Tips For Healthy Digestion * Eat lots of fibre rich foods: Fibre promotes healthy digestion by helping to remove waste from your body. It may also help lower your risk of colon cancer, help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar and help manage your body weight. * Get your body moving: Regular physical activity helps keep food moving through your digestive system. Try taking short walks during the day and use the stairs instead of the elevator to stay active. Adults need at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week. * Eat regularly: Eat light, regular meals and snacks throughout the day to help move food through your digestive system. Take time to eat, even if you are having a busy day. * Avoid foods that may upset your stomach: You may find that some foods are more likely to upset your stomach than others. If you have heartburn, gas, celiac disease, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, you may find that specific foods trigger your symptoms, though this is different for everyone.

Health Benefits of Lychee Fruit 1 ) Anti Cancer :İt is Natural Cancer Treatment , lychee fruit prevents the growth of cancer cells , Research has also shown that lychee fruit may provide impressive anti-breast cancer properties 2 ) Oligonol : oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol found abundantly in lychee fruit. Oligonol has been found to have several Anti-oxidant, Anti-influenza virus actions. In addition, it helps improve blood flow in organs, reduce weight, and protect skin from harmful UV rays 3 ) Potassium and Copper :Lychee also contains a very good amount of minerals like potassium and copper. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids help control heart rate and Blood Pressure; thus offers protection against Stroke and Coronary Heart Diseases. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. 4 ) Vitamin C :Lychee is extremely rich in Vitamin C and contains approximately 40 percent more vitamin C than orange.Studies suggest that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals. 5 ) Vitamin B ,Thiamin ,Niacin ,Folates : It is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins are essential since they function by acting as co-factors to help body metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats. 6 ) Lychee is considered Diuretic and Digestive. 7 ) It even has high levels of Beta Carotene, greater than that found in carrots.β-Carotene is stored in the liver and many other organs ("golden ovaries")Strengthens The İmmune System 8 ) Lychee fruits are low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but rich in dietary fiber which, can be very important for individuals who are concerned about their excess body weight. 9 ) It is a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, which are quite essential for the body.

Health Benefits of Guava Guavas are low in calories and fats but contain several vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant poly-phenolic and flavonoid compounds that play a pivotal role in prevention of cancers, anti-aging, immune-booster,etc. * Guava is packed with vitamins and minerals that help to keep the skin healthy, fresh and wrinkle free. * Guavas are very good sources of vitamin A, the nutrient best known for preserving and improving eyesight. * Guava is rich in Vitamin C which helps to prevent the viral infections like cold and cough. It also effectively helps in treating scurvy. * One cup of guava is packed with almost the same potassium as bananas. Potassium works as an important factor in regulating blood pressure by reversing the role of sodium in unbalancing normal blood pressure. * Regular guava consumption can also do the skin good through its vitamin E content. Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin through its antioxidant properties. * Guava is a cholesterol free fruit. It satisfies and keeps the stomach free from hunger for a long time. It assists in weight reduction and helps to control diabetes. * Guava should be consumed regularly if you want to avoid heart attack.

