily have to be lengthy or laborious if you’re looking to lose weight or get healthier. A short, sharp, consistent work out sessions are useful to shed down weight, they add. In fact, attending gym classes for three to four times per week is ideal; this will take care of your week. We tend to skip workout classes because of so many reasons, like work pressures, travelling or not really feel like going to the gym or could be anything. But, if you do skip few workouts, remember that the longer you leave the classes or the many you miss, the harder it’s going to feel when you go back. Before you decide to skip, consider the efforts you have been put in and look back and see how far you’ve already come – If you are able to think this way, I am sure you can not afford to miss any of your fitness sessions. Instead of thinking workout out as penalizing oneself, feel it as a gift you are giving to your body and mind. When you treat exercise as a form of punishment, as something to be endured not enjoyed, then it becomes painful. As long as you enjoy doing workouts and see pleasure out of  each session you attend, then this feeling itself motivates you to the next level. When you get bored of your fitness routine, switch things up to next level by trying new classes, working out different body parts and varying the intensity of your workout. But, make sure that, your workout sessions always pep you up. Good luck!! -Bhavana

  Workout Regime Have you ever wondered on how people can maintain fitness and continuity in their workouts? Answer : is KISS- Keep It Short & Simple. Yes, most of the women who stay fit, won't follow any short cut methods to reduce and loose weight, but they start slow and increase their workout time as their stamina builds up. Exercising little and often is one of the most effective ways to build activity into your day – no more adventures to make the gym straight after work. This is most suitable and beneficial for working women. And one more benefit of small workouts is they take you away from your desk. They help you to refresh at work place. “We found it helpful to get up every hour, stroll to the departments in next block and stretch our backs” say people who follow this. If you have time to invest, taking 20 minutes a day twice a week will help tone the entire body. Of late, experts recommending interval training. According to them, it is most basic form; interval training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two minutes, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout. The most important thing one needs to remember in the initial days of fitness trainings is that, you should never run for perfection or uncertain goal that can't be met. That leaves you with a disappointment. Don't be worried, if you can't run for 30 minutes. Make it a habit to walk 30 minutes a day, then slowly add time, distance, and intensity from there. Slow and steady wins the race for sure. All the best!! - Bhavana

Wonderful Workouts Those were olden days, women used to work in their routine way even during in their pregnancy. That was the reason, rate of natural deliveries were high then, comparing to current generation. Now, women go on bed rest during pregnancy irrespective of the doctors' advise. Simultaneously, we ladies do not even walk when they are pregnant, by self declared bed rest. However, doctors are stating and prescribing workout regime for pregnant women. Exercise works very well during pregnancy, It prevents mood swings, improves sleep, and reduces pregnancy aches and pains. Exercise prepares mothers for childbirth by strengthening muscles and makes it much easier for moms to get back in shape after baby's born. Here are few workouts advised by doctors across the Globe, which will be great help to the pregnant women during the journey. Walking: This is one of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women, walking keeps you fit for sure without troubling your knees and ankles. It's also easy to do anywhere as walking doesn't require any equipment other than a pair of comfortable shoes, and is safe throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Swimming: Fitness experts say that swimming is the best and safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming is ideal because it exercises both arms and legs, provides cardiovascular benefits, and allows expectant women to feel weightless despite the extra pounds of pregnancy. Aerobics and dance: Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart and tones your body. And if you take a class for pregnant women, you'll enjoy the camaraderie of other moms-to-be and feel reassured that each movement is safe for you and your baby. While dancing, you can get your heart pumping well. You can dance in your house with the help of music but, dancing at a dance class is always advisable as you have to be monitored by an expert. But remember that, jumps and leaps red to be avoided strictly. However, any exercise or workout recommended for expecting moms, only under supervision of doctor/ health expert. - Bhavana

