Best Health With Apples Imagine a choice of foods that were tasty, nutritious and good for your health they helped you maintain a healthy body weight, improved your overall mood, and reduced your risk of developing diseases. Apples are an excellent source of antioxidants, which combat free radicals. Free radicals are damaging substances generated in the body that cause undesirable changes and are involved in the aging process and some diseases.Some animal studies have found that an antioxidant found in apples might extend lifespans. Researchers at The Florida State University said that apples are a "miracle fruit".Few foods can rival the apple when it comes to health benefits. Rich in fiber, vitamin C, and relatively low in natural sugars.People who eat one or more apples daily have significantly lower risk of oral cancer and cancers of the voice box , breast, esophagus, colon, kidney, prostate and ovary, compared to those who nosh on the fruit less often. The Fruit That Really Does Keep the Doctor Away.
COST OF POOR SLEEP? - 1 When the topic of healthy living comes up, diet and exercise are usually part of the solution. But most people don't realize that getting enough sleep can be just as important to our health. In fact, medical experts consider sleep the "Third Leg of a Balanced Table--Life" for overall health and wellness. Knowing the Risks: Numerous medical studies have shown that sleep plays a vital role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning and other crucial functions. The price we pay for chronic sleep deprivation is not only reflected with the fatigue or lack of focus that can follow a night of poor sleep, but also has profound ramifications for our long-term health and ultimately life expectancy. Weight Gain/Obesity: Insufficient sleep is likely to cause weight gain. People who habitually sleep less than six hours per night are much more likely to have a higher than average body mass index(BMI), and people who sleep eight hours have the lowest BMIs. Many other points to discuss on poor sleep....... - Prathyusha More articles from this author.... 26148.html#.Uti53fvQtQA 26326.html#.UtomVPu6Zkg
BLOOD PRESSURE BASICS Blood pressure is one critical aspect of a human system. It can vary based upon a number of factors that include physical activity, one high reading doesn't necessarily mean one has high blood pressure. Reviewing the high result with the family Doctor helps. There are several ways one can help control and lower PreHypertension or high blood pressure on their own. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of USA recommends the following actions: 1) Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 2) Engage in moderate-level physical activity for 30 minutes a day, several days each week. 3) Stick to a healthy eating plan that is low in fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy. 4) Reduce sodium intake. 5) Limit or Forgo alcohol consumption. Doctors can prescribe medications to help control high blood pressure but the best way to treat it is to adopt lifestyle changes that work in tandem with any prescription medication that the Doctor recommends. - Prathyusha More articles from this author.... 26148.html#.Uti53fvQtQA
Kidney Health In addition to eating right and controlling your weight, you can take other simple steps to keep your kidneys healthy, including monitoring your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose level, going to the doctor every year, exercising regularly, not smoking and being aware if kidney disease runs in your family. Kidney stones can develop when minerals build up in your urine. However, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in salt or oxalate-rich food can help prevent mineral build up. Additionally, drinking lots of water throughout the day, especially if you exercise frequently, is important for kidney health. Fluids: Staying hydrated is necessary for prevention and treatment. Keeping your urine diluted is important for keeping your kidneys healthy. Water is the best choice, but you can also drink fruit juices, ginger ale or tea. If your urine is light colored after you go to the bathroom, you are getting enough fluid. Also try to limit caffeinated beverages to one to two cups a day because it can actually make you dehydrated. Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables improve your kidney function. Such fruits include grapes, cranberries and blueberries; vegetables include fennel, onions, celery, beets, spinach, string beans and asparagus. If you are suffering from kidney disease, make sure the fruits and vegetables you eat are low in potassium. Low-Potassium Foods: Since kidneys regulate potassium, its important that you monitor your potassium intake. If your potassium level gets too high, you may develop a greater risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Some examples of low-potassium foods include apples, beans, corn, rice, noodles, pasta, eggplant, cookies without nuts or chocolate, pears, peas and peppers. Iron-Rich Foods: If you are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, your body may be low in iron. The kidneys play a role in the production of red blood cells, but without a properly functioning kidney, your red blood cell count may be too low, and your energy levels might suffer as a result. Eating iron-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables and eggs can help you increase your iron intake.
