BODY AFTER BABY - 1 The Birth of a Child is an amazing event in the life of a Mother. With loads of happiness and the bundle of joy comes the weight gain and also the difficulty in getting back to Pre-pregnancy figure. While shredding those extra pounds looks impossible, taking a safe, slow practical approach with exercise and good nutrition can help restore the shape you remember!! Set a Fitness Goal: As a new mom, you'll want to consult the doctor to ensure that you're ready to enter into a workout routine. once the doctor gives you a green signal, the first step is to access your energy levels and how is your ability to do certain exercises and the amount of time you can spend everyday, at the same hour while still taking care of the baby. Track your progress: It is essential that you measure your success and that you are committed to continuing the regime. Try the following methods: 1) A typical bathroom scale: set a date to measure your progress. Measure your weight on the same day every week in the morning before eating or drinking. 2) Take measurements too: A weighing scale wont tell you if there is any change in the body areas. measure the biceps, hips, tummy areas to notice the change in numbers. Plan your Week: Grab a calender and schedule your fitness sessions with times that are most likely to be possible. one day you may be busy, other day you may have time to exercise, one day you get only 30mins, other day your baby might wake up within 5mins or you may feel weak. 1) Have a backup if your babies timings vary every week. During those days when you want to spend more time with your baby, plan exercises that you both can do, squats on an exercise ball with the baby in your lap. Take the stroller out for a brisk walk with your child enjoying a sleep or the vague colors. 2) Have a support system: Let family members encourage you, even if suddenly you feel disinterested, or lazy. Some more to share!!!!   - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author..... Exercise and your Money  

Healthy Resolutions For New Year Right Diet New Years Resolutions for Improving Your Food and Diet Expert Tips by Padmaja Prasad TeluguOne.

Yoga For Diabetes Yoga are so rewarding that once you start it is virtually impossible to stop.Your heart starts to open and your attitude becomes more flexible and tolerant."Words fail to convey the total value of Yoga. It has to be experienced." Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

Balanced Diet and Food Tips Best Diet Tips for a Balanced and Healthy Diet by Dr Padmaja Prasad

Exercise and your Money According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, inactive adults have significantly higher direct medical costs than active adults, and the cost increase with age for inactive adults. One famous fitness center in the United States partnered with another famous Insurance company and conducted a study and found that people who went atleast eight times a month to the gym had significantly lower health care costs than those who didnt visit the gym. Frequent gym attendees had 39 percent fewer visits to the Emergency room 41 percent fewer hospital admissions and 18 percent lower overall insurance claims costs. Staying fit and maintaining a healthy weight can contribute to significant reduced risks for various cancers, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension by as much as 60 percent. Benefits of going to a gym: Exercising with others greatly improves exercise adherance as there is company and accountabilty to trainers and coaches helps stick to the program. Benefits of Exercising: Makes you a better employee by as much as 15 percent and it enhances time-management skills, mental performance, sharpness of mind due to better nervous functioning, ability to meet work deadlines, mood and interactions with co-workers. It directly reduces the production of stress harmones.   - Prathyusha Talluri

Jog or Walk to Live Longer A slow jog around the colony or in a jogger's park a few times a week can prolong life! The Copenhagen City Heart Study monitored 1,878 joggers for 30 years and found that 44 percent of these joggers are more likely to live longer than the non-joggers. Males and females that continued to jog regularly added 6.2 years and 5.6 years, respectively, to their average life spans. It only takes 1.5 hours of slow-to average-pace jogging a week to reap the longevity benefits. Walking is also beneficial; the National Institute of Health, in USA says Walking can add upto 4.5 years to the average life expectancy. Seventy five minutes of brisk walking a week can add 1.8 years to life expectancy after age 40, according to a study.   - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author..... SUPER FOODS FOR DIETERS-1 SUPER FOODS FOR DIETERS-2

