TODDLER BATTLES Your li'l toddler will be on strike every now and then as she/he is learning the trait of individuality. They say NO to almost everything, No to wear the dress you pick, No to eat food, No to sleep on time, No to taking bath or going to potty. If the little one refuses to take a nap or go to bed, don't get upset. Keep your cool, wear your Poker face and continue to maintain the same time every day. After a day or two, he/she will surrender. If the child refuses to wear the clothes you picked, don't get annoyed. Let them select but you choose the options, keep all pants to select on cold days, or keep good looking dresses on a party day. You will be happy that the child chooses something from the category you prefer for the day and will calm down as they get to decide finally. You don't have to worry too much about his/her nutrition now, as the growth rate slows down, they will consume less comparatively. Just make sure all nutrients are included in the food you offer. If they go on strike, you show off your healthy eating habits, on a timely basis and he/she will oblige and join you soon.

Are you Feeding right ? When you serve your baby only real foods during the first couple of years, you program your baby for life long, healthy eating habits. Conversely, if you tend to feed your baby highly processed and fast foods, they begin to crave the same and also get habitually used to asking for the same kind of foods. Teaching your child to appreciate the flavor of fresh foods will program him/her to continue to accept and ask for these freshly prepared, unsalted, unsweetened foods. Infact, babies who learn to eat healthier foods don't fall sick as often as babies who are fed processed foods early in life. They don't have as many illnesses in infancy because the real foods matured their immune system. When they are fed junk foods at birthday parties and preschools, they complain of upset tummy. Its something to feel good about that the child's body is not accepting processed food, still..parents these days are thinking the other way, they want to bring up children rough and tough, and hence, tend to feed anything and everything, they say children should be able to cope with the polluted environment and are spoiling their present times by preparing them for the worst days to that correct?...which way should we go? Gone are the days when parents taught their children to eat without the TV on. These days, mothers are turning on the TVs and feeding their children to make it quick and easy. Few mothers who are strictly following rules like ----No TV, No Laptop or other gaming devices---are facing criticism from parents who are doing it wrong. They say, Children eat better when they are allowed to watch cartoons they like and that parents who don't allow all these, are feeding their kids less food, making things boring for the kids.The right choice is yours!

  SNOOZE BENEFITS   That mid day nap is so valuable!!! If you are a Mom who handles kids at home, you will feel relaxed at the very thought of your kids taking a nap in the afternoons too. Wow, how nice!!! I still yearn that time, we can relax too. Well, these afternoon naps are not just valuable to the parents but also to the young ones. A University of Massachussets, USA research proves that children at age 3-5, who took atleast an hour to 1.5 hours of nap every noon had a better memory than children who didnt nap at all. This good memory extended to the next morning too. So, afternoon naps are extremely useful for a kid's future too. And naps help parents in many ways - the home is silent, Mom gets a calm time, kids are fresh through the evening and fall asleep early if the naps start early and end early before 5pm. So, push your children into the afternoon nap habit and put the ones who stopped this habit, back again.

OMEGA -3 SUPER FATS   Most of the health conscious people are talking about Omega-3 essential fatty acids. The little picky eaters somehow don't like foods with Omega-3, its surprisingly strange . Coincidence. We are printing this article in Children's section but Omega-3 is excellently good for Adults too.  Children at age 5 should be eating two 3-ounce servings of fish every week. Here are some tricks to let your child gulp the Omega-3 foods without knowing.      The first year is crucial to introduce new tastes, make sure you introduce fish and other Omega-3 foods around 9 months of age when the baby is already an eating-pro and interested in trying new tastes.  If you are a vegetarian, buy Omega-3 DHA fortified Milk, or Orange juice, soy milk from the store and introduce soon as the baby turns 1 year old. Cook omega-3 Eggs and feed them.  Use Flax seed oil, Hemp or Canola oil on availability in your country/ stores. If not, buy Flax seed, Chia seed (expensive comparitively) or Hemp and ground them into fine powder and sprinkle on cereals or regular curries that are cooked not fried. The whole family can consume.  If Flax, Chia, Hemp, Avocados and other products seem difficult to be found in stores, buy Walnuts or Soybean oil, they are good source of Omega-3.     - Prathyusha  

