Wi-Fi Radiation, so dangerous

Several important studies have shown that radiation from electro-magnetic fields even in low frequency is one strong cancer causing agent. With millions of cellular phones and wi-fi devices getting manufactured every year, the increasing demand for wi-fi network provisions and usage, availability of internet has had its own advantages..however, most man-made items come with their own disadvantaged and side-effects, and when they are so harsh to even cause major health risks, it becomes difficult to tackle or remove or separate those negative effects from that particular item. With the availability of internet, many people are being saved after a road accident happens or any calamity strikes..but it is so bitter to accept the fact that this same internet, the wi-fi comes as a package along with a life threatening disease causing agent...The World Health Organisation WHO, classified Radiofrequency RF radiation as a possible human carcinogen, in 2011. It has recommended an Environmental Programme by the United Nations, UN, and the funding of an independent committee seeking to regulate the widespread and uncontrolled increase of wireless technologies on this earth. It also calls for protection of pregnant women and children, as everyone belonging to all age groups are using devices with wi-fi facility these days..and looks for strong regulations placed on technology manufacturing companies across the world. Professors from famous Universities such as the University of Washington, University of California-Berkeley, Columbia University and Trent University were part of the committee that developed a letter appealing to the WHO. Further studies and precedents from these Universities acknowledged the health risk posed by RadioFrequency radiation and suggested that electronic retailers warn the customers who-so-ever about the potential risks associated with RF radiation. They suggest the mobile provider retail stores to display the same warning on boards in their stores. The precedents strongly state that if anyone is carrying a cell phone is the shirt pocket, trouser pockets, and when the phone is On and the Wi-Fi is On, he/she is at a greater exposure to RF radiation. Children, were never so mobile and tablet oriented than those of this generation. They spend hours browsing what-not and get exposed to this same notorious radiation. It is the parents' responsibility to keep thise gadgets away from infants even. Pregnant women are actually not supposed to use a cell phone, instead usea landline to communicate at the most to avoid radiation to the unborn child  and herself. It is not just the duty of the mobile manufacturers and network providers to warn their consumers of the RF Radiation, it is every adults duty to stay safe and teach to be safe. Answer is yours ! --Pratyusha

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Vitamin D and E helpful to the Elderly

Vitamins have been crucial to maintaining our health. They play a major role in keeping life 'alive' in a human body. Vitamin deficiencies are notorious for their harmful affects to every age group of humans. Two commonly known vitamins have made their way into news these days wrt., elderly people and their health. Vitamin D and E are making headlines in medical research too.   A very recent study found that vitamin D deficiency might cause weakness and cause elderly people to trip frequently. Vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of falling in this age group. The study had a vitamin D supplement or a placebo delivered to 68 people. Their health was monitored through blood tests and their history of falls was recorded and measured. The tests revealed that the people taking vitamin D supplements fell less than half the number of times people who ddn't take any vitamin D supplements fell. A five year study was conducted on 561 Alzheimer's patients. They were offered a pharmaceutical drug memantine and the placebo. Those who took vitamin E had a reduced progression of Alzheimer's in comparison with both a placebo group and the memantine group. This was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that vitamin E supplementation may reduce the progression of Alzheimer's. However, few opinions on usage of multivitamins that made news these days. They say vitamin capsules and tablets are not so effective, few say they are helpful. What do you believe? I say, its better to consume vegetables and fruits rich in every vitamin and mineral, and utilise sunlight for its rich vitamin D ability. Isn't it safer ? --Pratyusha

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7 reasons to walk 7 days a week