  Rules in Friendship??   (Friendship Day Special)   From last two days, both print and electronic media are bombarding with ads on celebrating “Friendship Day”; creative ways of celebrating this occasion like buying lunch/ dinner, gifts and clothing etc. But is this what is called celebrating friendship? I don't think so; rather, friendship day is one special day comes once in a year to pause for a while in this busy schedules and give a thought on what friendship and friends are all about. Every one will have so many friends in this journey called life, however varies in number. But in major cases, life starts with many friends as one will have so many in childhood and slowly by the end of schooling we will remain with few friends who are in line with our thought process or people whose choices, are likes and dislikes same like ours. Once, we grow up, we start categorising our friends like close friends, known friends and just familiar persons. Though our friends change through out this journey, one thing is very constant here; i.e.we make friends who have similar taste like us or people who think same like us. Friendship differs with gender where as men will be able to continue with old friendships; some how, for women, this above equation suddenly changes when they have the knot tied. Few relocate to husband's place, few move to in laws house. Suddenly whole life changes with new role and responsibilities and so as friends circle.Though women try to stay in touch with old group, there will be so many constraints; few still try to manage to connect with old friends but majority of women have to forego their friends in the transition phase of life. This very simple change can put women under tremendous pressure and can also create lot of insecurities about life. To avoid, this stage, “being organised is the only way” say experts. According to them, people who lead life in a systematic way will always have clarity in every thing. And women who have efficiency in multi tasking, will be able to manage different groups of people in life. Once this happen, then you will not have to choose one between friends and family but you will learn to balance both successfully. There are few more scenarios like, you make new friends when you are growing in life. Your colleagues or neighbours may become your friends in due course of time. This is the time where each one has to respect their relationship and space. When friendship blossoms among matured minds, we have to be more matured to construct this beautiful bond which is long lasting. Never ever take people for granted. Not you be available to others to do so. Even when you take utmost care in friendship, sometimes you end up with few misunderstandings. But never go personal, even when you argue on issues, make it subjective. When you practice this , it takes no time to patch up. Leave no space for EGO. If you are right or wrong accept it and explain to other person why you are taking that stand. Sometimes, when you can't make the other person understand your point, don't blame the person or your choice of friends. But stay calm for a while and leave space for others. This matured act of your will surely make your friends hook to you. If not, still never find fault with any.. Remember, we meet many people in this beautiful journey called life, few travel along with us till the end and few get down when their destination is different from ours. Keep moving and spreading smiles is the only thing we have to do all the time. Happy friendship day!! Note: Silence kills any form of relationship including Friendship, so learn to communicate. - Bhavana   Click here for more Friendship Day Special articles   Trends in Friendship Long live - friends! A True Friendship is good for your Health ! స్నేహం పేరుతో ఒక దేవుడు స్నేహం

Pinch Of Salt “If you are aiming for a healthy life, reducing salt in your food intake is must” say our Health experts. Especially people who are suffering from high blood pressure, Heart related problems have to lessen their salt consumption. Small amounts of salt are essential for our health and we have to take salt on a regular basis as there is no mechanism in our body which can store salt. This is the reason, we have to take ½ tea spoon of salt which is sufficient for our body, but here, we are taking more than the recommended salt which is putting us at risk of all of these health problems. The good news is that reducing your salt intake can lower your blood pressure and the risk of diseases. In fact cutting down your salt intake to ½ teaspoon per day, you will see improvement in health. The lower the salt intake, the lower the blood pressure. A high salt diet increases the risk of stomach cancer; taking excess salt can damage the lining of the stomach and risk of ulcers also very high in these cases. Excess salt intake can cause Osteoporosis, this is a condition which causes thinning of bones, making them brittle and prone to breaking. Most calcium in the body is stored in bones. A high salt diet can cause calcium to be lost from bones and excreted in the urine, making bones weak and easily broken. High blood pressure caused by a high salt diet can speed up the loss of calcium from bones, worsening the problem. Older people are most at risk of osteoporosis because bones naturally become thinner as we get older. Women are particularly at risk of bone thinning, during their menopause time, due to the drop in the hormone estrogen which normally protects bone health. However, men, women and children of all ages need to look after their bone health to avoid osteoporosis later on. Avoiding salty foods, reducing salt in regular cooking is advisable for all the age groups in the family. Doctors and health experts also advise People who are Obese to reduce their salt intake. Salt does not cause weight gain but it does make you thirsty, this leads you to drink more fluids, if the fluids are sugary drinks they can cause weight gain because they contain a lot of energy. This is a major problem for children and teenagers as a third of the fluids they drink are sugary soft drinks. So whenever you are diagnosed with these above said problems you have to cut down salt in the food. - Bhavana