WARNINGS Our heart health is very valuable for a lifetime. We are hearing more about Heart attacks these days. I am writing this definitely NOT to threaten you but just to prepare you better to identify and escape any risk. There could be elders at home, this awareness is always handy in times of trouble to take a smart action and avoid the trouble. Warning Signs of a Heart Attack: The most common symptoms of a heart attack, especially for men, include severe chest pain, shortness of breath and pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck, arms and jaw. Conversely, women often experience atypical heart attack symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, inability to sleep and breaking out in a cold sweat. But everyone is different and not all people suffer the same symptoms or experience them to the same degree. That's why some people can overlook or ignore heart attack symptoms such as indigestion and fatigue. There are many factors which increase the risk, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and lack of physical activity. Reason could be either they dont know they have these certain risk factors affecting them or they dont have these factors under control. The key is getting a regular health check up, no one will tease you if you go to the Hospital just to get checked up. The key is to listen to your body and seek immediate medical treatment if you experience these warnings. - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author.... 26127.html#.Us4wYfvQtQA 25909.html#.Us4wjfvQtQB
COOKING EXPIRED EGGS? Most of us buy eggs in cartons that have an expiry date and we forget about them after stashing in the fridge. We realise and find the expiry date has passed, but there are good number of eggs remaining. Can we use it? Will our health be affected if we eat expired eggs? Are these questions on your mind sometimes? Go ahead without any fear! As long as Eggs are refrigerated, they are good for 3 weeks after you buy them. By then, the expiry date on the carton might have passed, but the expiry date is only a standard followed by the manufacturers, its not to do with their edibleness or freshness, and it won't affect the taste or safety, especially if we are cooking the egg. Cooking and boiling eggs fully kills all bacteria. Old eggs are not so fluffy if we are whipping up cream or a cake icing, for whipping, only fresh eggs can be used. - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author.... WASHDAY WOES STOP SMOKING
LET LOOSE MOM Hectic day..tiresome night, not just one day..everyday, this is the story of every Mom. Whether she is working elsewhere or from home, or working for home, Busy is the everyday word!!! Monatonous work is boring. Instead, letting loose sometimes is a good thought, and a rejuvenating idea. Call your Dear Friends: Once in a while, have a chat with your friends, even they need a jolly time. If possible, meet for lunch out or someone's place. Chat about everything but everyday life. Dont atall discuss family issues and problems. That day should be a relaxing day not a vexed out time. Go Shopping for yourself: Pamper yourself by going on shopping for stuff you were longing to buy. It can be your favourite decorative piece, a snack you were watching on TV Ads, a good dress, a good book, anything that gives you pleasure. Give ME Time: Get a massage, a facial, a relaxing session of manicure/pedicure, or a new haircut. Dine at your favourite restaurant and finish with only your choice of dessert or cook your favourite dishes and desserts and enjoy the day. ME-Time is very valuable, recharging and rejuvenating once a while, regularly!!! - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author..... STOP SMOKING COLORED FOODS
Get rid of the Cracked Heels!! Cracked heels are a bothersome condition; cracked heels may turn out to be an awkward situation amidst other! Cracked heels are mainly due to dryness and thickening of skin over heels. There are certain home remedies which are capable of curing cracked heels. These remedies mainly focus on moisturizing intensively and scrubbing away the thickened and dried skin to reveal the softer skin present underneath! Here are some handy tips to get rid of the cracked heels: Pampering your feet with a enriched water bath, containing raw salt, lemon juice, glycerin and rose water for about 20 minutes. Then scrub off the side of the heels with a pumice stone. Later apply glycerin and rose water mixture and leave it overnight to heal! Repeat this regime for few days. Apply a prominent layer of vegetable oil over cleaned and completely dried heels, cover them up with a pair of socks and leave them alone for a night, in the morning rinse them off with lukewarm water. Banana is not only good for your heart, brain and skin healthiness but also helps in maintaining smooth heels. Just apply a paste of mashed ripe banana paste over the heels and feet keep it on for about 15 minute and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Two to three tablespoons of ground rice and few spoons of honey with vinegar make an excellent scrub. Soak your feet in warm water for a while and then gently scrub off the dead and dry skin with this scrub. If you skin feel too dry add a drop of olive oil to the scrub! Pamper your feet! Pamper yourself!! - Siri
