The need for `An apple a day` - 6 reasons!

1- In Blood pressure: As apples contain reasonable levels of potassium which has a positive effect on our blood pressure, it’s good to have an apple a day. Besides they contain `Oligomeric proanthocyanidins` (OPCs) which fights against the free radicals and maintain a healthy circulation of our blood. 2- To stay slim: The fiber content in the apple might not look good in numbers. But when combined with other ingredients like `Pectin`, it can effectively reduce the body fat in us. Besides, the chemicals present in the apple would act as anti-oxidants to prevent the clotting of blood vessels. So… Apple is too good to control cholesterol and to prevent cardio vascular diseases. 3- To prevent Alzheimer’s: A study on rats has conclusively proved that Apples would certainly delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. A powerful antioxidant called `quercetin` was present in the Apples. Quercetin would fight against the degeneration of cells in our brain. 4- In Diabetes: There is a huge debate of having an apple if you are diabetic. But a few pieces of apple would not harm anyone. The fiber and vitamin C present in the apple, along with other nutrients would let keep us healthy even in diabetes.   5- For Digestion: The extract of apple when enters the digestive tract is found to show a positive effect on the friendly bacteria present there. This would result a fine ability to digest. Besides apples are known to be effective in conditions of both constipation and diarrhea! It was even found to be helpful in `irritable bowel syndrome`. It can either slow down the digestion process by absorbing excess water or increase its moment through provision of fiber. 6- Prevents Colon cancer: The research from Germany and America has safely concluded the effect of apple on colon cancer. The high fiber content in the apples would drag down the waste from the colon, while the chemicals in the apple would discourage the formation of cancer cells! - Nirjara.

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Before you grab a pill…

Pills seem to be a part in our daily routine. Whenever we get a Headache or a cough, we don’t think for a blink to grab a pill. Though it’s a risky affair to depend on alternative medicine in cases of emergency, they have always been reliable for generations together in treating common ailments. Watch out…     Cough: Most of the cough syrups let us feel drowsy. But there is a natural remedy for cough without any side effects. We might not have heard the name `Terminalia chebula`! But we are certainly aware of its common name `Haritaki` (Hindi) or `Karakkaya` (Telugu). As per the ayurvedic principles Haritaki is known to cure the kafa dosha (phlegm). Haritaki is being used in India for thousands of years together. Though it has been attributed to cure various diseases right from the `sore eyes` to `HIV`… it’s miraculous during a cough. The crushed seed of Haritaki along with honey would certainly relieve us from severe cough!   Antacids: Most of the antacids that are available over the counter contain either Aluminum hydroxide or Magnesium that might not be safe to our digestive tract. We often forget the most reliable antacids in our culinary i.e. `Ajwain` (vaamu in telugu). Any symptom that has aroused due to indigestion such stomach ache, gas formation, burning sensation might be initially treated with Ajwain. The water made of Ajwain seeds are available over the counter as `Omu` or `Omum` water. If there isn’t sufficient time to reach a counter, few seeds of Ajwain can be chewed along with lukewarm water.     Hypertension: Blood pressure is probably the most common symptom that’s associated with the present day life style. Though many alternative medicines were suggested to synchronize the Blood pressure, most of them are debatable. However GARLIC was scientifically proven to reduce the Blood pressure. `Allicin`- The active ingredient in garlic which is the cause for its pungent odor is also medicinal in value. As per the report by the Daily Mail, Garlic was found to reduce the Blood pressure by at least 10% when taken in raw form. Though garlic is associated in curing many ailments… it’s found to be highly effective in maintaining blood pressure and reducing high cholesterol.   Antiseptic: Our elders are wise and we are lucky to have the best antiseptic of nature in our own kitchen – Turmeric. Irrespective of place and position, people all over India have the habit of using turmeric in their kitchen. `Curcumin` which is the active chemical in turmeric is a proven Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant. Applying turmeric to the cuts and wounds would protect our skin from the foreign bodies that enter through a bruise and would heal it quickly. Besides inhaling the vapor of turmeric drained in the boiling water would relieve our breathing system from the minor ailments such as sough and cold. The intake of turmeric through food or through lukewarm water is believed to help in medical conditions such as Diabetes and Arthritis. These are just a few mentions from the huge list of home remedies that we often ignore. When we start exploring the Home remedies around us… we almost feel as if our kitchen is nothing less than a Drug store. - Nirjara