  Change Your Mood With A Chocolate !   If you are feeling low, its time for some chocolate readers! All you need to take a you from sad to happy, are a few bites of a chocolate. You must have heard chocolate lovers say that chocolate makes them happy. Well its not only their love for chocolate that makes them say so. It has some truth to it. Researchers threw light on this fact, spreading smiles on many faces. The Journal of Pharmacological, has supported this by stating that those who take 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate everyday, tend to stay calmer and happier throughout the day when compared to those who do. Chocolate has the potential to manage depression to some extent. A chocolate does exactly what an anti depressant can do to a depressed brain. The anti depressant has been created to increase the levels of serotonin or keep them for longer. Surprisingly, chocolate does the same thing. Now, you know what to choose when you feel low. A chocolate is much healthier, with milder side effects. Chocolates are known to have a positive effect on women, before and during menstruation. But does the effect of 1.5 ounces of chocolate last for the whole day? You may be slightly disappointed with what you are going to read further. According to a report published in Journal of Appetite, the effect of chocolate lasts for not more than 3 minutes. This also depends on the kind of chocolates. So whenever you are unhappy take a big bite of a yummy chocolate and change your mood instantly. Who says chocolate is only for kids? - Kruti Beesam

 Many reasons to stop Fitness    When someone starts exercising people mock....i dont understand the reason, but i have seen quite a few doing it....they say fitness is not for everyone...and these silly questions and suggestions come from different corners... Why are you dieting? Are you getting old? Why cant you stay fit by just eating right? Dont overdo and strain your body! You are getting tired by exercising! When a person starts a good thing, there are 10 behind him to stop, not because its right, but because they are wrong...dont let anyone demotivate you as you think of fitness...Some might suggest a Doctor's advice, nothing wrong in doing it, such people are not harmful, but the ones who dont let you stay fit are. Set your mind, build the interest and motivation, stay around people who encourage fitness and better health. And then there will be no turning back, not much running behind the Doctors. If you are not interested, atleast dont discourage others about fitness !!! Pratyusha.T  

Most of us want to avoid rice and related food from our diet as we are so much worried about the callories we add and weight gain problems we may get, with our regular rice intake. But researchers have proved that by making little alterations to our regular cooking process, we can reduce the calorie intake compared to conventional methods of cooking. Instead of pressure cooker, try to cook rice ditrectly in a vessel. First pour water in the container and allowallow it to boil. Then add 1 table spoon vegetable oil or coconut oil and then add rice to water. Once rice is cooked completely, then spread in wide plate to let it release vapour. In this process, you are actually breaking the chemical structure of rice so that it looses its characteristic feature. So, next time when you want to enjoy seasonal pickles and other regional dishes, dont be hesitant to consume rice; but cook your own rice dish and satisfy your taste buds. Happy eating!! ............Bhavana

Zumba for Fitness Zumba has been actively followed by different fitness studios across the world, for fitness training. Zumba helps to strengthen and tone ones Abs, Muscles, thighs and Joints. While all others use their respective music forms for the moves, Zumba uses bollywood music, Rap, Salsa, Tango, Hiphop, Chachacha. The rhythm is both fast and slow as necessary, based on the age groups practising. Zumba is recommended for all ages as safe. Zumba combines Dance and Aerobic moves. Zumba Gold is a program for the elderly, Zumba Kids and Zumba Jr. is for the kids. Zumba's other fitness techniques include Zumba Step, Aqua Zumba, zumba Toning etc...some are yet to be out! Overall it helps improve the body's Mobility, Strength, Posture and Coordination. While most of us take a step back when it comes to traditional exercising, Zumba might be helpful as its a simple dance form for fitness...making things interesting and easier!! -Pratyusha.T