For a healthy heart- Many researchers have proved that the risk for a stroke would be lowered by walking daily. It would not only reduce the LDL cholesterol levels that are harmful for your heart, but would also control the high blood pressure that often triggers a heart attack. Walking around 20 minutes a day has shown to decrease the chance of a heart attack by 30%. Obesity- Well! No introduction needs to be made about the problem of obesity now a day. It’s always easy to build up huge amount of calories, but would be a tough job to shed them off. Walking and particularly brisk walking would save your body by converting lot of calories into energy. Almost 100 calories would be disposed off if we walk for 20 minutes. Diabetes- Amazing but true! The American Diabetes Association suggests walking to be good relief for diabetes. If you are not diabetic yet, but has a family history of acquiring the disease, walking would either prolong the onset of disease or slashes off the risk completely. As type 2 diabetes is certainly affected by our life style, a few steps would certainly lower its risk. Vitamin D- We know that getting exposed to Sunlight is a natural way to gain vitamin D. But, people often tend to stay indoors to cope with prolonged working hours. And with the arrival of computer and television, our entertainment has confined to them. With a few minutes of walking outdoor, we would certainly gain some D vitamin. D vitamin is really vital in letting body to absorb vital minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. Exercise for Brain- Our memories might fade as we get older. But this doesn’t prove to affect people who walk regularly. Studies have proved that people who have a habit of walking more than quarter a mile per day has less incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Further a few studies even suggest that walking would boost your memory levels! Stress buster- Walking is supposed to bring a jovial mood. Walking is known to release endorphins that act as natural pain killers as well as anti depressants. Walking along with a group or walking along the greenery would certainly boost our mood. Shapes up the body- Every muscle in our body gets involved while walking. It not a six pack, we can certainly expect a good body shape by walking. Walking would also let our body to shed off the excess fat that gets accumulated around thighs and shoulders. It even strengthens our bones and reduces the risk of hip fractures.

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Tattoos are Harm'full'

Tattoos are not new to this world...Decades ago, the older geenrations had tattoos too, but they were traditionally made with natural materials. Tattoos these days are made using heavy metals, harmful inks etc. Noone cares about the ingredients of a tattoo ink. The U.S. Food and Drug Administratin doesnot require tattoo companies to print their ingredients on the ink containers and so we are unaware of how they are made. A study links commercial tattoos to the spread of Hepatitis C. It was found that more cases of hepatitis C infections were recorded among people who had tattoos than any other person. Tattoo markers may have been the largest single contributor to this increase in the infection among people. Many tattoo ink pigments are industrial-grade colors used for inkjets-printers, automobile paints. Though the FDA doesnot ask the tattoo makers to print their ingredients, it warns that tattoo inks may possibly cause allergic reactions, infections, tissue scars, skin inflammation and potential complications with MRI scans. The carriers solution that tattoo makers use contains harmful substances such as methanol, detergents, formaldehyde, other roxic aldehydes, denatured alcohol. These names shout of notorious items harmful to health. Good news that people who had tattoos for long are now considering to get them removed and hence, we see more sign boards advertising of stores offering tattoo removal solutions. It may be due to changing fashion, changing relationships, boredom to see the same design on hands or elsewhere on the body, everyday...sometimes, the job environment that doesnot encourage an informal appearance. An interactive poll revealed that one-third of Employing Managers would think twice about promoting someone with tattoos and piercings and may not consider hiring atall. Due to changing likes and dislikes, demands from the world, Healthier alternatives are springing up with more natural and less permanent solutions, custom made temporary tattoos, henna tattoos, permanent organic tattoo made of inks that fade off faster over time and such. Overall, it saves so much money to not get a tattoo atall !! --Pratyusha

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Food combinations in meals for better digestion