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  Most people associate the word philosophy with the teachings of leading a satisfactory life. But there is more to it than that. Philosophy gives us a new perspective towards life, making us more understanding and sensible in the way we view and deal with situations. Every human being must strive to become a better person and Philosophy can give us the best guidence in this regard.   A situation is pain causing only as long as you view it in that way. If you view it positively it becomes the fuel that adds energy to the fire in you. When you start looking at life in this way, you will realize that difficult situations arise only to bring out the best in you. So, this means you can solve even the biggest problem in life, simply by changing your perspective.   Another interesting thing to note is that, all the emotions that we experience in life are brought upon by our mind and not by any external stimulus. You feel whatever you think, you must feel. Therefore, it is important for us to realize that an office file or a traffic jam are not the cause of our stress but it is our mind that views these things or situations in the negative light.   Maintaining certain principles like honesty to your self and others can help you deal with things in a better way. Find someone you look upto and pick up such qualities from him or her. Striving to learn something from others, always takes you towards becoming a better person. Set a standard for yourself, based on the qualities of the person you idealize.   Don't let failure bring you down. Take it as a challenge and work to emerge successfully from it. This kind of attitude will give you the motivation to deal with troubles life throws at you. Keeping these few things in mind, will help you experience bliss. Live life to the fullest! -Kruti Beesam

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  Tea is the most widely consumed drink after water! `Camellia sinensis`- which we popularly call as tea leaves have been used to make a decoction since 5000 years!!! In some places tea used to be consumed as a beverage, and in some places as a medicine. Though the intake of tea has been for centuries in North India… its consumption has gained momentum after the British has introduced it in the 18th century. When it was found that places like Assam and Darjeeling are highly suitable for tea plantation, the Indian Tea Board started promoting tea post-independence.     Contents: Caffeine constitutes almost 2-3 percent of dry tea powder. Its exact composition depends on the environment and process under which the powder was made. Caffeine is known to be the most popular stimulant of our nervous system. However the content of caffeine in tea can be considered safe. Caffeine is considered toxic only if a person takes more than 10 grams of it. But, the amount of caffeine in a glass of tea (125ml) would not exceed 50mg… which means we have to take at least 200 cups of tea per day to prove it lethal!  Apart from the caffeine, stimulants such as Theophylline and Theanine were also present in the tea in small quantities. Traces of aluminum and fluoride can also be found in the tea which finds their place in the tea leaves through the water.   Medicinal properties: There is a huge debate regarding the health benefits of tea. Tea is found to decrease the risk of diabetes, cancer, cardio-vascular diseases and what not! But very few studies found enough evidence to promote the medicinal benefits of tea. Moreover A 2007 study published in the `European Heart Journal` stated that the beneficial effects are lost when milk is added to the decoction. Whenever a study on tea gets published, people often ignore to observe the TEA mentioned in it. The tea we consume is different from the Black tea and Black tea is different from the Herbal tea.  At far, tea can be considered as a best beverage to increase alertness in us. The anti oxidants present in the tea might be of some help for us to stay healthy. But to give a conclusion- Tea is not a miracle drug!   Consumption: Tea is a sort of addiction for us. Apart from keeping us alert… it serves as a time to relax. Having tea together would be a great occasion to spend some time with friends and relatives. Hosting tea parties were found to bring people together, serving as a social bondage. But over intake of tea if harmful right from our teeth to our kidneys! Consuming too much of tea might provide our body with more calories (through sugar and milk) and fluoride (through decoction) which is not a healthy sign. `The safe levels of tea to be consumed` is a topic for another debate. It depends on the size and nature of the drink. We Indians normally consume tea in lower quantities (sometimes as low as 80ml). So 6 cups of tea per day might be concluded as a safe limit. - Nirjara.

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Water- The nectar of life!