UNDER THE LIGHT   Reading a book under a dim light will not make a child's eye sight any worse--Parent's, don't worry too much. This reading habit under a low-wattage bulb will not bring in glasses to your child's eyes. However, continue not to encourage your children to read in dim-light with their eyes crinkled. Children tend to adopt habits and this might become a habit while reading books in bright light or in a classroom.  The main factor that determines whether your child or you need glasses is Genetics. Reading when its a darker light may give your child or you a bit of headache or make your vision blurry, but there is no permanent damage.  Parents, if your kids are asleep and you want to read a book by the bedside or read a story book for the kids during bedtime, and the low lighting is giving you trouble, try occasionally glancing up from whatever you're reading and looking into the distance so your eyes have a chance to refocus. This practice will help you when reading the Menu at a restaurant with dim-lighting.  You may have bought the book clip-torches and some bedside lamps or turning on your cell-phones as torches, just incase those lights are dim, this article would be helpful.

BABY FOOD: 10-12+ Months   Babies close to a year are now open to trying new textures, eating on their own.  Almost all the foods as those for 8-10 Months babies should be fed, sametime, introduce itsy-bitsy crumbs..make sure not to puree food as soft as it used to be. Babies are open to trying crunchy and usual foods, instead if you continue to feed purees of veggies and rice, they tend to not accept normal cooked rice grains as adults eat, in the future too, after all, how long will you keep spending time in pureeing the food.    Babies learn to eat with a spoon or fork on their own. If they ask for one, make sure to offer a BPA-free plastic ware of Rubber ware. No Cow's milk until 12 months old. If breastfed, continue to feed as many nursing as possible in a day, until 12 months.  Introduce sippy cups to drink formulae/ pumped breast milk and water. This is the age to get them used to sippy cups, gradually, else they will refuse to accept cups and cry for bottles even after 15 months. Offer sippy cup once everyday, and once you notice they like it, offer more often and slowly throw away the bottle, don't let it be seen anywhere at home.  Quantity per day 1/3 cup dairy (or 1/2 oz. cheese) 1/4 to 1/2 cup iron-fortified cereal 1/4 to 1/2 cup fruit 1/4 to 1/2 cup vegetables 1/8 to 1/4 cup combo foods 1/8 to 1/4 cup protein foods Feeding tip Introduce new foods one at a time, with at least three days in between to make sure your baby's not allergic.   Prathyusha