Fitness Failures Fitness Myths and Failures occur often to many of us. Be it due to not having a proper understanding of why fitness is necessary, positive impact of different exercises, side effects of exercising wrongly, the value of eating right for a fit body..etc. many of us want to start a fitness plan without a Fitness Guru, by just getting motivated by a friend's regime or after we watch a fitness program on TV. Usually, people get discouraged by their own looks compared to others and then one fine day, suddenly they want to exercise rigorously to tone their bulgy tummy and look better than a friend. Whatever the reason of motivation is, it is always good to understand and analyse ones need of particular exercise moves instead of choosing the wrong ones and suffering from exercising wrongly. The initial few days after starting a fitness plan, ones body feels sore, but as days go by, there would be only feeling good than feeling sore. Most of the aspirants tend to leave the whole idea of exercising for fitness within the first few days due to the soreness of the body...they expect instant feel good factor, which is difficult to achieve...after all the body is new to exercising, or it also happens when one has started exercising after a long break. There is nothing like a bad day for workout, except for a few delicate days in the life of a woman. Even during those days, we can just do up simple neck, hand and wrist moves. A persistant motivation is what is necessary. Maintaining a good, balanced diet is also important to achieve the required fitness, which doesnot happen so quickly when we continue to eat wrong during the fitness regime. All these wrong methods of following a plan, create a failed fitness plan. Fitness Gurus suggest, one has a positive and a flexible mind set to mould the body to the desired fitness level. -Pratyusha.T

 Fashion in Fitness Yoga mats and Exercise mats have become a necesity these days....gone are the days of plain colored yoga mats...these days they come in exclusive prints, organic designs, with wide variety of choice for buying. Some sites even offer customising these mats with names and quotations. Manufacturers are even selling bags and slings to carry these mats easily to a yoga studio or for a pilates session. Rubber mats are no longer the only options. Dhurries and mats made of other organic materials like jute etc., are available across the country in many stores and online shopping sites too. Exercise mats are now sold in Square and round shapes too, not just the long rectangular ones anymore. Why continue exercising on boring mats...its always fun and exciting to start a fitness regime on a colorful and interesting mat that has a character. Be a fitness fashion icon!!! -Pratyusha.T

Anytime Fitness Moves-2 We continue to learn about different fitness exercises that instantly provide energy to feel active. After Star Squat and Speed Skater, come Knee Jump-up Lunge and Sumo Kick. Knee Jump-up Lunge targets legs, butt and abs * Stand straight with arms by the side, feet hip-wide apart. Now bend on the knees a little, as if you are starting to wrestle. *  Move your left leg behind, right arm forward, left arm behind and lunge a little. *  Hop straight up as high as possible, by pressing the right foot to the floor, bringing the left knee upto the chest, and swing the arms in opposite directions. *  Get back to the previous lunge position.....repeat 10 times and then switch right to left.... This exercise helps maintain fitness in legs, abs and lower back. Sumo Kick : * Stand straight with arms by the side, feet hip-wide apart. Now bend on the knees a little, as done in the earlier exercise too. *  Now move your legs one step to each side, bend your knees and bring both arm  fists to chest level, as if you get ready to wrestle. *  Next, move the body weight on your right leg, lift your left leg, and pretend to kick. *  Bring the left leg back to floor, repeat the earlier kick with right leg. *  Even this exercise energises the body's Legs, abs and lower back. These are the 4 Famous Renewable Energy Moves, for an instant boost of fitness. Try these on empty stomach, not after a full meal or a recent breakfast. These exercises help rejuvenate a tired body after a busy day...just drag your tired self to these and kick away the tiredness instantly. -pratyusha. T

Anytime Fitness Moves -1 For an instand boost of energy after a tiresome day or before starting a busy day, just 4 energy moves are enough... Star Squat for Toned arms, legs and abs: * Stand with feet together and arms by the side. * Squat low as in a race-start position. Stretch the body low, with support on the palms placed on floor and legs stretched behind, as shown in the first picture. * Come back to the squat position, get ready to jump up. * Immediately jump straight up, with arms and legs stretched wide to sides( in a star position). Repeating this exercise 10times a day, helps tones Abs, legs and arms. Speed Skater for energetic Shoulders, Back, abs, legs and butt: * Stand straight with feet together and arms by the side. * Stretch feet wide apart, get ready to bend forward. * Move your left leg forward and bend to side, keep right leg straight. * Touch the left toes with right arm, by extending the left arm behind for easy stretch. * Follow the rhythm, move the right leg forward and bend to side, with the left leg straight. * Touch the right toes with left arm now, extend the right arm behind you for an easy stretch. * Repeating this exercise 10times daily, helps build energy in tired shoulders, legs, back, abs and butt. The 2 remaining energy boost fitness moves await you in our following article!!! -pratyusha.T