Man can surive without food for a few weeks, but he can’t live without water for more than a week. In most of the cases, death would be a certainity within 3-5 days of living without water. Our body needs water for many reasons. It’s the main component in our blood which carries oxygen and nutrients, to all over the body. It retains the lubrication in our joints letting them to move freely. Most of us ignore the amount of water lost through evaporation. Too much of water gets excreted from our body through vapour and sweat. The daily requirement of water is to some extent compensated by the food we take. Food like fresh fruits and milk would certainly contribute to the water levels in our body. However experts advice to take atleast two litres of water everyday to let our body fulfilled with its liquid requirements.   Some of the effects of water that we often ignore would certainly let us be aware to intake enough water…. In obesity: If you are in the habit of taking much of food than needed- water might do some trick. Having  good amount of water, a half an hour before meals would let your stomach feel full. Moreover some people even get confused thirst with hunger. They eat food when they feel hungry. So when you are on a diet, drinking water often might drive you towards the goal of slimness. For a glow: Water improves moisture in the skin. Enough water in the blood cells would help in flushing out  the toxins present in the blood, which would result in lesser acne. Plenty of water is suggested in any ailment that’s related to skin. People who has dry skin are advised to take much water to retain the elasticity and moisture in their skin. Kidneys: Kidneys as we know purifies our blood and excretes the waste through urine. Plenty of water would ease them to work better. The condition of stones forming in kidneys, are often associated with drinking less water. That’s the reason why doctors give the advice of drinking much water, to the patients with stones in kidneys. Rejuvinate: Tiredness is the first symptom of dehydration. Having enough water all through the day would keep us fresh. Our body gets dried out easily in cases of physical strain, which is the reason why athletes and labourers take plenty of water in intervals. Not drinking enough water after a physical workout might result anything  from a normal muscle cramp to a stroke. And a lots more… Drinking plenty of water is found to be highly effective during the common cold and cough. Warm water is certainly known to dissolve the phelm in our throat. Taking water at enough intervals is known to retain a jubilant mood among us. As we know that our brain consists of more than 60 percent of water, having enough water would let it function better. Drinking adequate water would also help the digestion and secretion of the foods we take. The benefits of water would certainly reiterate the need to have enough water regularly without any negligence. People often forget to drink enough water even in cases they feel thirsty due to stress in their work or sheer negligence to get up from the seat. So let’s take a bottle of water with us, whenever we move and wherever we work!   - Nirjara.

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After all the literature, movements and the media presentations that revolved around Batukamma, probably everyone knows much about the festival. The festival is celebrated at a perfect time where the nature blooms with flowers. Handling the flowers while making Batukamma, spending around them for hours together and submerging them in the village lakes would certainly benefit people, with the medicinal properties associated with the flowers. Some of the flowers that are extensively available and widely used in Batukamma are as follows. And the medicinal properties for which they are known are mentioned. This was intended only for the general awareness and the practical application should always be carried under the guidance of an expert. Marigold: Marigold is called as `Banti` in Telugu language. The official name of Marigold which is `Calendula officinalis` is well known for the homoeopaths! Calendula is well known for its miraculous work on the skin. The extractions of Calendula were used widely in Homoeopathy for the treatment of scars and wounds. It’s supposed to soothe the skin and shield it from bacteria. Due to the antiseptic properties, calendula is often used as first aid for the cuts and bruises. From ointment to soap calendula is variedly used in Homoeopathy. Chrysanthemum: its popular name in Telugu is `Chamanti`. We might not heard about the `Chrysanthemum tea`, but it’s the popular drink in the East Asian countries like China, Vietnam and Malaysia. The decoction made with the dried flowers of Chrysanthemum is believed to be helpful in various ailments. From Headache to Osteoporosis, the tea made out of Chrysanthemum if known to be highly beneficial. Some species of Chrysanthemum are even used as for soup and the petals of the flowers are used for garnishing the dishes. Chrysanthemum is known to increase the blood flow to the heart. It may also increase sensitivity to insulin. The organic compounds extracted from the flower called `pyrethrins` were used as insecticides. As an insecticide pyrethrins work on the nervous system of the insects and destroy them. Lotus: Though many herbal benefits are associated with the lotus… the mentionable one is its cooling effect. The leaves of lotus are used as a packing material by our ancestors to keep the edibles fresh. The leaves and the paste of the lotus flowers are generally applied to control the body heat during the conditions like fever and inflammation.  Any disorder that is associated with skin can be relieved when the leaves and flowers of lotus are kept over it. They are also known to moisture our skin and keep it fresh apart from increasing its complexion. Cockscomb: Called as `Gunugu` in Telugu, and with the scientific name of `celosia argentea`, cockscomb is known for varied benefits of health. It’s particularly known to cure the ailments resulting from the internal bleeding such as bloody stools. It’s also found to be beneficial in diseases of stomach such as diarrhea. Cockscomb is even known to be a great `ophthalmic` which means, it is highly beneficial for the eyes. Its extract is known to sooth the problems of eyes such as bloodshot eyes and blurry vision. Tanner's Cassia: Known as `Tangedu` in Telugu, this plant is used commonly in ayurvedic practice. Though various parts of this plant is used to heal various symptoms, The decoction of its buds is used to control diabetics. The flowers are used to treat excess bleeding during menstruation. - Nirjara

