Dieting is generally about not eating as much, but Studies show that the foods mentioned below curb cravings, help cut calories, fight certain food addictions, boost metabolism and burn fat. They are also tasty enough to savor the flavours.
Eggs: Averaging 6 grams of protein per egg and only 4-5 grams of fat and 30 calories, eggs have been Superstars in every dieting studies.. One study showed that obese women who ate 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast with a bread toast felt less hungry in the next 36 hours than others who ate ordinary breakfast and felt hungry faster and ate more, comparitively.
Beans: Black beans, kidney beans, green beans etc., are slow-digesting foods and they take long to digest and make us not so hungry easily. People feel beans lead to bloating but in the long run, they will lead to tighter tummy. Beans contain a Digestive Harmone called Cholecystokinin, which is known to reduce appetite. Beans can also stabilize blood sugar, minimizing those sneaky snack attacks, and urge to munch often.
Salad: One study showed that people who ate more salad before their meal consumed 12 percent less meals than others who dived into heavy carb-meals. Just the sheer volume and effort in chewing the salad made the first group feel full.
There are few more foods to this list, in our upcoming article, wait and watch!!
- Prathyusha Talluri