WASHDAY WOES Some scents make no sense for personal or planetary health. Using Scented laundry products can release harmful ---even Carcinogenic -- pollutants into the air. A University study found that air vented from washing machines using the top -selling, scented, liquid laundry detergent and dryer sheets contain hazardous chemicals. More than 25 volatile organic compounds, including seven dangerous air pollutants were found to be releasing when machines using the top-brand products were studied. Of those, two chemicals --Acetaldehyde and Benzene -- are classified by the US Enironmental Protection Agency as Carcinogens, with no established safe exposure level...that means they are absolutely and totally harmful. Benzene is linked with Leukemia and other blood cancers, and Acetaldehyde can cause Nasal and Throat cancer in animals. This is an interesting and alarming source of pollution, because emissions from dryer vents are essentially unregulated, whereas the emissions from a car vent and smokestack of a restaurant are regulated but the manufactures and the Pollution Control Boards are also not taking the washing machine-dryers into consideration. There are some organic, non-toxic, natural-formulae made detergents available in the market, however they are not much available as the famous polluting brands are. But if we all prefer the natural ones, their demand will increase and supply too, sametime their cost made more affordable. - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author.... STOP SMOKING COLORED FOODS
STOP SMOKING Reason #1000+++ to stop Smoking NOW !!! Many including you might have suggested a smoker to quit smoking.....most of the reasons are to consider their own health and risk....but this one reason might be alot effective if that smoker is expecting a child soon!!! You've heard of second hand smoke, but the thirdhand kind that sticks to clothes, skin and hair has been found to pass nicotine into babies. Infact, tots who sleep in the same room as a smoking parent have three times the level of nicotene in their bodies than those who sleep in a different room, a new study finds. Quit smoking and it will help the person live longer and healthier, looking younger and healthier, the developing wrinkles will disappear. They will be a role model to thier children, and help the kids too live longer, for which they will thank the person one day soon!!!! - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author.... COLORED FOODS
COLORED FOODS Apples, Beetroots, Strawberries, Jamuns, Blueberries, raspberries, Carrots, Cranberries, Gooseberries, green-red-yellow Capsicum, Tomatoes, Grapes, Pomegranate are interesting to eat and are heavily colored..truly naturally colored. Various intensely colored fruits and vegetables contain substances called Phytochemicals that may play key roles in health improvement and disease prevention. Some studies indicate the more intense the color of these foods, the higher the phytochemical content. One of the most studied phytochemicals are Anthocyanins, the key components in colored pigments in foods. In general, consumption of foods containing anthocyanins included improvements in Cardiovascular, Neurological, Immunological and Insulin function. There is also evidence that these foods substances may reduce Cancer risk. These foods may not be available everywhere and everytime, hence our body is ready to cash on the benefits from these if eaten two or three times a month. Berries that are highly colored, contain high Vitamin C, health-enhancing phytochemicals, fiber and are low in fat. - Prathyusha Talluri
Premenstrual Syndrome and its Management!! Premenstrual syndrome is a collection of emotional symptoms with or without physical discomforts. The prominent symptoms include irritability, tension and dysphoria-prolonged unhappiness. Women also complaint of: headache, mood swings, stress, anxiety and insomnia-difficulty in sleeping. Fortunately there are a set of foods which help we, women to combat with this disturbing syndrome! Including these foods prior and during menstrual cycles is of great help!! Cheese, many of avoid it as it has too much of fats! Very true but one of the main causes of PMS is calcium deficiency, which well handled by dairy products and cheese. So, during menstrual cycles pump in more cheese!! Pineapple, there are three main reasons why menstruating women should have this fruit. First, it has copious amounts of magnesium which stabilizes mood swings. Second, it has high amounts of water-content which reduces the bloating -excess fluid accumulation during monthly cycles. Finally, it a nice way of satisfying your sweet-tooth! Almonds, these tiny nuts are a great source of PMS relief. Owing to their high magnesium content and other mineral they are victorious in expelling: headaches, stress, anxiety and depression. A handful of almonds during these times are very fruitful indeed! Menstrual cycles are fragile phases of our life! Taking proper precautions is of utmost importance!! Take care!! - Siri
How to Control Cholesterol Levels Teluguone Vanitha provides tips for how to control cholesterol. Follow these cholesterol reducing tips to live a longer healthier life. By Dr Padmaja Prasad Nutritionis.
