Garlic cure to remove warts   The tiny little things on your skin which appear on the skin can be quite bothersome as they can make you look awkward especially if they come on the face and the neck. There is no clear reason why they come, it could be because of accumulation of dirt, genetic or any mild infection but the aftermath is quite visible. There are various ways to remove them -  by burning them with small needles or through laser treatment or by using special creams. A cheaper and easier alternative is removing it at home with the help of a garlic clove. The acidic nature of this humble garlic will help remove the wart, only that you will have to bear the smell for a couple of days. All you need is a big garlic clove and some tape.   1)    Peel the garlic  2)    Cut a sliver of garlic the same shape and size of your wart  3)    Place the  garlic piece on the wart  4)   Put a duct tape or masking tape to hold the garlic on the garlic and set it so that it doesn’t fall off 5)    Also see to that it doesn’t get wet. 6)    Keep the garlic on for 15 minutes a day and you will notice that in a couple of days that the wart will become smaller and then eventually drop off. The wart will disappear between 4-8 days and a small scab like mark on the skin will be left over after the wart disappears. Note:  This is not permanent solution and most of these warts might grow back after being removed. You need to check with your dermatologist for a permanent solution.

Baking soda beauty regime We all know that baking soda is used for fluffing up cakes and adding the crisp element to savories or used as an agent for cleaning stains, but not many know that it can be also used as a beauty agent .Its is readily available in the supermarket and inexpensive too. Sitting at home we can use this soft white powder for varied treatments. Body It can be used as a deodorant to eliminate underarm wetness by rubbing your arm pits with a combination of one-eighth of a teaspoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of water. You can also add a cup of baking soda and one- fourth cup baby oil to your bath and relax or add the same to a bucket of luke warm water and have bath for smooth skin. Hair Mix a small palm-full of baking soda to your shampoo to remove buildup from conditioners, mousses and hairsprays. · It also acts like dry shampoo. If you don’t have time for a shampoo use baking soda when your hair is oily. Sprinkle some on your hair, comb through then quickly fluff your hair with a blow dryer. · To repair Chlorine-damaged tresses, mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 pint warm water and wash you hair · You can also clean combs and brushes. Just dip them in warm water mixed with baking soda and liquid soap. Face · Make a face wash by adding it to coconut oil or olive oil and wash your face gently, rinsing with cool water. · For making a facial exfoliator, in the palm of your hand, mix some baking soda with your facial cleanser to make a gentle exfoliator. Use circular motions to apply gently then rinse as usual for very soft skin. · It also treats acne eruptions. Mix it with a little bit of water and apply it to the acne until it dries and wash it with cool water. Mouth · It makes a great tooth polish and whitener. The baking soda works to freshen breathe and whiten and polish teeth. Dip a damp toothbrush in baking soda and brush away. For a double effect you could also dip a toothbrush with toothpaste in baking soda for mouth cleaning. · It is also good for cleaning toothbrushes. Soak your tooth brush in a mixture of water and baking soda and let it soak overnight. Wash the next day. Elbows This also works for the rough skin on elbows. Make a thick paste with baking soda and water (about 3 parts baking soda to one part water) and scrub away. Nails For soft cuticles scrub your nails or toenails with a nailbrush (or old toothbrush) dipped in baking soda will soften and gently exfoliate cuticles. Feet Scrubbing dry, cracked cuticles with a paste made out of equal amount of baking soda and warm water will help to exfoliate dead skin cells and soften your hands.

Beauty Tips for Brides Here are some simple yet effective tips that every bride must follow: Never ever forget to apply sunscreen 20 minutes before you step out . Always remember water is the best remedy, drink lot of water to make your skin look flawless and glowing. Apply mixture of hot and castor oil twice a week on your hair and massage it well it will increase volume of your hair and make it look shimmering. Moisturize your body before going to bed Have maximum fruits having vitamin C (specially orange) it make you look flawless and improves your skin tone Make sure you have normal clean up every month at-least 6months before Avoid junk food Get your facial done before 4-5 days before your wedding as it takes at-least 4 days to glow your skin Most prominently do not experiment with any new object on your skin