1. Protein foods in descending order placed first in the meal Foods high in protein quality require heavy duty stomach acids in higher quantity for digestion, whereas foods with lesser protein quality, starches, leavy greens, in comparison, need very little stomach acids. When protein foods such as lentils, meat, eggs, nuts are consumed at the end of the meal, the remaining stomach acid is not sufficient to digest these proteins. Legumes are best eaten before grains. 2. Salty foods to be consumed at the beginning of the meal Salt stimulates gastric juices for the digestion of all other foods that are consumed later. Usually protein rich foods such as meat and legumes are prepared using more salt for easy cooking and better taste too. Soups are traditionally served at the beginning of the meal, however they are better consumed first if they contain protein substances...else, if the first consumed items are too heavy then just a water based soup such as Rasam is better consumed at the end of the meal inorder to dilute the initial digestive juices needed for protein breakdown, .. These salty foods, otherwise have another feature...if consumed at the end of the meal or after the meal, in a limited quantity to get relief from stomach destress conditions such as belching, vomitings, heartburn etc. in these situations, just a small piece of salted gooseberry or a salt plum can help reverse the discomfort condition. Salt is best in combination with food at the beginning of the meal and as a digestive aid at the end of the meal for problem relief in special situations. 3. Proteins, fats and starch based foods are best combined with leafy greens or non-starchy vegetables 4. Fruits and Sweets should be consumed alone, or in small quantities at the end of the meal. Because of their simple carbohydrate structure, sweets and foods digest very fastly and they tend to monopolize all the digestive functions, the other items consumed in that meal ferment. Sweets and fruits combine very poorly with starches, proteins and leafy greens. Following these basic guidelines will make meal time a healthy milestone everytime. Our ancestors and elders taught the same..yet most of us have altered them for comfort, convenience and due to negligence.....one rule is to never neglect and alter the best rules...specially with food and health. --Prathyusha Talluri

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High blood pressure is probably the most common symptom found in the present day lifestyle. Once a person is diagnosed with hypertension, it might be irreversible. But the dieticians were advising to take a few precautions in food to control high B.P. These are a few of such suggestions…     DASH!   DASH stands for ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension’. It is a continuous approach to have food that helps in controlling blood pressure. It is aimed to cut down the sodium levels in the food. Standard DASH diet allows the daily intake of just 2,300 mg of sodium per day, and Lower sodium DASH diet allows just 1,500 mg of sodium. For convenience lets be aware that one tea spoon of salt contains around 2,300 mg of sodium! DASH is not only aimed to reduce the sodium levels in the food. It also aimed to include the nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.   BANANA   Many researches has proven banana to be miraculous for the BP victims. If taken daily, banana can reduce the blood pressure levels up to 10 percent! Bananas are enriched with high levels of Potassium and vitamin C which are good in controlling hypertension. Surprisingly only 1 mg of sodium is present in 100 grams of banana. So including a banana per day can be a lucky charm for B.P victims.     SPINACH:   Popeye probably loved spinach to control his hypertension! Spinach is rich with potassium, folate, and magnesium which are effective in controlling blood pressure. It also contains Vitamin A, B, C and K in considerable amounts. Though Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, the fat and sugar contents in it are negligible.  Including spinach in our food either as a curry or as a salad would always prove healthy.   BEETROOT:   The pungent taste of beet root juice may initially be disliked. But as you drink a glass of beet root juice daily, you might find the taste appealing. The nitric oxide produced after consuming Beet root is known to relax the blood vessels and improve the blood flow. According to an Australian study- regular intake of beet root juice would considerably reduce the systolic blood pressure.     WATERMELON:   Watermelon is not just a refreshing food for summer. It’s highly beneficial in the cases of hypertension. An amino acid called ‘L-citrulline’ is known to open up the arteries and reduce blood pressure. Watermelon is rich in potassium and low in sodium which proves to be an ideal food for hypertension. Besides, watermelon contains an antioxidant called ‘Lycopene’ that keeps the immunity intact.   The above mentioned foods are the once we often ignore to be helpful in hypertension. Foods such as skimmed milk, garlic, oranges, carrots, beans would also prove beneficial in maintaining ideal levels of blood pressure. - Nirjara.