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Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. According to the World Health Organization 30% of the total world's population has iron deficiency anemia. In the developing world the numbers may be a lot higher. Indian women especially are noted to have this deficiency in large numbers.   Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia include - • Fatigue • Shortness of breath • Headache • Irritability • Dizziness • Craving for ice or clay • Weight loss ABSORPTION OF IRON Generally, about 10 to 15% of iron in the diet is absorbed by the body, though individual variations occur. The human body is calibrated to maintain iron levels/stores within normal limits. Thus, absorption increases in individuals who are iron deficient and decreases in normal individuals to prevent iron overload. Heme iron, found in meat, poultry and fish is much better absorbed by the body than non heme iron found in vegetables, legumes, grains and fruits. Consequently, vegetarians are sometimes at increased risk for developing iron deficiency. Eating heme iron or foods rich in vitamin C in a meal, enhances absorption of non heme iron consumed in the same meal. Vegetarians must be careful to include foods that contain vitamin C such as oranges, orange juice, lemon juice, cantaloupe, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes and bell peppers in their meals to enhance absorption of iron. Tea and coffee decrease iron absorption in a meal and should be only consumed within a gap of 1-2 hours at least before or after intake of food. Most often iron supplements are recommended to combat this problem by physicians, however it needs to be within the limits. IRON TOXICITY/ POISONING Too much iron is also harmful and can result in a condition called hemochromatosis. Iron overload can even be fatal. That is why though dietary iron intake is safe, iron supplements should be taken only under the advice of a physician. (especially children - ALWAYS KEEP IRON SUPPLEMENTS OUT OF CHILDREN'S REACH). SYMPTOMS OF IRON POISONING: • Fatigue • Anorexia • Dizziness • Nausea • Vomiting • Headache • Weight loss • Shortness of breath • Grayish color to the skin   Courtesy Glow With Health Wellness Solutions

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Honey! Honey!

Honey was associated with the mankind for over 5000 years. People have been well aware of its medicinal properties in their day to day lives. The Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians have counted honey as a part of their traditional medicine. Though a lot is said and heard about honey, here are a few benefits which were well accepted and proved to be accurate.   Cough: Honey was found to be a remedy like a cough syrup. Honey in warm water or honey along with lemon seems to have a soothing relief for the patients. It was found to be effective in relieving even from the ailments associated with the respiratory track such as bronchitis. Honey was found to form a protective layer in the throat to counter act the cough. Wounds:  In a 2005 study published in the British Journal of Surgery, a case was mentioned in which the patients when applied with honey on their wounds had remarkable recovery. Being a natural antibiotic and antifungal, it would keep the wound clean and safe from the invading organisms. As we are not sure of the purity of the honey in our kitchen, it is not advisable to apply it on open wounds without a professional advice. However honey can be applied to the scalp as an effective solution to fight the dandruff. Memory:  Having a good and consistent memory is a dream of every one. Honey contains a good amount of antioxidants which are good for our immune system along with our neurons. Honey helps the body to absorb the calcium much effectively. In some cases it was even advised to take honey along with calcium supplements. Calcium as we know is good for our bones and brains. Digestion: Honey is known for its pro biotic bacteria which is often called the friendly bacteria. The natural contamination of honey can prove dangerous to infants. But for the grownups, honey acts as a healer of ulcers that were present in their intestines. It also acts a mild laxative and regulates the bowel movements. Instant Energy:  If you are not diabetic and looking for instant energy, a spoon of honey might be handy. Honey contains two kinds of sugars- glucose and fructose. Glucose in honey gets absorbed immediately by the body giving us instant energy while the fructose gets absorbed slowly resulting in sustained levels of energy. Athletes who get fatigue often prefer honey.   Honey is related to a long list of properties that’s hard to accommodate in a few pages. From insomnia to cancer honey was always suggested as a remedy. But certainly a spoon of honey a day might be good for our health along with our taste buds! --Nirjara

