It is very depressing to know that our standard diets are filled with sugar. Moreover most of us have a sweet-tooth, which is uncontrollable in many!
Sugar besides being sweet it is also lousy on our health! The sugary foods we crave for may not be too sweet after all!

Sugar and Its Effects on Health, Sugar and its effects, How sugar effects health, how sugar reflects on health.

A normal individual consumes about 20 teaspoons of sugar every day, while the recommended allowance; for women is no more than 6 teaspoons a day, for men no more than 9 teaspoons a day. While our younger folks consume a whooping amount of 32 teaspoons a day!
We develop a liking towards sweetmeats because it releases opiate-like substance that activate certain areas of brain, Thus Sugar is addictive
The refined sugar we consume in bulk is devoid of nutritional value besides it empties calories.
It acidifies our digestive system and drains out vitamin and minerals particularly calcium from bones and teeth. It also depletes potassium and magnesium.
It suppresses our immune system and lead to overproduction of enzymes, thus pressurizing Pancreas
It causes high blood pressure, skin complications and acne by impairing liver  functions
It compresses the blood flow, inducing dental caries and elevates visible wrinkles, thus giving us an aged look!
Consumption of refined sugar causes Vitamin B deficiency thus leading to cardiovascular diseases, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, indigestion, obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.
The production of sugar is growing faster than its consumption which makes it cheaper and easily available!
The soft drink grab are the main sources of sugars in our diet. An average can of soda has about 40 grams of sugar i.e., 10teaspoons of sugar. So stay away from Cola Cans!!

The abrupt withdrawal of refined sugar from our diet is not advisable; instead gradual removal of sugar is much more desirable.
The other better substitutes would be honey and jaggery

Kick out the sugar coatings from your diets!!