ఇలా నేర్పించండి     ప్రతి పేరెంట్ కల ఒక్కటే తమ పిల్లలు చక్కగా హ్యాపీగా ఏదగాలని మంచి పొసిషన్ లో వుండాలని వాళ్ళు అందరితో శబాష్ అనిపించుకోవాలని ప్రతి పేరెంట్ కల అదే. మనం చిన్న చిన్న మార్పులు చేసుకుంటే చాలు అయితే మనం పిల్లలతో వ్యవహరించే తీరును బట్టి వుంటుంది అని అంటున్నారు చిట్టి విషు ప్రియ గారు.          పిల్లలని అర్ధం చేసుకుంటూ వారికీ అనుగుణంగా మనల్ని మనం మార్చుకోవాల్సి వస్తుంది. అదేవిధంగా మనం పేరెంట్ మరియు అడల్ట్స్ అని కూడా గుర్తుపెట్టుకోవాలి. పసి పిల్లలు కాబట్టి వారికీ కొన్ని నేర్పించాల్సి వస్తుంది ఒకసారి కొంచెం బుజ్జగించాల్సి వస్తుంది. ఇంకోసారి కటినంగా మాట్లాడాల్సి వస్తుంది. దీనిని ఒక పేరెంట్ గా బాలన్స్ చెయ్యాలి. ములితంగా చక్కగా కలుపుకుంటూ ఉండాలి. సడన్ గా ఒక్కసారి కన్ను ఎర్ర చేసి వాళ్ళు వినగానే హక్కున చేర్చుకోవడం లాంటిది ములితం అంటే. వారికి నీడలాగ పక్కన వుండాలి. పిల్లల ఇష్టాలు తెలుసుకోవాలి ఎందుకు మాటి మాటికి ఈ డ్రెస్ వేసుకుంటున్నావ్ అని అడగ కుండ అసలు ఎందుకు ఆ డ్రెస్ నే ఇష్టపడుతుందో తెలుసుకోవాలి.              2 సంవత్సరాల వయస్సు నుండే వారికీ ప్రతిది నేర్పించాలి ఆడుకున్న తరువాత తన వస్తువులు తమ బాగ్స్ లో పెట్టుకోవటం, ఎక్కడ తీసిన వస్తువు అక్కడ పెట్టడం లాంటివి నేర్పించాలి ఆలాగే తిన్న తరువాత తమ ప్లేట్ మీరు తీసుకోకుండా తమతో ఆ ప్లేట్ పక్కన పెట్టించాలి ఇలా చిన్న చిన్న పనులుకి అలవాటు పడి ఒక హబిట్ గా మారిపోతుంది. మరి కొంత మంది పిల్లలు మొండిగా ఉంటారు ఏ పని చెప్పిన చెయ్యరు . అటువంటి పరిస్థితిలో ఏం చెయ్యాలంటే 'ఛాలెంజ్' అనే మాట గుర్తుపెట్టుకోండి. ఎందుకంటే అటువంటి పిల్లలో నేను సాధించాలి అనే తపన వారిలో క్రియేట్ అవుతుంది అమ్మ కన్నా ముందు నేను చెయ్యాలి అనే తాపాత్త్రయం వాళ్ళలో మొదలవుతుంది.             టైం మేనేజ్మెంట్ అనేది కూడా పిల్లలకి నేర్పించాలి ఇది 4th or 5th క్లాసు నుండి ప్రారంబించాలి అప్పుడైతే పిల్లలకి అర్ధం అవుతుంది. వాళ్ళ ని ఎక్కువ ఒత్తిడికి గురి చేయకుండా నెమ్మదిగా వర్క్ చేయడం నేర్పించాలి. ఇది ఒక అలవాటు గా మారిపోతుంది మీరు చెప్పకుండానే వాళ్ళ వర్క్స్ కంప్లీట్ చేసుకుంటారు. ఇది ఒక పెద్ద భారంగా కూడా అనిపించదు ఎంజాయ్ చేస్తూ పనిని ముగిస్తారు  అని మంచి మాట అనే కార్యక్రమంలో చిట్టి విష్ణు ప్రియ గారు చెబుతున్నారు.

BABY FOOD : 8-10 Months   Most aspects are same as 6 to 8 months, the baby is ready to eat on his/her own, tries to grab things, holds finger foods, put everything in his/her mouth, is able to chew well now.   Feed the child:  Breast milk or formula, but no Cow's milk until 1 year age    Mashed fruits and vegetables (bananas, peaches, pears, avocados, cooked carrots, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cut up grapes) Small cubes of ripe banana; organic scrambled eggs; well-cooked and cut up yellow squash, peas, and potatoes; well-cooked spiral pasta; crackers; lightly toasted rusks-bagels), cottage cheese or low-fat cheese cubes Small amounts of protein eggs; pureed meats, poultry, and boneless fish; tofu; well-cooked and mashed beans with soft skins like lentils, split peas, pintos, black beans) Iron-fortified cereal (barley, wheat, oats, mixed cereals) Quantity per day: 1/4 to 1/3 cup dairy (or 1/2 oz. cheese) 1/4 to 1/2 cup iron-fortified cereal 1/4 to 1/2 cup fruit 1/4 to 1/2 cup vegetables 1/8 to 1/4 cup protein foods Caution/ Tip  Never feed the child anything thats round in shape, they are dangerous choking hazards. Any round food item like grapes, cherries should be cut into small cubes... Introduce new foods one at a time, with at least three days in between to make sure your baby's not allergic.   - Prathyusha      

BABY FOOD- 6-8 Months     Baby is very much ready and interested to taste new foods.  We should continue to feed milk whether formula or breast milk, absolutely no Cow's milk until age 1.  Pureed or pulpy fruits like banana, pears, cooked apples, peaches and vegetables like potato, avocado, well-cooked carrots, squash, sweet potato.  Pureed meat (chicken, pork, beef) 3-4 Tsps of Natural Yogurt  Pureed Organic tofu Cooked Dal like toor dal, masoor dal, and legumes like green peas, black beans, chickpeas, edamame, fava beans, black-eyed peas, and kidney beans) Iron-fortified cereal (oats, barley) along with well-cooked  and pureed brown rice mixed with Ghee.   Quantity and Care:   1 teaspoon fruit, gradually increased to 1/4 to 1/2 cup in 2 or 3 feedings 1 teaspoon vegetables, gradually increased to 1/4 to 1/2 cup in 2 or 3 feedings 3 to 9 tablespoons cereal, in 2 or 3 feedings Introduce new foods one at a time, with at least three days in between to make sure your baby's not allergic.   - Prathyusha Talluri  