Know about Pilates for Fitness Pilates sounds new but it has been there from ages. Pilates is a superb method of exercise to tone the human body, perfectly. It dramatically transforms the way the body feels, acts and looks. It creates strength without the heavy-weight kindof exercising. It looks similar to Yoga with some floor exercises and some using variety of equipments. It teaches good posture, flexibility, agility and ergonomic awareness. Pilates is famous for its mind-and-body strengthening and toning activity based exercising method. Some follow Pilates for Beauty Health too. One can find Pilates classes at Wellness centres, Fitness clubs, rehabilitation centres, Yoga and Pilates Studios etc...beginners need to have awareness on how Pilates works before one wants to join classes, and also the clarity that Pilates and Yoga are different too. Web also provides online training, however, a well-qualified instructor can teach better on personal interaction with the aspirant. Hence, it is always a good idea to not try new exercise methods alone at home, without the presence of an instructor. Overall, Pilates is known to be a sensible exercise method. -pratyusha.t

 Whole Body Workout Exercises watch Whole Body Workout Exercises by Fitness Trainer Paulomi.  

Fitness-day1 of the new fitness regime Usually, we all are used to drinking a cup of coffee, or tea, or just simply milk as our first food in the morning. Breakfast is definitely important. Fitness with Detoxification goes well, hand in hand. For years, we have consumed foods with pesticides and chemicals, all those have toxic affect on our body. A cup of warm water with a small fresh lemon squeezed does wonders to detoxify the human body. If you like, you can add few drops of honey. Let this be the first drink of the day, everyday! After the warm lemon water, give a break for 30mins and start with breathing and just a few warm up exercises. The web provides numerous exercises suitable for every health condition. Warm up exercises are the ones we all learnt at school. Followup with actual exercises, depending on your requirement, some are for toning, some for muscle buildup, some for strength and stamina, etc.,Some of us have back, neck, knee problems...carefully choosing the right kind of exercise is also important. Start your initial workout session, Day1 with only 15mins of exercising. Gradually, increase the timing at an interval of 5 days-1week. You will feel hungry now. Have a glass of fatfree milk or a heavy healthy breakfast. The rest of the day is in your hands, but make sure you drink 8 palm length glasses of water through the day. Keep a watch and dont consume oily foods. If you have done most of the jobs i mentioned, count this as Day 1 of your new regime. Rest follows!! Pratyusha.t

  బరువు తగ్గాలా? బరువు తగ్గడానికి కొంతమంది చాలా కష్టపడిపోతుంటారు. అలా కాకుండా మంచి బలమైన ఆహారం తీసుకుంటూనే బరువు తగ్గించుకోవచ్చు. అసలు ఎలాంటి ఆహారం తీసుకోవాలో దానికి సంబంధించిన వీడియో క్రింద ఇచ్చాం. ఒకసారి చూసి మీరు కూడా ట్రై చేయండి.

  Fitness starts with Diet   Whether we want to gain weight or loose weight, or maintain the healthy weight one has been carefully managing, it is all in the hands of healthy diet. Eating oily and inflammatory foods definitely doesnot help continue in the right path. Hence, the first step towards health is always a good diet.  Make a list of the regularly consumed foods and identify the most oily and inflammatory foods (foods that force bloating in the body). Replace the identified bad items with good vitamin and mineral supplementing foods. Add 8 medium glasses of water to the daily diet. During snack time in the evening, replace deep fried items with Green Tea, Lemon Tea or Fruits. Make up your mind to follow breakfast, lunch and dinner timings you have setup...and make a point not to skip them. Based on your health condition, identify 4-5 good exercises for practice daily. (Not every exercise is suggested for people with backache, skipdisk, arthritis, diabetes etc.,conditions.)  Keep stock of Lemons in the kitchen for consumption. Get an ordinary Mat or Yoga mat ready. With the basic foundation ready, Lets get deeper into Fitness from tomorrow !! - Prathyusha Talluri