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  Over the years, Ghee has been held culprit for fat in our bodies. Though the ancient cooking wisdom suggests the usage of ghee, the health conscious Indians have been avoiding it for decades. But the present dieticians were suggesting us to add a few teaspoons of cow ghee to our recipes. The reasons being…   Brain food Our elders used to advice us to add ghee in the food, especially for the growing children. They used to insist that ghee has a positive role in the development of our brain. Various researches were proving it right. Ghee contains huge amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. There is enough evidence to prove that Omega 3 fatty acids would help our mental health. Apart from improving the memory, they were even found to treat psychological ailments like depression. Digestion Most of the cooking oils might slow our digestive process down. But ghee is known to stimulate the secretion of digestive acids and fasten up the process. Adding a tea spoon of ghee to the foods that are hard to digest would make things better. Ghee would also improve the taste of the food we take, thereby inducing the salivary glands to produce more digestive juice. Ghee is prescribed in ayurveda for treating ulcers and constipation. The ‘butyric acid’ is known to heal the intestines and clear many digestive problems. Shedding weight Ghee contains high levels of saturated fat which might increase the cholesterol levels. But if you are healthy and your cholesterol levels are normal, ghee would help your body to retain a perfect shape. ‘Conjugated linoleic acid’ (CLA) in the ghee is known to fight cancer and reduce obesity. Ghee is known to contain amino acids that mobilize the fat and prevent it to clog in particular places. For glowing skin Ghee is rich in vitamins A and E, which are good for skin. Besides the nutrients, the cholesterol provided by ghee would give a healthy shape to the body. Ghee also retains the moisture in the skin. It can also be applied directly to cure dry and chapped skin. Ghee is the best moisturizer for the lips. In ayurveda, ghee is even applied for healing the burnt wounds. Antioxidants: Ghee is said to boost the antioxidants in the body. The antioxidants would work against the free radicals that reduce the immunity in our body. From eye to heart, the antioxidants would help in the health of various organs. Besides they would boost our immunity and slows down the process of ageing. These are just a few reasons to add a tea spoon of ghee daily to our diet. Ghee is believed to effect a soothing relief in various chronic ailments such as in arthritis. Every once in a while some research comes open proving the benefits of ghee, which of course has been known for centuries by our elders. - Nirjara.

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  Having a flat stomach is what everyone wants, but very few know that, all you need to do is change your diet to achieve this goal. However, food is not the only thing that must change in your life. You must also take care to get the right amount of exercise and sleep.   So what can give you that amazingly flat tummy that you always wanted? There’s a list of things that can do the magic for you. First among these is Salmon. Being rich in Vitamin D, it helps in this purpose as it has been found that insufficient amounts of this vitamin can lead to abdominal obesity. Apart from this, salmon also contains Omega 3 fatty acids that are known to reduce belly fat. Another option is to include eggs in your diet. Besides being a rich source of Vitamin D, they also contain Choline which has a major role to play in fat metabolism.   As it is obvious, low calorie food can take you closer to achieving a flat stomach. One such thing is, cucumber! It is high in water content and low in calories. It will keep you hydrated, add only 45 calories to your body and keep the unwanted fat from settling around your belly.   Intake of Greek Yogurt can give you a flat belly and make you look nothing less than gorgeous. The calcium and some other minerals in it can slow down the production of the cortisol hormone which is known to contribute to the storage of belly fat.Similar is the case with the inclusion of olive oil and whole grains in your diet. Eating these food items can get your body to the shape you always wanted. Now, getting a flat stomach is not difficult at all. --Kruti Beesam