How to Stay cool in Summer ? Summer is a dreadful still it is really a pleasant season. It can present you with a pleasurable and enjoyable experience, but only when you Stay Cool. The summer heat can be dreadful for you if you could not stay cooler. Not all the people or families can afford air conditioner, and thereby staying cooler in hot summer days can be a major concern for them. If you are one of them, just do not get bothered as you can keep yourself cooler in hot summer days even without an air conditioner. 1, Take one glass and load it with the ice cubes. After that, hold the glass up to your mouth and blow gently into it. The ice will significantly cool down the air you are blowing into the glass and as the air has just one way to come out of the glass, the cold air will be driven out over your skin. It is a very simple trick and it can be an excellent alternative to air conditioning. 2, Make a thin slice of cold cucumber and place it in the middle of your forehead. This will work instantly and provide a cooling sensation for a hot day. 3, Pour some ordinary rubbing alcohol into the cloth, rub it over your face and sit in front of a fan or in the way of a cool breeze, allowing the evaporation of alcohol. The evaporation of alcohol will provide the cooling effect. Be cautious that alcohol does not get in contact with your mouth or eyes. 4, Remove your hat or shoes while you’re indoors. The majority of the body's heat gets released via the scalp, the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. So, maintaining these areas cool will provide the surprising difference. 5, Going barefooted will also aid you to keep your body cooler. Some Other Tricks to Get Cooler * Close All Windows and Doors throughout the Day : It is very important to prepare your home against the heat. So, you should close all windows, blinds, exterior doors and curtains. It is OK that the sun hits your house in the morning but they should not be opened throughout the hottest part of the day. * Open The Windows And Doors At Evening : For allowing the cooler evening/night air to circulate through the rooms and to create a cross-breeze, it is necessary to open the windows and doors at evening. You should leave all the interior doors open to allow the cooler evening/night air to blow throughout the home. If you leave the interior doors closed, they stock up the daytime heat and your house will not cool down as much you need. * Keep The Air Flowing To Cool Down Your House : Turn on the ceiling fan, an attic fan, a box fan or an upstairs window fan for draining off the heat accumulated in upper rooms and pushing the heat outdoors. Position a portable fan, which can suck up the cooler air from the underneath floor, and blow the hot air in upward direction towards the ceiling. * Turn Off The Unnecessary Things That Generate Heat : If your phone is not being charged, there is no need to plug in the phone charger. Plugging of the phone chargers not only uses the electricity, it also generates heat. Shut down your computer if you are not using it because computers can also generate a lot of heat. Avoid the incandescent light as they are known to create heat, you can switch to compact fluorescents instead. The microwave holds a clock on it, and thereby it generates a lot of heat. If there is a clock on your coffee maker, it can also generate heat. So, avoid the use of both if not necessary. * Make Use Of Light Colors : Opt for a light-colored roof or roof coating if you have a choice. It can reflect sunlight instead of absorbing it.That is not all; you should put white sheets over furniture, cover your corduroy pillows with light-colored pillowcases and put the linen slipcovers on wool sofas during the summer months. The heat will be reflected by light-colored fabric, rather than absorption of it. Moreover, the smooth texture will provide you a feeling of coolness.

Natural Remedies for Gall Bladder Stones   Fresh Lemon Juice: Freshly squeezed lemon juice can be used for dislodging the gall stones that have blocked the bile ducts. Squeeze lemon juice to form 1/4th of a cup. This has to be consumed first thing in the morning empty stomach without adding water. It could be a bitter task, but doing this every day for a week will ensure that your gall stones are dislodged from the gall bladder and bile secretion resumes duty again. Once the discomfort and pain is eased, you may stop this treatment. Mixed Fruit Juices: Fruit juices that are of an acidic nature can melt gall stones. A great remedy for taking the benefit from all the fruit juices is to mix them together and consume every day until you get the gall stones removed from your system. For this, mix apple juice, lemon juice, grapefruit juice and pear juice every day. The combined action of these juices will help in dislodging the bile stones slowly, offering you great relief without other medications. Drinking two cups of apple cider too helps in melting gall stones. Consume as many apples as you can during these days to exert its acidic influence on the stones. * Garlic: Garlic mixed with other potent juices and oils will exert great pressure on the gall stones and dislodge it in no time. Chop garlic into fine pieces and add olive oil and lemon juice to it. Take this four times a day. The gall stones will be softened and expelled through. * Radish: Take Radishes with every food to treat Gall stone * Avoid : Dairy products-Eggs-simple sugar- saturated fats * Intake: Maintain low fat food-Increase your fiber intake-Increaseyour vitamins

Skin Cancer Symptoms Examine your skin from head to toe every few months, using a full-length mirror and hand mirror to check your mouth, nose, scalp, palms, soles, backs of ears, genital area, and between the buttocks. Cover every inch of skin and pay special attention to moles and sites of previous skin cancer.  Types of Skin Cancer: * Malignant melanoma * Basal cell carcinoma * Squamous cell carcinoma Symptoms of Skin Cancer     * A small spot that is shiny, waxy, yellow in color, and smooth in texture.     * A red spot that makes firm.     * Spot which bleeds or become hard and look as sores.     * Skin will become Rough and scaly.     * New skin not developing.     * A change in an existing skin growth. Skin cancer generally develops in the outermost layer of skin, so a tumor is usually clearly visible. This makes most skin cancers detectable in the early stages.     * Use sunscreen: if you go outdoors use sunscreen and avoid direct exposure to midday sun.     * Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen containing both UVA and UVB protection.     * Wear protective clothing. Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, sun hats, and sunglasses.     * Observe skin regularly.     * No tobacco use.     * A healthy diet and regular exercise.     * Limited alcohol use.     * Eat more leafy vegetables, gram and fruit.     * Keep your body weight balanced.