Healthy food- happy life When you are mentally disturbed, that disturbs your food habits too. Subsequently, when you are unhealthy, you demonstrate most of your negative traits as you will not be fit enough to think and act properly. They both are interdependant. In most of the cases, people suffer from either of the problems mentioned above. Sometimes physical health disturbs our mental condition; hence disturbance arises in human relationships. According to experts, if you identify any problem in one area, it is an alarm that says, “ you need to correct the other area and take precautionary measures to keep it intact”. Generally couples make their dining table as discussion place and discuss various problem while eating; Experts suggest us to discourage such habits as you tend to consume imbalanced diet as you are distracted often. Taking healthy food should always be combined with a pleasant environment then only it is accepted as healthy food. If you are angry, irritated, and annoyed and consuming a perfect diet, still it is not being absorbed properly by the body. Hence you need to be always cool while at your dining table. Make this place as much fun filled as possible; avoid talks and discussions which leads to brainstorming sessions. By doing this you and your family will be healthy both physically and mentally too. - M.S.Bhavana
Thyroid Diseases!! Thyroid gland is a tiny butterfly shaped gland situated in neck which is the spearhead for the entire metabolism taking place within the body. It is monitored by the Pituitary gland and the Hypothalamus. The major types of the disorders include: Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism and Goitre. Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder in which thyroid gland produces inadequate quantities of thyroidal hormones. Iodine deficiency is the major cause for hypothyroidism. Brittle fingernails, itchy and dry skin, whooping and sudden weight gain, swollen eyelids, puffy facial skin and hair loss are all indicatives of hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism refers an overactive thyroid gland wherein the gland secretes excessive amounts of thyroidal hormones. Its causes are varied which all lead to overproduction of hormones! Every function of the body tends to speed up. Muscle aches, hair loss, profuse sweating, frequent bowel movements and popping of the eyes are all the indicatives of hyperthyroidism. Goitre is often called a normal abnormality. It is the swelling of the neck or larynx due to the enlargement of thyroid gland. Iodine and selenium deficiency These are thyroidal disease are cured by the use of certain drugs, thyroidectomy surgical removal of the gland and radio-iodine therapy. - Siri
Seafood and its Skin Benefits Signs of ageing : Seafood is one of the easiest ways to prevent signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, crow feet, dull and dry skin, and pigmentation. It has vitamin E, which helps you in maintaining a youthful glow. This is why many skincare products contain this beneficial skin agent. Protection against uv rays: UV rays are very harmful for the skin and cause sunburn, pigmentation, wrinkles and skin cancer in severe conditions. But seafood, which has ample fish oil, helps protect the skin against these harmful UV rays. Makes skin smooth : Usually, people who include seafood in their diet have flawless skin. The omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the production of natural oil in the skin and keep it soft and supple. Also, seafood boosts the production of collagen, which gives you supple skin. Great for your heart : It's no coincidence that fish-eating Inuit populations in the Arctic have low levels of heart disease; seafood is low in saturated fat and high in omega-3, which can both protect the heart from disease and lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood. One study has even suggested that an extra portion of fish every week can cut risk of heart disease in half. Health benefits : Research has shown that eating fish and shellfish regularly is beneficial to our bodies in many ways; here are ten great reasons to introduce a little more seafood into your diet. Clearing the vessels : Eating fish can improve your circulation and reduce the risk of thrombosis. The EPA and DHA - omega-3 oils - in seafood can save your body from having to produce eicosanoids, a hormone-like substance which can make you more likely to suffer from blood clots and inflammation. Joint benefits Eating fish as a regular part of a balanced diet has shown to ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, a condition which causes the joins to swell up. Recent research has also found a link between omega-3 fats and osteoarthritis, suggesting that eating more seafood could help to prevent the disease.