Yoga Poses For Neck Pain Simple Yoga Poses To Relieve Neck Pain By Dr C V Rao  

SUPER FOODS FOR DIETERS-2 Dieting is not atall easy. Resisting to eat what one likes is difficult. One doesnot have to cut all good foods, but continue to eat what is healthy and maintain a habit to eat the mentioned foods in our article on Super Foods for Dieters to stay healthy than to fall anorexic which is dangerous. Lean Meat: Muscle loss is a big problem for dieters. Fight this unwanted side effect of dieting with 9-10 ounces of meat a day, like beef, fish etc. The Amino acid, Leucine - found in lean meats and fish - helps one lose more weight and fat without loosing muscle. Green Tea: This could be the reason Japanese don't struggle with obesity nearly as much as other nationals do. They consume green tea with almost every meal. The antioxidant called Catechins helps speed up metabolism and burn fat. Olive Oil..for breakfast: Mixed with breakfast, cereal. Studies prove that women who ate breakfast made or mixed with olive oil benefited with a boosted metabolism. Grape Fruit: Drop 6 kgs/ 3 lbs in 12 weeks! This is not an a fact. Studies prove again that when obese people ate half a grapefruit before each meal, they lost tremendous weight. Three glasses of juice per day will result in the same weight loss. Grape fruit is easily available in USA, Below are its names in India... • Hindi: Sadaphal, बतावीनीम्बू Batawi nimbu, चकोतरा Cakotaraa • Manipuri: Nobab • Tamil: Pambalimasu • Malayalam: Pamparamasan • Telugu: Pampara • Bengali: Chakotra • Konkani: Toranji   - Prathyusha Talluri More articles from this author..... SUPER FOODS FOR DIETERS-1

SUPER FOODS FOR DIETERS-1 Dieting is generally about not eating as much, but Studies show that the foods mentioned below curb cravings, help cut calories, fight certain food addictions, boost metabolism and burn fat. They are also tasty enough to savor the flavours. Eggs: Averaging 6 grams of protein per egg and only 4-5 grams of fat and 30 calories, eggs have been Superstars in every dieting studies.. One study showed that obese women who ate 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast with a bread toast felt less hungry in the next 36 hours than others who ate ordinary breakfast and felt hungry faster and ate more, comparitively. Beans: Black beans, kidney beans, green beans etc., are slow-digesting foods and they take long to digest and make us not so hungry easily. People feel beans lead to bloating but in the long run, they will lead to tighter tummy. Beans contain a Digestive Harmone called Cholecystokinin, which is known to reduce appetite. Beans can also stabilize blood sugar, minimizing those sneaky snack attacks, and urge to munch often. Salad: One study showed that people who ate more salad before their meal consumed 12 percent less meals than others who dived into heavy carb-meals. Just the sheer volume and effort in chewing the salad made the first group feel full. There are few more foods to this list, in our upcoming article, wait and watch!!   - Prathyusha Talluri

ఎముకల ధృడత్వం కోసం ఏం చెయ్యాలో తెలుసా...? ఎముకలు దృఢం ఉండాలన్నా, వృద్దాప్యంలో ఆస్టియోపోరోసిస్ కి దూరంగా ఉండాలన్నా శరీరానికి తగినంత కాల్షియం చాలా అవసరం. అయితే కేవలం ఎక్కువ కాల్షియం తీసుకోవడమే కాదు, దానికి తగినట్లుగా వ్యాయామం కుడా చెయ్యాలని అంటున్నారు పరిశోధకులు. యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ సిన్ సినాటి మెడికల్ సెంటర్ కి చెందిన పరిశోధకులు తాజాగా చేపట్టిన పరిశోధనలో ఈ విషయం తెలిసింది. కాల్షియం తీసుకోవడంతో పాటు సరైన వ్యాయామం చేస్తేనే ఎముకలు దృడంగా రూపొందుతాయని, పాతికేళ్ళు దాటినా వారు రోజుకు వెయ్యి మిల్లీ గ్రాముల కాల్షియం తీసుకుంటూ ఉండాలి. అదే విధంగా రోజులో కనీసం 20 నిముషాలు నడవడం, మెట్లెక్కడం, స్టెప్ ఏరోబిక్స్ లాంటివి చేస్తే చక్కటి ఫలితం ఉంటుందని వీరి పరిశోధన చెప్తోంది. మరి కాల్షియం మన శరీరానికి ఎంత ముఖ్యమో... వ్యాయామం కూడా అంతే ముఖ్యం.