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Get Moving for a Healthy Weight during Festive Season

Festive season and you simply cant sit worrying about your bloated tummy and increased weight, after every festival lunch. If you want to achieve a healthier and leaner body, then there is only one best way around, You have to Get Moving !!! Where you have to start and what to start with is determined by your current level of activity...if you are a sedentary type of person, then begin with Brisk Walking, 3-4 times a week..if you have been there already, step it up to the next level, Light Jogging or increase your walking speed and no.of days you walk in a week. If you are using a treadmill or an elliptical, then pump it up to a longer duration. Or change the type of workout once your body gets comfortable with the current workout type. Try cycling, swimming, light jogging or floor exercises along side your regular speed walking schedule.   Here is a sample workout schedule for the Beginners, those in the Intermediate level and for those in the advanced level: Beginners: to begin with Brisk Walking * Week 1- 15minutes a day- 3 times a week * Week 2- 20minutes a day- 4 times a week * Week 3- 30minutes a day- 4 times a week * Week 4- 45minutes a day- 5 times a week Intermediate Level: to Step up to Cycling or Slow Jogging * Week1- 20minutes a day- 3 times a week * Week2- 30minutes a day- 4 times a week * Week3- Increase cycling or Jogging speed- 20 minutes a day- 4 times a week * Week4- continue same speed- 30 minutes a day- 5 times a week Advanced Level: try a totally new workout type. Simultaneosly, you have to eat healthy and avoid fatty foods, consume 8-9 glasses of water in a day. It is very important to build and maintain good muscles during healthy weight management.   --Pratyusha

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Get Some Exercise At Work!

If you feel that your sedentary work style is adding calories to your body, discover some ways in which you can burn calories while doing your work at your desk. These are nothing but simple changes in the way you do things at office. The first and the most simple thing you can do at your desk is a leg exercise. Put your feet firmly on the ground and sit straight. Now lift your legs parallel to the ground and hold them there for 7-10 seconds. Don’t stop with doing it once. Repeat it ten times and you will burn many calories without your knowledge. Another way of burning calories, which we have all forgotten is walking! Even at work, we must seek opportunities to walk whenever possible. The reduced amount of walking in our lives is because of advancements in technology, that require us to move less. You can always change this if you want to. Simply walk to your colleague’s desk if you want to say something to him or her. Avoid using emails to communicate. Did you know that you can burn as many as 100 calories by just smiling for 20 minutes in a day? Yes, its true, smiling for 20 minutes in instalments can help you get rid of calories while keeping you and others in a pleasant mood. Instead of sipping your tea or coffee at your desk, use this time to walk around a little. Get some fresh air for as long as you enjoy your refreshment. Once you are done, you can get back to work. This will give your body some movement and avoid storage of fat. If you think you cant spare time during working hours, try to do something on the way to work. Park your vehicle at a distance from your office and take brisk walk to cover that distance. This way will ensure some exercise to your body at least twice a day. These tricks will help you stay fit and sedentary life will not deteriorate your health any more!   Kruti Beesam

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Article 2 - Me, I, I am Exploring within