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These are the days of Air Pollution! Though the transport and technology has made our lives easier… they have induced the pollution levels too. From industries to individuals, everyone is contributing their own way for the pollution. The harmful components in air such as zinc, lead and hydrocarbons were known to affect our health in more than many ways! From headache to lung cancer… air pollution can be a culprit for many diseases. The low temperatures and fog in the winter would turn the pollution deadlier. A few precautions to reduce the affect of air pollution in our lives are…   Living in a safe home If you are living in a rented or leased home, you always have a choice to change it. It you feel enough signs of heavy pollution around your home, move to a home that is far from dust and pollution. A few amenities might be lost and a few more hours might be needed for travelling. Still, a residence in cleaner atmosphere would always do well for your health. If we don’t have a choice except to live in polluted surroundings, let’s make sure not to let the pollution in the house. Growing plenty of trees, installing air filter and chimney might be some of the few measures to check the pollution that enters the house. Watch the timings: We can’t do much about our office timings. But for other purposes, it’s better to choose the timings which involve least traffic. Odd hours in the day such as early morning and mid afternoon would be clear from traffic bound pollution. This would save time and health as well. Take an alternate route: Whenever you are on a travel, explore the possibility of varied routes to reach the destination. If there is an alternate route for travel, choose the cleanest one. It might take a few more minutes to reach the destination, but a route with less traffic and pollution won’t wear you out. It might even rejuvenate you with fresh air and peaceful environment. Smoking: Smoking in public is nothing but stepping into their private lives. Don’t tolerate anyone to smoke right in front of your lungs. Remember! Passive smoking kills you faster. Move away from the place or request the smoker to quit smoking in your presence. If you have the habit of smoking, try to cut off the habit. Protection: We can be saved to certain extent from pollution by protecting ourselves with a mask, gloves, lotion etc. Eat lots of nutrients and drink lots of water to retain your immunity. Don’t neglect the long standing ailments such as a dry cough. Consult a doctor as immediately as possible. Don’t forget to inform him about the extent of pollution you were facing daily. - Nirjara.

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From Christmas to Pongal, these are the festive days that we rejoice with delicious food. But spicy food comes with a cost! They might sometimes cause acidity and heartburn. We often grab an antacid to pacify the acidity. But experts warn against the frequent usage of antacids. Most of the antacids contain either ‘aluminum hydroxide’ or ‘magnesium’ which might lead to various side effects. Instead, few natural remedies can be trusted for countering acidity. Fennel seeds:   In India- It’s always been a part of the tradition to have Saunf (fennel seeds) after a heavy meal. Saunf is rich in minerals and dietary fiber. It would not only act as a mouth freshener after a meal, but would also fasten the digestive process. Consuming tea made with fennel seeds would also aid for an effective digestion. Besides, Saunf is also known to be effective in digestive problems such as indigestion, bloating and constipation. BANANA:   Most of the dinners in India would be complete only with a piece of banana. Banana is thought to reduce the acidity by create a protective lining within the stomach. It would not only be digested quickly, but would also help in nourishing the friendly bacteria in the colon. A ripe banana is supposed to be more effective in reducing the acidity. Ajwain: Ajwain (vaamu in Telugu) contains ‘Thymol’ which is known to improve appetite and purify digestive tract. Now a day, water with concentration of Ajwain seeds can be sought from any medical stores. Or else, few seeds of Ajwain can be chewed along with salt for immediate relief from acidity. Ajwain can also be boiled in water and be taken in the form of tea. Milk:   A glass of milk after a heavy dinner would not only help in digestion, but would also provide good sleep. Milk contains Calcium which helps our digestion. The same calcium is also responsible for activating the sleep process. Dairy products such as curd and buttermilk would also keep your stomach cool. Baking soda: Many are not aware of Baking Soda as an antacid. Baking soda is nothing but a chemical called ‘Sodium bicarbonate’ which is known to be a natural antacid. Mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glassful of water to be relieved from the heartburn. Baking soda is believed to have a neutralizing affect on acidity. - Nirjara.

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Christmas and New Year are certainly the best occasions to celebrate. We might be invited for a party that can’t be denied. However, such parties with varied and vast food might be a cause of concern for our health. Here are a few tips that can be followed to let the party be just an occasion to celebrate.       Know the dish: Don’t rush along with others to join the queue for serving. Know the menu and avoid any food items that might not be suitable for you. Don’t feel shy to make sure of the ingredients when you are in doubt. For example: Some people may not be able to digest the food made with Vegetable oil (Dalda). So the tip we should remember before pouncing on the food is ‘Be sure of what you are eating’.     Don’t be tempted: Food available in parties might be added with flavors and colors to tempt the guests. So know your limit and eat accordingly. Having too much of delicious food to eat might be occasional. But let’s not make it also an occasion for health problems. If your host is insisting to have one more chunk of sweet, convey him that you had more than enough.   Natural food: Parties also provide for nutrient and fibrous food such as raw vegetables, salads and buttermilk. Be sure that you have them in your plate along with the rest of the menu. Such combination would let you have a wholesome meal. They would increase your appetite and compensate the hazards of eating spicy food.   After the party: Even after being so cautious, you can bet to come out of the party with a bulging belly. So be sure to have something that would fasten your digestion. A piece of banana or a glass of milk would work as natural antacids that save us from the heartburn. Water made up of Ajwain seeds would also certainly improve the digestion.     The day after the party: Try to get involved in some physical workout, the day after the party. This would not only burn the excess calories, but would also bring back our digestion to normality. Go for a long walk or take the staircase as a way to exercise. Eat less food on the day after the party. Instead, have plenty of liquid foods such as coconut water and fruit juice.   - Nirjara.

