Deciding Baby Names


Expecting a child definitely brings along this big job of choosing the perfect name. If its the first child, then you will be very excited to name him/her the best. Believe me, its definitely not easy. The expectant mom is already very anxious with all the mood-swings and the load, sametime, she is too curious and worried if they will ever be able to select the right name before the baby arrives. In America, we seldom get enough time after the baby comes, to give the child's name and register it. People who have time to run around the government offices inspite of being busy and with sleepless nights, can take their time to name the child, but if you don't think you can spend your energy doing the juggling acts of handling s new baby, then you are given only 2days to name the child after birth.

Agreeing on one name is another game. Either the Mom or the Dad doesnot like the spelling, the letters, or the number of letters in the name either of them choose. Its not mandatory these days to include a family name, or a common middle name all the elders had. Its has become easier to convince grandma and grandpa to name the child short. Everyone is now thinking of an easy to pronounce -at school- names, easy to - fill in the passport and visa-names.

Ultrasound tests are generally correct but we never know, even the nurses who conduct them suggest that there could be a slight chance of the gender being predicted wrong, so be prepared with both names. You may be surprised after delivery. Do your homework well and take your 2 final names with you to the hospital.

I suggest your avoid strangely spelt or difficult to pronounce names as the child should not be frustrated in the future correcting everyone who spelt his/her name wrong. And also think of new meaningful, easy to call names rather than the same old, too much heard names-just because people have practiced calling them or your Grandma suggested it.