Natural Beauty Aids from India, America is taking about:

Beauty magazines, experts and salons in Western countries are more interested in adopting our natural products and here are some items the Westerns talk about. I guess you too might be curious to know what products they are and what they know about our products.

Henna: Used a natural hair dye and conditioner. Its color stays far longer than any best brand and comes with absolutely no chemical reactions.

Coconut Oil: It is the most widely used hair oil in the Indian sub continent; amla oil, jasmine oil and other herbal oils are used as well. Coconut oil helps grow long hair.

RoseWater: Most often used by Indian women as skin toner, they also like to spray rose water on their face as a refresher. Rose water has a long history as a fragrance and flavouring agent in dessert recipes.

Ubtan: This mixture of turmeric, chickpea gram flour and herbs is combined with milk or water as a beauty treatment. Indian brides scrub their skin with it in the days prior to their wedding.

Indian Herbal Mud pack: Also known as Multani mitti in India is used as a face pack for cleansing treatments.

Why should we run behind artificially made beauty products when the whole world is praising our natural ones!!


- Prathyusha Talluri

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