Summer Health Care Tips During the summer 2013 the best health care tip would be to add a mix of berries to your diet, may it be raw berries such as sliced strawberries, black berries or blue berries. Other than that it would be best to have a berry drink with a mix of all the berries, this would help you. Eyes are so sensitive to light. It is vital to protect your eyes from excessive heat and viable solution for this is to wear sun glasses that are of good quality. Fruits are the best companions for you during summer. Fresh fruit juices and pulp can rejuvenate your energy and give back your vigor. So, let fresh fruit juices be a part of your daily diet chart from now on. If you are used to cosmetics, you can apply mild sunscreen lotion to save your skin from getting sun tanned. The foremost of all the summer health tips is that to consume at least 15 glasses of water every day. This will keep you hydrated always. One of the best summer tips can be this it is better to stay indoors most of the time, as your energy levels could drip down immediately when you roam under the hot Sun! It is essential to keep your body heat under control; so, avoid junk foods for a while and instead intake green cucumber salads, butter milk and tender coconut. Though old among summer health tips, this is really important wear loose cotton clothes that will absorb sweat. Avoid dark color clothing such black as they tend to absorb the Sun rays. Another important summer health tip is to inhale fresh air. You can prefer to spend your leisure time in green and breezy zones such as parks and beaches instead of movie theatres and pubs. Natural air will refresh you in a very short span of time. What else other than bathing can stimulate your energy molecules? Bathe twice a day in cold water that will reduce your body heat and soothe you with chillness! If you are an ardent health fanatic, practice regular exercises every day to shed out your sweat and to remain disease free during summer.  

Healthy Tips for Diabetics 1. Drink a lot of water that will help flush the toxins off your system. 2. Do not eat immediately after a workout. 3. If you are on insulin, make sure you have three proper meals with light snacks in between. 4. Do not eat fast; masticate and munch your food well before you swallow. 5. Eat food at fixed hours. Do not overeat. 6. Make sure the gaps between your meals are short. Avoid fried foods and sweetmeats. 7. Include fresh vegetable salad in every meal. 8. Have at least 20 to 25 grams of raw onion daily. 9. Do atleast 1 hour exercise daily. 10. Add wheat bran to your wheat flour (50% wheat flour + 50% wheat bran).   This helps to increase fiber in your diet.

Healthy Food Chart Apples Protects your heart prevents constipation Blocks diarrhea Improves lung capacity Cushions joints    Apricots Combats cancer Controls blood pressure Saves your eyesight Shields against Alzheimer's Slows aging process     Artichokes Aids digestion Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart Stabilizes blood sugar Guards against liver disease   Avocados Battles diabetes Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Controls blood pressure Smoothens skin     Bananas Protects your heart Quiets a cough Strengthens bones Controls blood pressure Blocks diarrhea     Beans Prevents constipation Helps hemorrhoids Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Stabilizes blood sugar Beets Controls blood pressure Combats cancer Strengthens bones Protects your heart Aids weight loss     Blue Berries Combats cancer Protects your heart Stabilizes blood sugar Boosts memory Prevents constipation     Broccoli Strengthens bones Saves eyesight Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Cabbage Combats cancer Prevents constipation Promotes weight loss Protects your heart Helps hemorrhoids     Cantaloupe Saves eyesight Controls blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Supports immune system     Carrots Saves eyesight Protects your heart Prevents constipation Combats cancer Promotes weight loss CauliFlower Protects against Prostate Cancer Combats Breast Cancer Strengthens bones Banishes bruises Guards against heart disease     Cherries Protects your heart Combats Cancer Ends insomnia Slows aging process Shields against Alzheimer's     Chestnuts Promotes weight loss Protects your heart Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood pressure ChilliPeppers Aids digestion Soothes sore throat Clears sinuses Combats Cancer Boosts immune system     Figs Promotes weight loss Helps stops strokes Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood pressure     Fish Protects your heart Boosts memory Protects your heart Combats Cancer Supports immune system Flax Aids digestion Battles diabetes Protects your heart Improves mental health Boosts immune system     Garlic Lowers cholesterol Controls blood pressure Combats cancer Kills bacteria Fights fungus     GrapeFruit Protects against heart attacks Promotes Weight loss Helps stops strokes Combats Prostate Cancer Lowers cholesterol Grapes Saves eyesight Conquers kidney stones Combats cancer Enhances blood flow Protects your heart     GreenTea Combats cancer Protects your heart Helps stops strokes Promotes Weight loss Kills bacteria    Honey Heals wounds Aids digestion Guards against ulcers Increases energy Fights allergies Lemons Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Smoothens skin Stops scurvy     Limes Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Smoothens skin Stops scurvy     Mangoes Combats cancer Boosts memory Regulates thyroid Aids digestion Shields against Alzheimer's Mushrooms Controls blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Kills bacteria Combats cancer Strengthens bones     Oats Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Battles diabetes Prevents constipation Smoothens skin     OliveOil Protects your heart Promotes Weight loss Combats cancer Battles diabetes Smoothens skin Onions Reduce risk of heart attack Combats cancer Kills bacteria Lowers cholesterol Fights fungus     Oranges Supports immune systems Combats cancer Protects your heart Straightens respiration     Peaches Prevents constipation Combats cancer Helps stops strokes Aids digestion Helps hemorrhoids Peanuts Protects against heart disease Promotes Weight loss Combats Prostate Cancer Lowers cholesterol Aggravates diverticulitis     PineApple Strengthens bones Relieves colds Aids digestion Dissolves warts Blocks diarrhea     Prunes Slows aging process Prevents constipation Boosts memory Lowers cholesterol Protects against heart disease Rice Protects your heart Battles diabetes Conquers kidney stones Combats cancer Helps stops strokes     StrawBerries Combats cancer Protects your heart Boosts memory Calms stress     SweetPotatoes Saves your eyesight Lifts mood Combats cancer Strengthens bones Tomatoes Protects prostate Combats cancer Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart     Walnuts Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Boosts memory Lifts mood Protects against heart disease     Water Promotes Weight loss Combats cancer Conquers kidney stones Smoothens skin WaterMelon Protects prostate Promotes Weight loss Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Controls blood pressure    WheatGerm Combats Colon Cancer Prevents constipation Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Improves digestion     WheatBran Combats Colon Cancer Prevents constipation Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Improves digestion Yogurt Guards against ulcers Strengthens bones Lowers cholesterol Supports immune systems Aids digestion