గుండెకు ఆయుష్షుని పెంచే యోగా   యోగా ద్వారా గుండెను ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉంచుకోవడం ఎలాగో మీకు తెలుసా? అయితే ఈ వీడియో చూసి తెలుసుకుందాం.

Simple ways to be active    Simply being more active through the day works to improve fitness and increase energy levels.     1. Easing stress and anxiety. A twenty-minute bike ride won’t sweep away all of life’s troubles, but exercising regularly helps you take charge of anxiety and reduce stress. Aerobic exercise releases hormones that relieve stress and promote a sense of well-being.     2. Lifting your mood. Exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication. Exercise also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good.     3. Sharpening brainpower. The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp for tasks at hand. Exercise also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and helps prevent age-related decline.     4. Improving self-esteem. Regular activity is an investment in your mind, body, and soul. When it becomes habit, it can foster your sense of self-worth and make you feel strong and powerful.     5. Boosting energy. Increasing your heart rate several times a week will give you more get-up-and-go. Start off with just a few minutes of exercise a day, and increase your workout as you feel more energized.

  మన శరీరాకృతిని చక్కగా, అందంగా మలుచుకోవాలంటే మనం రకరకాల పనులు చేస్తుంటాం. డైటింగ్ చేయడం, లేదా ఎక్కువ సేపు శ్రమ పడటం వంటివి చేస్తుంటాం. కానీ ఎంజాయ్ చేస్తూ మీ శరీరాకృతిని అందంగా మలచుకోవాలనుకుంటే ఈతను మించిన వ్యాయామం మరొకటి లేదు. ఈత కొట్టడం ద్వారా శరీరంలోని అన్ని ముఖ్యమైన కండరాలు పనిచేస్తాయి. దీనివలన శరీరానికి మంచి వ్యాయామం దొరుకుతుంది.ఏరోబిక్ వంటివి కూడా చేయాలనుకుంటే ఈత ఇంకాస్త వేగంగా ఇదితే సరిపోతుంది. ఈత అనేది మన శరీరంలోని కొవ్వుని కరిగించటంలో ముఖ్య పాత్ర వహిస్తుంది. నిజానికి ఈత రాకపోయినా కూడా ఈత కొలనులో మీ నడుము పై భాగం వరకు నీళ్ళు ఉండేలా చూసుకొని అందులో అలాగే నిలబడిన కూడా.. ఆ అలల వలన మన శరీరానికి మంచి వ్యాయామం దొరుకుతుంది. దీనివల్ల రక్త ప్రసరణ కూడా బాగా జరుగుతుంది. ఇలా చేయడం వలన ఎంజాయ్ కి ఎంజాయ్.. వ్యాయామం తో ఫిట్ గా కూడా ఉండగలము.

10 TIPS TO RISE AND SHINE   Exercise Once you've had a moment to wake up, doing a few exercises to get your blood flowing is a great way to start the day. Anything from crunches to a brief spin on a bike will do. Push-ups and jumping jacks also work. Just make sure that before you start exercising, you allow yourself a gentle warm up. Stretch Slow stretches like yoga poses or simple twists, help your body reenergize gently. These moves also focus your mind, washing away the haziness that sometimes accompanies early wake-up calls. Don't over-caffeinate Yes caffeine can help you jump-start your day, but overdoing it (more than two cups) can kill your buzz mid-morning. Stick to one cup and your energy level will be more stable. Rehydrate When you sleep, your body uses (and therefore loses) its water stores. Rehydrating with a few glasses of cold water not only invigorates your body, it helps to stimulate your nervous system and digestive tract Drink up first thing and your body will be more ready to handle the stresses of the day. Be consistent with sleep Go to bed and wake up at the same time, every day. Your body loves consistency. Sticking to a regular schedule of sleep and rise times will make it easier for your body to awaken in the morning – and you'll feel more rested throughout the day. Wake up to mellow music Waking up to a loud alarm clock can be jarring. It also puts you at a greater risk of having a heart attack (the shocking sound can seriously push some people with heart conditions over the edge). Ditch the blaring alarm clock and invest in one that wakes you up gently, like a clock radio that gradually increases the sound of the music as your body gets accustomed to the welcome noise. Wind down Shut off the computer or TV an hour before you go to bed. Bright lights act as distractions for your brain, making it harder for it to shut off at night. Just by turning brightly lit electronic items off an hour before you go to bed, you'll get lulled into a deeper, more satisfying sleep (meaning you'll feel more willing to wake up in the morning). Take an early shower A refreshing splash of water will kick-start your body's nervous system and help you feel revived. Eat breakfast After a night of fasting, your body needs energy to get moving. Have a healthy breakfast every morning (even if its just a piece of fruit with yogurt or toast and peanut butter) and you'll feel much better about getting things started early. Learn to breathe deep Getting up early, for some people, can be an anxiety-riddled event. Thoughts of "to do lists" and relationship or financial stressors can quickly fill your head. So as soon as you wake up, give yourself a moment to breathe several deep breaths and calm your body and mind.  