BABY FOOD- 4-6 Months     Age: 4 to 6 months   Before beginning to feed solid foods to the baby in his/her  4 to 6 months age, we observe these milestones....if most of them are achieved, it indicates the baby is ready to eat solid food.  Can hold head up Sits well in a highchair/ any chair without much support Learns to chew slowly Doubled birth weight Shows interest in food What to feed Breast milk or formula,  Pureed food (like sweet potatoes, squash, apples, bananas, peaches, or pears) or semi-liquid iron-fortified rice/ oat cereal. Wheat cereal to be fed only after the baby is 9 months old.  Quantity per day Begin with about 1 teaspoon pureed food or cereal. Mix cereal with 4 to 5 teaspoons breast milk or formula in watery consistency. Increase to 1 tablespoon of pureed food, or 1 tablespoon of cereal mixed with breast milk or formula, twice a day. If giving cereal, gradually thicken the consistency by using less liquid. Feeding tips Don't stop offering a particular food if the baby refuses it the first time. offer it again in a few days.   - Prathyusha Talluri

SNOOZE SOLUTIONS -2 Babies love the rocking movement of a swing/ rocking chair as it reminds them of their pre-birth days in the tummy, while Mom is walking or moving. After birth too, they tend to like the the same. However, it all depends on what we get them used to. If you hold the baby and rock to sleep, then the baby will definitely like and continue to demand the same process. The baby sleeps well, bu the parents will be tired and tired, days and months. Start by eliminating the rocking movement.Any sudden change will not be appreciated, but you can follow the step by step process....put the baby in the swing, don't move it, sit in the rocker holding the baby, dont rock. Some babies sleep only when the parents take them for a ride in the car. I have personally seen parents driving crazily at nights, almost everyday, dreaming to see the baby asleep. To handle such babies, you have to slowly stop running away from their bitter cry and face the sleepless nights situation better. The initial few days will be tiresome but later, things will ease up and one day you will be proud of yourself that you trained your li'l one to sleep normally without any sleeping aids. Whatever be your plan, training babies who are young is easier as they dont have any pre-set behaviours or likes and dislikes. But once you start a good plan, continue it, don't confuse the baby by stopping it suddenly or changing it.   - Prathyusha

SNOOZE SOLUTIONS -1 Most of the parents complain about their babies taking too long to sleep or not wanting to be off the parents' lap. One reason why these babies get upset when you try to put them on bed for sleep is the drastic change in the temperature. Our hands are warm, so they prefer to slumber in the lap. How long will we sit holding them. I faced this problem too. Just to make a bed feel warm, DONT PLACE BLANKETS, PILLOWS, SOFT TOYS around, they only pose a hazard but bring no comfort, the baby has no room to feel free. If the baby is under 3 months, swaddle him/her, feed the baby and put the baby down on the bed, or a crib. Don't let the baby get used to swinging in your arms, let it not become a habit. Swaddling process is shown in the picture. It makes a baby feel the same way they were in the tummy and also feel cozy. If the baby is beyond 3 months age and not keeping the swaddle on, put them in sleep sack (sleeping bags), as in the picture. It covers the body like a blanket and is warm. Put the baby in the crib/bed, stand beside and pat on the tummy. Feeding to sleep is not a good plan once the baby is 4 months old, they start to teeth around 6 months of age, and if you stop feeding to sleep by 4 months, the baby tends to forget the habit soon and get ready to teeth healthy.   - Prathyusha