Importance of Eating Bananas Bananas Contain three natural sugars. sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fibre. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. But energy isn’t the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet. * Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. * PMS: Forget the pills eat a banana. The vitamin B6 in banana regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. * Anaemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anaemia. * Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke * Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert. * Constipation: High in fibre, bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives. * Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. * Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body. If you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief. * Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness. * Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation. * Nerves: Bananas are high in B-Complex vitamins that help calm the nervous system. Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. * Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6 and B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. * Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body’s water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack. * Strokes: According to research in “The New England Journal of Medicine”, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%! * Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a sticking plaster or surgical tape! So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well known phrase so that we say, “A banana a day keeps the doctor away!”

Health Benefits of Ginger The ginger root is that part of the zingiber officinale plant that is commonly used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Also called the rhizome, it has a light brown color and is thick and knotted. As it matures, its taste and pungent odor increases. Ginger is harvested at 6-20 months and is a basic cooking spice in most households. 1. Ovarian cancer treatment 2. Colon cancer prevention 3. Morning sickness relief 4. Motion sickness remedy 5. Reduces pain and inflammation 6. Heartburn relief 7. Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 8. Migraine relief 9. Menstrual cramp relief 10. Cold and flu prevention   

Best Anti Aging Foods 1. Avocado: This fruit, which is usually eaten as a vegetable, is a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat that may help to reduce level of a bad type of cholesterol in body. Avocado is a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy skin and preventskin aging 2. Ginger: This spicy root can boostthe digestive and circulatory systems, which can be useful for older people. Ginger may also help to alleviate rheumatic aches and pains. 3. Cruciferous vegetables: The family of Cruciferousvegetables includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip, brussels sprouts, radish and watercress. Cruciferous vegetables assist the body in its fight against toxins and cancer. 4. Whole meal pasta andrice: Complex carbohydrates provide a consistent supply of energy throughout the day and should make up the bulkof your diet. Wholemeal pasta is an excellent complex carbohydrate. 5. Soya: Menopausal women might find that soya helps to maintain oestrogen levels. Soya may alleviate menopausal hot flush and protect against Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis and heart disease. 6. Garlic: Eating a clove of garlic a day (row or cooked) helps to protect the body against cancer andheart disease. The cardioprotectiv e effects of garlic are well recorded. One 1994 study in Iowa, USA, of 41,837 women between the age of 55 and 69 suggested that women who ate a clove of garlic at least once a week were 50 percent less likely to develop colon cancer. 7. Nuts: Most varieties of nuts are good sources of minerals, particularly walnuts and brazi nuts. Walnuts, although high in calories, are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. 8. Berries: All black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and black grapes contain phytochemicals known as flavonoids-powe rful antioxidants which help to protect the body against damage caused by free radicals and aging. 9. Water: Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day in order to remain healthy.Water helps us to get ridof the toxins and unwanted waste materials from your body. Don’t rely on thirst; this sensation diminishes with age. 10. Watermelon: Both the flesh and seeds of the watermelon are nutritious so try blending them together in a food processor and drinking as a juice. The flesh contain vitamin A, B and C ; the seeds contain selenium, essential fats, zinc and vitamin E, all of which help against free radical damage and aging.

