Skin Cancer Symptoms
Examine your skin from head to toe every few months, using a full-length mirror and hand mirror to check your mouth, nose, scalp, palms, soles, backs of ears, genital area, and between the buttocks. Cover every inch of skin and pay special attention to moles and sites of previous skin cancer.
Types of Skin Cancer:
* Malignant melanoma
* Basal cell carcinoma
* Squamous cell carcinoma
Symptoms of Skin Cancer
* A small spot that is shiny, waxy, yellow in color, and smooth in texture.
* A red spot that makes firm.
* Spot which bleeds or become hard and look as sores.
* Skin will become Rough and scaly.
* New skin not developing.
* A change in an existing skin growth.
Skin cancer generally develops in the outermost layer of skin, so a tumor is usually clearly visible. This makes most skin cancers detectable in the early stages.
* Use sunscreen: if you go outdoors use sunscreen and avoid direct exposure to midday sun.
* Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen containing both UVA and UVB protection.
* Wear protective clothing. Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, sun hats, and sunglasses.
* Observe skin regularly.
* No tobacco use.
* A healthy diet and regular exercise.
* Limited alcohol use.
* Eat more leafy vegetables, gram and fruit.
* Keep your body weight balanced.