చిన్నారులకు ఆహారపు అలవాట్లు మీ చిన్నారులకు ఆహారం ఎలా ఇవ్వాలి అనే ఆలోచనతో సతమతమవుతున్నారా? మొదటగా చిన్నారులకు కొత్తగా ఘన ఆహారం మొదలు పెట్టినప్పుడు అది బాగా మెత్తగా చేసి ఇవ్వాలి. అలా రోజు పెడుతూ చిన్నారులకు ఆహారపు అలవాటుగా మార్చాలి. ఒకవేళ చిన్నారులు ఏ ఆహారాన్ని అయినా ఇష్టపడకపోతే.. అలాంటివి పెట్టకుండా జాగ్రత్తపడాలి . చిన్నారులకు ఆహారంతోపాటు బాగా కాచి చల్లార్చిన నీరు కూడా తాగించడం మంచిది. ముఖ్యంగా చిన్నారులకు ఆహారంగా అన్నంలో ఉడికించిన బంగాల దుంప ,నెయ్యీతో మెత్తగా చేసిన ఆహారాన్ని పెడితే బాగా ఇష్టపడి తింటారు. అరటిపండును కూడా బాగా ఇష్టపడి తింటారు. అదేవిధంగా గోధుమ, రాగి, బియ్యంపిండి, కందిపప్పు ,నెయ్యీ ,నూనే తో ఉడికించిన మెత్తని ఆహార పదార్థమేదైనా ఇవ్వడం మంచిది. ఆరు నుండి తొమ్మిది నెలల పిల్లలకు మెత్తని అన్నం, పప్పుతో పాటు కూరగాయలు కూడా ఇవ్వడం మంచిది. పిల్లలు పెరిగేకొద్దీ ఇడ్లి ,ఉప్మా ,పొంగలి ,మజ్జిగ ,అన్నం ,పాయసం ,మొదలైనవి పెట్టడం మంచిది .ఇలా ఏ వయసుకు తగ్గట్టు అలా ఆహారం పెట్టడం వల్ల వారిలో శారీరక పెరుగుదల కూడా ఎక్కువగా వుంటుంది .

TOP BABY FOODS -2 Is your baby ready to handle finger foods? Offer him/her whole wheat crackers or a whole wheat toast cut into long strips. Just starting on purees? Try wheat cereal like farina, Cream of Wheat, or a mix of different grains including wheat Beans and lentils are a stellar source of protein, iron, folate, zinc and manganese for the whole family, including baby. Introducing flavors improves the work of tastebuds. Plus, studies show that children who are exposed to a variety of flavors early in life are more adventurous eaters as they grow up. i know you will not add too much chilli, sugar or salt and pepper. Tofu is a sure-fire way to boost iron, zinc, protein and fat, all crucial nutrients for small children. Bonus: tofu is easy to chew and most kids enjoy its mild flavor. Learning to enjoy the flavor of plain yogurt is a process that is best started when children are more open-minded about foods, before the age of 18 months. Just make sure to pick a full-fat yogurt because babies and small children need about 50% of the calories in their diet to come from fat. Current advice offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests exploring other iron- and zinc-rich foods such as dark poultry and red meat, especially if you are breastfeeding. These foods provide the type of iron that is better-absorbed than the type found in plant sources. To improve absorption even further, combine iron-rich foods with those high in vitamin C, like fruit and vegetables. Meatballs and tomato sauce were meant to be together!   - Prathyusha   More articles from this author....

TOP BABY FOODS- 1 Nuts can be introduced to babies as young as 6 months of age, once they have had exposure to a few typical first foods like cereals, fruit and vegetables. This is great news because nuts and nut butters like peanut, cashew, and almond are nutrition powerhouses, providing protein, beneficial fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals like manganese, potassium and iron. Lumps of nut butters are a choking hazard for small babies so try mixing a small amount into a cereal or puree or spread a thin layer over a long strip of toast to serve as a finger food. You may need to talk to your allergist before introducing these foods if there is a history of nut allergies in the family. Eggs are a nearly perfect first food. They are easily digestible, and they offer the important nutrition your baby needs--iron, folate and choline, high-quality protein, plus vitamins A, D and E. And, happily for busy moms, eggs are a cinch to prepare. Just hard-cook an egg, mash the yolk and thin it with breast milk, formula or water to the consistency your baby can handle. Hard-boiled and chopped egg white is a perfect finger food, as are scrambled eggs or omelets cut into thin strips. Choose an organic brand of butter, as fat helps babies meet their caloric needs, contributes to satiety, and helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins and boosts nutrition. And it makes food taste good! . you can also include other sources of fat in your child's diet like avocado, olive oil, full-fat yogurt and cheese. Fish used to be a no-no for small babies because of allergy concerns, but not anymore. You can include cold-water fish like salmon, herring, canned tuna or sardines to your baby's menu, these are outstanding sources of DHA. DHA plays a crucial role in retinal and brain development and is especially important for children in the first two years of life.Introducing fish to your baby is simple. Just bake or steam a boneless fillet, puree it and thin it to a desired consistency using breast milk, formula or water. Few more coming next.....   - Prathyusha

