Homemade Epsom bath salt recipe
There is nothing more luxurious than taking a bath in your tub surrounded by scented candles and rose petals in your water. And to relax in a hot tub with some bath salts mixed in is a heavenly feeling.We know that these spa based bath salts are extremely expensive and we found this interesting DIY bath salt which you can make at home and use.
Simple all you need is:
1. 2 cups of Epsom salt: Epsom salt is a mild pain reliever and helps draw impurities from the body. You can find it at the medical stores.
2. 2 teaspoons of any oil of your choice like Olive, coconut, almond etc.
3. 5–10 drops of your favorite essential oil, like sandalwood, lavender, eucalyptus, rose etc.
4. 1/4 cup sea salt and a glass jar with a lid to put all of this
Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl. See to that there are no lumps and all the ingredients mix thoroughly. You could add a drop of food coloring to give you that tint in the salt as an optional but it’s not necessary. Add a tablespoon of this to your water and enjoy this scented bath for a spa like experience.