Whiten your teeth in a natural way! Well everyone wants sparkling white teeth! Clean and white teeth just indicate how well-groomed a person is! However, if you feel spending fat at your dentist is the only way for keeping your teeth sparkling, you may be wrong. You can simply pick up a few things from your kitchen for a dazzling smile! Baking soda: Well this is also known as the universal cleanser for all right reasons! Add some baking soda to your toothbrush and you can brush the teeth how you would normally do it! Peroxide: This is not only used for cleaning but it also kills germs. Teeth shows discoloration due to the presence f natural colorants in the food we take followed by the presence of bacteria and germs which live on our teeth. After brushing, ensure that use peroxide to rinse your mouth with peroxide for cleansing and whitening your teeth. Apple cider vinegar: You can gargle or simply dip your toothbrush in a solution of apple cider vinegar and then you can start brushing your teeth to gain a perfect toothy grin. Celery: It contains mostly water and only has little colour of its own. Chewing celery can help in dislodging plaque which is settled on your teeth even as cleaning the spaces between teeth can remove food and germs. - Kalam Dhari More articles from this author..... Glowing skin with coconut water! Healthy oils which can be used for deep frying!
ఆహార ధాన్యాలతో ఉపయోగాలేమిటి...? మనకు ఆహార ధాన్యాలు మంచివని మాత్రమనే తెలుసు. కానీ అవి మనకు ఎలాంటి మేలు చేస్తాయో తెలుసా..? మరి అసలు ఆహార ధాన్యాల వలన ఎలాంటి ఉపయోగాలున్నాయో ఒకసారి చూద్దామా! మనం తీసుకునే ఆహారంలో రోజు ఒకే రకం కాకుండా... అన్నిరకాల ధాన్యాలను తీసుకుంటూ ఉండాలని పోషక నిపుణులు చెబుతున్నారు.పిండి పదార్ధాలలో మొదటిదైన వరిలో తక్కువ మోతాదులో కొవ్వులు ఉంటాయి. కానీ కొలెస్ట్రాల్ ఉండదు. గోధుమలలో B కాంప్లెక్స్ వనరులు,యాంటీ ఆక్సిడెంట్లు,E - విటమిన్లు కూడా ఉంటాయి. బార్లీలో బీటా గ్లూకాన్, మొక్కజొన్నల్లో థైమీన్(హెచ్1) సమృద్దిగా దొరుకుతుంది. ఓట్స్ లలో త్వరగా జీర్ణమయ్యే పీచుతో పాటు యాంటీ ఆక్సిడెంట్లు పుష్కలంగా ఉంటాయి. ఇవి చెడు కొలెస్ట్రాల్ మధుమేహాన్ని తగ్గిస్తాయి. జొన్నలు పాస్పరస్ నిల్వలు, రాగులు కాల్షియం సమృద్దికాలను కలిగి ఉంటాయి. పాలు, పాల ఉత్పత్తులు పడనివారికి ఈ ఆహార ధాన్యాలు మంచి ఆహారం. ఈ ధాన్యాలన్నింటిని 100 గ్రా. చొప్పున తీసుకుంటే.. మన శరీరానికి సుమారు 330 క్యాలరీలు చొప్పున లభిస్తాయి.