ప్రాణాయామం చేసేటపుడు తీసుకోవలసిన జాగ్రత్తలు   మైదానంలోగాని, తోటలోగాని, తలుపులు తెరచియున్న గదిలోగాని, కంబళీ లేక బట్ట లేక ఏదేనీ ఆసనం మీద కూర్చొని ప్రాణాయామం చేయాలి. గాలి విపరీతంగా వీస్తూ ఉంటే ఆ గాలి మధ్య ప్రాణాయామం చేయకూడదు. మురికిగా ఉన్న చోట, దుర్వాసన వస్తున్న చోట, పొగ వస్తున్న చోట ప్రాణాయామం చేయకూడదు. సిగరెట్టు, బీడి, చుట్టపొగ వస్తున్న చోట ప్రాణాయామం చేయకూడదు. పొట్ట నిండుగా ఉన్నపుడు ప్రాణాయామం చేయకూడదు. ప్రాణాయామం చేసే ముందు, చేసిన తరువాత కూడా ఇతర యోగాసనాలు వేయవచ్చు. అయితే చివర శవాసనం వేసి కొద్దిసేపు విశ్రాంతి తీసుకోవాలి. ప్రాణాయామం వేసినపుడు బట్టలు తక్కువగానూ, వదులుగానూ ధరించాలి. నేల మీద కూర్చోలేనివారు, కుర్చి మీద నిటారుగా కూర్చొని ప్రాణాయామం చేయవచ్చు. నడుం, వీపు, వెన్నెముక, మెడలను నిటారుగా ఉంచి ప్రాణాయామం చేయాలి. ప్రాణాయామం చేసేటపుడు ఒకసారి కుడి ముక్కు రంధ్రాన్ని, ఒకసారి ఎడమ ముక్కు రంధ్రాన్ని మూయవలసి ఉంటుంది. కుడి ముక్కు రంధ్రాన్ని కుడిచేతి బొటన వ్రేలితోనూ, ఎడమ ముక్కు రంధ్రాన్ని కుడిచేతి ఉంగరం వ్రేలితోనూ మూయాలి. ముక్కు రంధ్రాలు సరిగా శుభ్రంగా లేకపోతే ప్రాణాయామం చేసే ముందు జలనేతి, సూత్రనేతి క్రియలు సక్రమంగా చేయాలి. అలాచేస్తే ప్రాణాయామం చేస్తున్నపుడు శ్వాస సరిగ్గా ఆడుతుంది. ప్రాణాయామ క్రియలు చేస్తూ ఉన్నపుడు మనస్సును పూర్తిగా శ్వాస ప్రశ్వాస క్రియలపెై కేంద్రీకరిచాలి. వేరే యోచనలకు తావు ఇవ్వకూడదు.