BABY SKIN CARE Baby skin care is one of the many concerns that a new mother has to worry about. Having a baby is a special blessing, but most mothers are unsure of what they should do because Newborn skin is very delicate, soft & sensitive. Chemicals, fragrances, and dyes in clothing, detergents, and baby products can cause skin irritation, dryness,and rashes. However, there's much you can do to protect your baby from these skin problems. Normal Baby Skin Care: A newborn baby is born with smooth skin and a protective covering called vernix that naturally peels off during the first week. There's no need to rush it, rub it, or treat it with lotions or creams. Here are tips to help protect your baby from developing allergies and rashes: Frequent bathing: Too-frequent bathing -- more than three times per week during the first year of life -- removes the natural oils that protect baby's skin. That leaves baby's skin vulnerable, so it reacts to any potential allergen -- triggering a reaction like eczema. Newborns don't get very dirty. For the first month a sponge baths two or three times a week will keep your baby safely clean. In between, simply clean baby’s mouth and diaper area with a little water or cleanser. Once-a-week sponge baths are best for newborns with darker skin tones. These infants tend to have dryer skin and have a higher risk of skin problems such as eczema. Don't use baby products in the early months. The immune system is still developing. If you have a family history of skin problems, allergies, or asthma, it's especially important to protect your baby's immune system -- and protect baby from irritating allergens. Wash baby's clothing before it's worn. Use only baby laundry detergents that are fragrance- and dye-free. Wash baby clothes, bedding, and blankets separately from the family's laundry.

DISCIPLINE MANTRA-2 Raising kids is definitely not easy. Well, parents who just started thier journey, still expecting the baby need not worry so early but there are days ahead of you when you will read books, browse websites, talk to friends for suggestions to raise happy children, happily. In my earlier article, we discussed few points, and here are few more for your help. To handle naughty or irate kids, first Set limits -- but let those limits be with love and care. You can say "i know you want to play more, its time to sleep now, i will also play with you tomorrow" Say YES...for every rule you set up, start the instruction with a "Yes, i know its difficult to do your homework everyday, and Yes, i will allow you to read an extra story before bedtime today". Special time, every day. Turn off the cell phone and TV, close yourself with the child in a room and play whatever your asked to by the kid...he/she will love the Mommy/Daddy time. When all else fails, don't feel bad, but don't give up, carry patience and smile, hug your child, never shout at the child. If you ever had hurt your child, forgive yourself and forget. Try to commit that mistake ever, repair the relationship.   - Prathyusha More articles from this author....

DISCIPLINE MANTRA Teaching a good behaviour is an art of Patience. Its like a narrow path to success, unlike punishment thats like the wide gate to failure. Actually, research shows that punishing kids creates more misbehavior. It makes them angry and defensive. If, instead, our kind behaviour with few set limits teaches them to learn the same and follow our rules, happily. You’re the role model. Never act when you’re upset. Resist the urge to shout and scold your child. It always backfires. Instead stay calm, and they will realise that mom/dad are calm and not talking to them because they committed a mistake. When the child is upset and grumpy, you give him/her more personal time and let the child have his/her meltdown in your attentive presence. Your goal is to provide a calm "holding environment" for your child's upset mood. You might be mad when she/he repeats the same error, but yelling won't help them remember the right thing or follow your instructions. Your calm words will help. Give the child few duties to excel, assign tasks as they are the leaders, and then they will take ownership and follow. Remember that children misbehave when they feel bad about themselves and disconnected from us. If he/she goofed up or had a meltdown, think down to their level and look in the eye and say "are you worried that i will shout at you?, i will not, talk to me!" and then the story ends well when your child expresses the fear or hesitation to you and you are already friends with them. Few more important things to talk..................   - Prathyusha