When the topic of healthy living comes up, diet and exercise are usually part of the solution. But most people don't realize that getting enough sleep can be just as important to our health. In fact, medical experts consider sleep the "Third Leg of a Balanced Table--Life" for overall health and wellness.

Knowing the Risks:

Numerous medical studies have shown that sleep plays a vital role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning and other crucial functions. The price we pay for chronic sleep deprivation is not only reflected with the fatigue or lack of focus that can follow a night of poor sleep, but also has profound ramifications for our long-term health and ultimately life expectancy.

Weight Gain/Obesity:

Insufficient sleep is likely to cause weight gain. People who habitually sleep less than six hours per night are much more likely to have a higher than average body mass index(BMI), and people who sleep eight hours have the lowest BMIs. Many other points to discuss on poor sleep.......


- Prathyusha

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