  1. Choose the right diet technique Don't decide to go from comfort food junkie to fad diet fanatic. Opt for a balanced eating plan instead. Erickson suggests, "A fad diet is a diet that restricts any of the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fat. If you go on a diet that restricts the fat, this will leave you hungry, deprived and prone to binge eating." A diet low in protein will also lead to constant hunger. 2. Take a fish oil supplement The Zone nutritionist says, "My theory on changing poor eating patterns is to change the biochemistry of your body, which in turn proactively facilitates positive mood patterns. Fish oil for example is brain food that increases your sense of well being. Feeling good proactively eliminates the need for a food induced high." Try a fish oil supplement like the Zone Diet's OmegaRx which offers the only patented, ultra-refined omega-3 EPA/DHA concentrate at a dose of up to eight times more omega-3s than provided by a typical dose of even the most expensive omega-3 brands sold in stores. 3. Journal your food intake People who keep a food journal usually turn away from temptation if they know there will be a written record of their relapse. Further, a study from Kaiser Permanente Center for Health reports that the single best predictor for successful weight loss is keeping a food diary. What you eat definitely plays a key role in achieving a healthy weight, but recording what you eat can help you reach those weight loss goals. And keeping a journal is free! 4. Allow yourself at least two cheat meals per week During a cheat meal you can eat what you crave the most. "I recommend people set one or two nights per week to eat a cheat meal," says Erickson. "Two cheat meals per week is only a seven percent deviation (as compared to all meals you eat in a week). Knowing you can let loose once and a while keeps you sane." Feeling deprived on any diet will boost your odds of binge eating and once again entering that carb-rich weight gain cycle. 5. Eat regularly to keep your blood sugar stabilized As the only source of fuel for your brain and central nervous system, adequate blood sugar levels keep your brain content with the present moment. By contrast, skipping meals runs the brain on empty, which sets off uncontrollable junk food cravings, not to mention volatile mood swings. Aim for a balanced meal/snack every three to four hours. Erickson suggests following a diet similar to The Zone 40-30-30 because it does not restrict protein, carbohydrates or fat — it contains a balance of all three, which leaves you feeling satisfied, meaning your blood sugar is stabilized as well. (Learn more about the Zone and other healthy diets) 6. Balance your regular meals Your insulin levels dictate your approach to food. When stable, you are satisfied, happy and energized. When erratic, as is the case when you eat a poor high-carb diet, you are always starving, moody and fatigued, which compels you to eat more nutrient poor foods. Eating nutritious balanced meals is the key to halting that vicious diet cycle. Dr Sears says, "To control insulin (and your weight), simply divide your plate into three equal sections. On one section, place the amount of low-fat protein that fits in the palm of your hand (3 to 4 ounces). On the other two-thirds, fill [your plate] until it is overflowing with colorful non-starchy vegetables and fruits. Finally add a dash of olive oil." This type of meal is not only healthy, it will stabilize your blood sugar levels, keep your head clear, and help make the current fiscal crisis easier to handle. 7. Only keep healthy food in the kitchen If you've got junk food in your pantry or refrigerator, it's going to tempt you every time you open the door. Erickson suggests stocking your kitchen with healthy foods — only.

  Heart Disease and Stroke. Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (bad cholesterol), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity. High Blood Pressure. Regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure levels. Physical activity also reduces body fatness, which is associated with high blood pressure. Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes. By reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes. Obesity. Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving muscle mass and improving the body's ability to use calories. When physical activity is combined with proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases. Back Pain. By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain. Osteoporosis. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many forms of bone loss associated with aging. Psychological Effects. Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Researchers also have found that exercise is likely to reduce depression and anxiety and help you to better manage stress.

  Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program. Start out with simple standing and sitting poses. Some forms can give you an intense workout. If in doubt, ask the instructor to clarify what will be taught. As a beginner, it is advisable to choose a gentle, slow form of yoga. Consider one of the following: Hatha yoga is the most popular branch of yoga from which a lot of other styles originated. Because the practice can vary widely, students should find out exactly what a class offers. In Iyengar yoga, students hold poses, especially standing postures, typically longer than in other forms. Svaroopa is a consciousness-oriented yoga that promotes healing. Students often begin this form in comfortable chair poses that help the spine. Integral focuses on integrating yoga teachings into everyday work and relationships.