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Nature's Gift for Healthy Bones - Milk

Did you know that milk is considered "nature's wellness drink"? The cold, creamy white beverage is full of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorous and a balance of other nutrients that have been proven to build your bones and teeth as well as promote the healthy function of your muscles and blood vessels. And in the midst of all the new vitamin waters, energy drinks, and other artificially contrived beverages, milk is a natural, healthy choice. Specially in case of women Milk is definitely a must every day. Milk provides a unique balance of nutrients According to well-known nutrition expert s , unlike most other "wellness" drinks, milk is naturally nutrient-rich and balanced with a unique proportion of carbs and protein – in addition to the bone-boosting calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D. Watching your fat intake or following a heart-healthy diet? No problem. Nutritionists   recommends sipping on low-fat or fat-free milk. "Low-fat or fat-free varieties provide a lot of nutrients for very modest – worthwhile – calories," they say. "Milk is also naturally low in sodium, and also contains potassium and plays a role in healthy blood pressure." Milk builds strong bones Milk builds strong bones and teeth where, according to experts ,99 percent of the body's calcium is stored. Plus, hundreds of studies have shown that calcium in milk helps improve bone density. "Denser bones mean less likelihood of stress fractures and a lower risk of osteoporosis – a major public health threat for over  million Indians" adds the nutrition expert. The importance of getting enough calcium starts young and extends into adulthood. "We are born with bones and as we grow from childhood to adulthood, we build stronger and bigger bones. However, after a certain point – around age 30 – our body starts drawing from our bones to maintain our other bodily functions," says experts .So it is important to get calcium such as that from milk starting early in age and then to continue consuming enough throughout your life. Last but not the least..Women are prone to have lesser bone density when they grow old , so taking care of their bones should be their 1st priority. -- PUSHPA

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  Breathing is the most vital process for our life. But as we breathe involuntarily, we neglect to follow a few basics that are needed for a good breathing. In the long run, this would lead to false practice that affects our health. Our body would not be able to derive enough oxygen; our airways get contrasted and our lungs would get weaker. A few things that we should keep in mind while we breathe are…   Breathing with the Diaphragm:   Most of us won’t breathe deep into our lungs. In such a case, we can observe only the movement at our chest and shoulders while we breathe. This would be a burden to our lungs and the heart. When we breathe deep, the diaphragm situated at the abdomen will be at work. This will strengthen the diaphragm and the organs around it such as the liver and intestines. It would also help our lungs to work more efficiently. Breathe in a relaxed manner: Our breathing would reflect and affect the state of our mind. We involuntarily breathe quickly while we are tense. A healthy adult would normally breathe for 10-12 times per minute. Watch the number of times you are breathing to know your score. If you are breathing for more number of times, it means that your breath is too shallow. Make it a habit to breathe slowly and deeply. Posture:   A curved posture is one of the worse habits we develop. It would not only lead to a permanent curve in our spine, but would also affect the organs like the heart. Our rib cage would create much pressure on our lungs choking them. There won’t be adequate room left in our lungs to grasp enough air. Breathing with a straight posture would let our lungs work at their full capacity. Rhythmic breathing: Beware to continue a good and constant rhythm throughout the day. As you get conscious about you breathing, you would find that you have achieved a perfect rhythm in due course. Inhale deeply, pause for a while and exhale till your muscles could feel your diaphragm. Practicing the breathing exercises like pranayama would also regularize our breathing process. - Nirjara.