  Friends, when we are born, the first few months and for some who are lucky enough, for the first few years we are with ourselves. Whatever's happening around doesn't really effect us. We don't have the fear of being judged. We don't have the fear of hunger. Things just happen. We don't doubt if we will be taken care of. As we grow older, we slowly start comparing ourselves with our sibblings, parents, etc.  We begin to resemble   we slowly start identifying ourselves with people around us. As we start observing people around us we slowly start identifying ourselves with our environment, people and situations. I think this is quite a natural process for all of us. So let us all accept and agree the way life unfolds. Everything would be fine  for all of us, we see happiness in people, situations and things around us. We start thinking that they are the reason for our happiness. Slowly we want reasons to be happy, until we see these very acceptable situations become unacceptable and pose difficulties in our lives. We find reasons outside us for our miseries and difficult situations too. Because of the HABIT that we slowly develop of looking around for whatever is happening, we start looking for the causes for our difficulties. We start blaming people, situations and some times our own karma for the troubles we face. Little do we know that this blame game only worsens our situations! By blaming, I believe there is only one relief, responsibility of acting on the problem. We wait for the situations or people to change to get relief from our problem-which never happens. In some cases, even if situations and people change you will notice the problem still persists, at your personal level, the suffering is still there. So now the question arises as to how we can overcome these problems or difficult situations? And the answer is very simple. TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY! It's a simple three word sentence! But, let me tell you though this sounds very heavy, painful and difficult, once the responsibility is taken you can experience lightness. You feel as though the responsibilities on your shoulders are all at once gone! To start with, you can take responsibility for small difficulties in our lives. Let's make it a HABIT. It could start with things as trivial as-when your little one drops the half empty glass and you have to clean up or when your child hurriedly comes up to you in the morning for a signature and it's almost getting late to catch the school bus. When I score less marks. Or when the child scores less marks.   It's MY RESPONSIBILITY to allow the child finish drinking first and then pickup the glass myself. It's MY RESPONSIBILITY  to check the kids diary before they go to bed. It's MY RESPONSIBILITY  that I could have given more try to my self in preparing for the exam. It's MY RESPONSIBILITY to ale the child understand. Make sure you feel lightness on your shoulders when you say to yourself "it's MY RESPONSIBILITY ". Otherwise you may be either feeling a bit too guilty or the situation is too hard to take the responsibility. So  in such case allow and respect the feeling that come naturally and takes even smaller trouble.   There is a hidden lesson in all the difficulties and troubles we face. Once we take it as "MY RESPONSIBILITY " the lessons can be learnt very easily and there are more chances that the lessons will be clearly visible. Once we are firm with the affirmation " IT'S MY RESPONSIBILITY " with more and more smaller things in life, experiencing the lightness,  we are slowly paving path to prepare ourselves I accepting and learning from life's tougher situations.   nagavalli

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'Milk Does Your Body Good' - big lie!!

  'Milk Does Your Body Good' - big lie!! Unfortunately, the myth that conventional pasteurized milk has health benefits is a persistent one, even though it is far from true. Conventional health agencies also refuse to address the real dangers of the growth hormones and antibiotics found in conventional milk. As far as possible avoid drinking pasteurized milk of any kind, including organic, because once milk has been pasteurized its physical structure is changed in a way that can actually cause allergies and immune problems. Important enzymes like lactase are destroyed during the pasteurization process, which causes many people to not be able to digest milk. Additionally, vitamins (such as A, C, B6 and B12) are diminished and fragile milk proteins are radically transformed from health nurturing to unnatural amino acid configurations that can actually worsen your health. The eradication of beneficial bacteria through the pasteurization process also ends up promoting pathogens rather than protecting you from them.   How about Raw Milk is it healthy? Various means to increase milk production cause induration and infection of the udder (mastitis) resulting in pus and bacteria in the milk. Most dairy farmers try to control certain infections in cows/buffaloes with huge doses of antibiotics, which may also end up in the milk. Children are particularly vulnerable; these antibiotics inhibit the development of the immune system, and cause antibiotic resistance. Despite the antibiotics every glass of milk contains an estimated 1 – 7 drops of pus! Pesticides Pesticides used on the feeds for the animals are concentrated in their milk and meat. The ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) researched milk for 7 years taking 50,000 samples from across India. They found large amounts of DDT, and HCH (an antibiotic that is routinely given to the cows in their feed). Under the food adulteration act only 0.01 mg/kg of HCH is allowed. They found 5.7 mg/kg on an average in milk. In India some pesticide levels can be as high as 570 times the permissible levels! They also found arsenic, cadmium and lead. These cause kidney damage, heart disease, brain damage and cancer. (source-Sharan)     How about losing chance of intake of protein and calcium that comes from Milk?   Our body needs sufficient intake of protein and calcium on a daily basis no doubt and there are many non-milk sources of food from which this intake is manageable!   A very high protein diet is harmful because it increases acid in the body. To neutralize this acid, calcium is leached from the bones, resulting in osteoporosis. Even though cow’s milk contains a high percentage of calcium our body cannot retain much of it because of it’s high protein content. Reports show that osteoporosis is more prevalent in countries with a high milk intake, like the USA and Sweden. (source-Sharan)   courtesy Glow With Health Wellness Solutions

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