Getting rid of Pigmentation!
Too much of sun exposure can cause the skin pigmentation, especially face.
Here are some home remedies for you:
1) Take 10 leaves of (pudina) mint paste them, mix with one egg white, beat them both together .Take half cucumber made into fine paste, mix with the mint and egg, and blend well. Put the mask on your face for 15 minutes. Wash it with Luke warm water.
2) Blend a table spoon of almond powder in a tea spoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply the mask on your face, leave it on for 15minutes. Wash it off with Luke warm water.
3) Mix Sandalwood powder with, any of the natural acid like, Tomato or Cucumber juice. Make a paste apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes then wash off. Apply it daily at night to reduce the Tan or Pigmentation.
4) Lemon Juice contains citric acid, which helps to bleach the skin. Potatoes contain catecholase, which help the skin lighten. Mix both juices and apply over the pigmented area can get rid of the problem.
5) Powder the dried Orange peel. To the powder add some lemon juice and milk and enough Honey to make a thick paste for mask. Leave it on the spots for 15 minutes, and then wash off.
Look Good! Feel Good!!
- Sandya Koya