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No memory loss boss!

It’s the time for fifth generation computers! But while the processors were gaining speed, we seem to lose our memory rapidly. Apart from the tension due to the cut throat competition, relying too much on the technology seems to have an impact on our memory. But! A few tips would probably save us from the embarrassment of forgetting crucial things. Get organized: ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’ is the age old phrase. Placing things in an organized manner would set things right. Keys, pens, files, cash, cards… should all have a place for themselves. It would save us from groping in the mess. Jotting down the works to be done, things to be purchased, targets to be completed… would not only let us remember the tasks in hand, but would also remind us till the completion. Eat, sleep and exercise: When brain is the organ that works harder among our organs, the food we take in would certainly affect it. Fresh fruits, green vegetables, nuts and seeds, milk, vitamin B and C… would all help the functioning of our brain. A good sleep of seven to eight hours per day is essential for the adults to strengthen the connections between their neurons. Physical exercise would also increase the circulation of blood all over the body. This would keep our memory sharp! Laugh and be lively: Laughter is found to have positive effect on the brain. Besides relieving the stress from us, it engages various regions of the brain to work. So laughter can be the best medicine for memory too! Being socially active would also help us to relive stress. Being alone might generate depressive and negative thoughts. Our memories would always in a lively state, when we are relaxed. Meditation would also help us to be calm and cool! Workouts for brain: It’s not the exercise that we have spoken before. Giving various tasks to the brain that involve fun along with thought would strengthen it. Working out Sudoku or crossword puzzles, solving the brain teasers, learning a new language, knowing a novel subject, driving on an alternative way, developing vocabulary… are just a few ways to keep brain active. Tips and tricks: Our elders have developed various tricks to store the memory effectively. Paying attention to the information while you are hearing it; understanding it thoroughly before accepting it; associating it with the previously known information; using mnemonics to remember it easily; jotting it down on a paper; revising the information once in a while to strengthen it… were several of the time tested tricks suggested by our elders. - Nirjara.

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Sleep Secret is out..

Have you ever woken up after 8 hours of sleep and thought to yourself that you could sleep for a few more? Perhaps something from your evolutionary past is calling to you. A new study suggests human sleep is more efficient than that of other mammals because we have evolved to sleep for fewer hours, in deeper sleep stages.The study, published in the journal Evolutionary Anthropology, examines sleep patterns across hundreds of mammals, and humans.   According to them, how much sleep we need as individuals varies, but it changes as we age. For example, school-age children need about 10 hours of sleep each day, while teenagers need 9-10. Adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep a day, but according to data from the National Health Interview Survey, almost 30% of adults sleep a reported average of less than 6 hours of sleep each night. The team found that humans are the shortest sleepers - slumbering for an average of 7 hours each night - while other species of primate, such as the southern pig-tailed macaques and gray mouse lemurs, need 14-17 hours. The researchers found that our sleep is more efficient. We spend nearly 25% of our overall sleep in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep - which is a deeper stage of sleep - whereas other primates spend only 5% of their time in this sleep state. In our modern world of artificial lights and gadgets with screens, it would be easy to blame technology for our shift in sleeping patterns, but the team says this is not the culprit. A completely different study into sleeping habits of hunter-gatherer societies without electricity in Tanzania, Namibia and Bolivia concluded that they actually get less sleep than those of us in a tech-obsessed society. So, if modern life were to blame for our shortened sleep, these hunter-gatherer societies that do not have access to electricity would presumably sleep more. The researchers add that less sleep would give early humans longer periods of activeness, during which they could acquire new skills and knowledge. Meanwhile, deeper sleep is necessary to consolidate these skills and leads to "enhanced cognitive abilities." So all said and done its not how LONG u sleep,but its how DEEP you sleep that matters more. Now that you know the truth ,search for your own ways and means to sleep deep,than slipping into bed for more hours...Happy sleeping!!! --pushpa

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