Papaya Leaves can Cure Dengue Papaya leaves juice are a possible cure for dengue fever, a recent study revealed. It has been reported that many people consume papaya leaves or pegaga juice to increase their platelet count after they contract dengue fever. The study was initiated and led by Dr S. Kathiresan of AIMST University. Dr Kathiresan said the leaves of papaya fruit were high in complex vitamins that might help bone marrow to rapidly increase blood platelet production. “The dengue virus’ main effect is on platelet production. Normally, a platelet in our body lasts for about five to 10 days and the body replenishes them when required,” “This virus destroys the body’s capacity to produce new platelets (during the period the virus is effective). The platelet count for a normal person varies from 150,000 to 250,000 per micro litre of blood. On becoming infected, a patient’s platelet count starts falling. “A platelet count below 100,000 per microlitre is alarming – immediate medical attention is required. A platelet count below 50,000 can be fatal,” he added. A fall in the platelet count prevents formation of clots and this leads to haemorrhaging, which results in both internal and external bleeding. How should Take Accordingly it is raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf.. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow it like that.  

Natural Treatment For Headache * Rest in a quiet room, in darkness or with dimmed lights. Make sure of getting enough sleep at night. * Massage the muscles at the back of neck and shoulder in a gentle circular motion with sesame oil. Then take a hot shower. * Try using heat to soothe the pain: fill a hot-water bottle, wrap it in a towel, and rest your head on it. * Try aerobic exercise, yoga, or deep breathing or relaxation exercises. * If working at a desk or computer workstation, get up and walk around regularly to reduce tension in your neck and shoulders. * Have your eyesight checked. * Build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, exercise and positive thinking to prevent headache. * Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine in excess, and smoking. * Avoid red meat, nuts, and chocolate. * Avoid Spices, condiments, sour buttermilk, and oily foodstuffs. * Boiling fresh ginger or dried ginger powder in water and then inhaling the steam is also effective. * Eat a ripe apple with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach. Take this continuously for about a week.

How To Treat Chin Blackheads All of us face issues with skin regularly and most of them tend to be with facial skin. Thanks to the never ending environmental pollution and climate changes, we face these issues every day. Just like the way we get pimples and acne on the head and cheeks, we tend to get a few bumps on the chin area, which are called Chin black heads/White heads. These are mainly due to the excess sebum formation in the skin pores. As these are hard to get rid of, we need to have a proper plan. Here are a few tips that should help you: Tips to Remove Blackheads: 1. Gentle cleansing and exfoliation everyday is good option to avoid dirt in skin pores. This will also help you make skin supple and also helps you get rid of Chin blackheads. 2. Expose your facial skin to some steam either by leaning over a hot water bowl or by a steam machine at least for 10 minutes in-order to open pores. Use of eucalyptus oil drops can avoid any cause of infections. 3. Never over do things like forcefully removing blackheads or vigorous use of scrubs as it may leave an ever-remaining scar on your face. It also could end up releasing excess oil leading to increasing number of more pimples. 4. Try using blackhead removing products available in the market to increase overall curing process. Blackhead strips or dirt particles can be used to remove blockages from the skin. 5. Sea salt and Micro-beads can help you remove Chin blackheads as well. But if the problem is critical, you can always consider visiting a dermatologist, who can prescribe useful medicines and creams with retinoids to cure the problem with ease. 6. Estheticians use extractors, which are inserted directly into the pore to remove the black heads, forcing the sebum out. It claims to remove black heads without even leaving a minute scar on our face. But it is suggestible to consult an experienced esthetician for the right procedure. 7. Always take enough Vitamin C (at-least 1 gram daily) to improve your skin texture and clarity. It can actually boost collage production. 8. Try applying orange peel or paste on effected area and leave on for at-least for 15 minutes followed by rinsing with warm water. It will help you reduce the oil production, which inturn will cut on the dirt collection. 9. Application of Aloe Vera directly on skin is also very effective in curing black heads in and around the chin area. All you have to do is apply it on your skin and let it stay for 15 minutes, later rinse it off with warm water. Similarly lemon also can do good to cure this issue.

Home Health Care Exercises for Seniors Home Instead Senior Care has found that an increasing pool of data spells out the inevitable fact that exercise is vital to the good health of seniors.Medical science has long known that one reason people lose muscle mass and grow frail as they age is because of seniors' reduced ability to respond to the stimulus of the hormone insulin. Another recent study found that for seniors, drops in insulin response can be modified by moderate exercise. * Use resistance bands, dumbbells, or weight lifting machines to help build strength. While it’s likely most seniors won’t want to bulk up, strength training activities can prevent loss of muscle tone. * Aerobic activities include things like walking, swimming, dancing, and bicycling. You can get plenty of benefits without overdoing it. Just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day can greatly improve cardiovascular and respiratory health and help with weight management. With water aerobics and elliptical trainers, aerobic exercise doesn’t have to take a toll on your joints either. Everyone can enjoy aerobic exercise. * Perhaps the most enjoyable type of exercise, relaxation activities include things like deep breathing and cool-down exercises. Yoga classes are great for relaxation in addition to increasing agility and flexibility. Relaxation exercises help lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and can help your immune system. * Exercise that help you improve your range of motion and make you more agile should also be incorporated into a senior’s home health care routine. Movements that stretch the body work best. Try a little tai chi or yoga practice a few times of week. These activities can help seniors prevent falls. * Exercise lead to improved mobility and coordination. Every day activities are easier to manage. * Exercise improves balance and can help lessen a senior’s risk of falling. * Exercise brings strength and endurance, making chores easier and reducing stress. * Exercise strengthens bones, and building bone mass is important for staving off osteoporosis. * Exercise improves cardiovascular function and can lower your risk for heart disease. * Exercise can help ward off a number of health problems from dementia to diabetes. * Exercise improves joint health, and can help lubricate joints to alleviate joint pain. * Exercise leads to an improved attitude, elevating self-confidence and mood. * Exercise can improve a senior’s social life, creating opportunities to meet new people. * Exercise can help you sleep better, and better sleep is good for immune system. * Exercise can prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, improving a person’s circulation and stimulating memory function. * Exercise is good for metabolism and can help senior’s maintain a healthy weight.

Health Benefits Of Getting Married Marriage is the foundational relationship for all of society, good marriages are the bedrock of strong societies, for they are the foundations of strong families. follow these simple steps to some health benefits of getting married. * People who are married can have a built in support system and social network. One of you might encourage the other to eat better or join in a workout. * Women with higher than normal blood glucose readings were more apt to end up with full-blown diabetes if they lived alone rather than with a partner. * Marriage is hard work, but if yours is a happy one most of the time, both you and your spouse will reap major health benefits. * Smoke or drink too much compared with people who never married, are divorced or are widowed. * Die prematurely. People who never married are 58 percent more likely to die early, according to a study. * Happily married people had the healthiest blood pressure levels. * Marriage can be very good for you, physically and mentally.

Health Benefits of Almonds One of the interesting things about this fruit is that the wild variety of almond is bitter and poisonous. When you chew the seeds, the component, glycoside amygdalin, present in the seed gets converted to the acid hydrogen cyanide, which is very fatal to human beings. But the domesticated or commercial almonds are devoid of the glycoside amygdalin and thus are safe for consumption. It still remains a mystery as to how the sweet almonds were domesticated from the wild poisonous variety. * Almonds are very beneficial for brain growth and activity. They are especially great for growing children whose brain is developing as they contain good amounts of manganese and phosphorous. * Almonds when taken regularly is said to reduce bad cholesterol and increase the level of high density lipoprotein. * Almonds contain generous amounts of potassium, monounsaturated fats, protein, vitamin E and magnesium making them ideal for heart. They are said to reduce the incidence of heart attack, stroke and other heart related diseases. * Almonds also contain folic acid which is a great food for pregnant mothers. * Almond milk, oil etc is good for enhancing skin complexion. A massage with almond oil can make your skin soft, supple and smooth. That is why many face masks, hair conditioners, scrubs contain almond in them. * Apart from these benefits almonds are also known to reduce blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer and constipation related problems.