MAPPING ACNE-2   In terms of medical conditions, hormonal endocrine problems such as cystic ovaries or overactive adrenal glands can cause hormonal types of acne. In these situations, hormonal acne would occur all the time as opposed to just prior to the menstrual cycle. if a woman is showing a lot of acne and isn't responding to treatments, a hormonal abnormality is a possible cause. A blood test is necessary in order to diagnose any hormonal imbalance.  An overactive thyroid can also be a medical condition that causes increased acne everywhere, not in hormonal areas. A thyroid condition will leave the skin shiny and clogged, very similar to adolescent acne. If you're having a medical condition that is leading to acne flare-ups, you are more likely to find acne on the body as well.  Pay attention to hair and beauty products that you use, such as conditioners and heavy moisturizers, as these can also cause breakouts. Prescribed medications for acne typically come in two types --- Topical and Oral. Topical medications are usually prescription retinoids and topical antimicrobials. Oral medications are antibiotics and hormones. Consult your dermatologist to determine the medication if you think you may need treatment.   

MAPPING ACNE   Acne breakouts are normal, however, they are not a sight anyone wants to see when they look in the mirror. Understanding the cause of your breakouts can help give you insight on how to better manage your skin. The location of breakouts on the face usually depends largely on the age and hormonal influence of the patient. Adolescents---teenagers in particular-and adult women are the most prone to acne flare-ups. These breakouts occur primarily in two places : the T-Zone and the V-Zone.  Adolescents breakouts often occur in the T-Zone. this area is found by making a "T" across your forehead and down the nose to the chin. Skin in that area will be oily, shiny and clogged due to the surge of hormones that stimulate the oil glands slightly before and during puberty. These breakouts will display more blackheads and whiteheads. the scalp also produces excess oil during puberty, so natural oils from the hair can cause breakouts as well. As a person ages, the location of the acne migrates downward, especially for women. Adult women tend to have more of the breakouts on the lower half of the face, which is referred to as the V-Zone. This area covers the lower cheeks, jawline, chin and neck. The lower part of the face has more hormonal receptivity, which is the primary cause for this shift in location. For instance, women will often get a cyst on their menstrual cycle. Post-adolescent women tend to have an inflammed type of acne consisting of pink and white bumps rather than the oily, shiny face you would see in a teenager. the skin is often more normal, or it may even be dry.   - Prathyusha Talluri

ఆకర్షించే బ్లౌజుల కోసం బ్యూటీ చిట్కాలు ఈ మధ్య కాలంలో చీర అందాన్ని పెంచటంలో "బ్లౌజులు" ఎంతో ముఖ్య పాత్ర పోషిస్తున్నాయి. రకరకాల వెరైటీలతో వాటిని డిజైన్ చేస్తున్నారు. హై-నెక్ బ్లౌజులు నుంచి లో-నెక్ బ్లౌజులు దాకా.. వీపు అందంగా కనిపించేలా డిజైన్ చేసిన బ్లౌజులు వేసుకునేప్పుడు ఒక్కసారి వీపు అందాన్ని పెంచే చిన్న చిన్న బ్యూటీ టిప్స్ పాటిస్తే బాగుంటుంది అంటున్నారు బ్యూటీ షియన్స్. మరి మనం సాధారణ౦గా నిర్లక్ష్యం చేసే వీపే అందాన్ని పెంచటానికి వారు ఇస్తున్న టిప్స్ ఏంటో చూద్దామా ...! *యాపిల్ ని మెత్తగా గ్రైండ్ చేసి,దాంట్లో తేనె కలిపి వీపుకు పట్టించి పది నిమిషాల తర్వాత చల్లని నీటితో కడగాలి. ఇలా చేస్తే చర్మం అందంగా మెరుస్తుంది. వారానికి ఒకసారి అయిన ఇలా చేస్తుంటే నల్లగా కనిపించే వీపు భాగం మంచి రంగు వస్తుందట. *ఇక అందాన్ని పెంచటంలో ముల్తానీ మట్టి తిరుగులేదని తెలిసిందేగా. ఆ ముల్తానీ మట్టి ప్యాక్ వీపు అందానికి కూడా పనికొస్తుందట. ముల్తానీ మట్టిని పెరుగులో కలిపి, ప్యాక్ వేసుకొని 20 నిమిషాల తర్వాత గోరు వెచ్చని నీటితో కడిగేయాలి . *పొడి చర్మం కలవారైతే కీరదోస గుజ్జులో పుదీనా ఆకుని గ్రైండ్ చేసి కలపాలి. ఆ మిశ్రమాన్ని ప్యాక్ గా వీపుకు వేసుకుంటే కొత్త మెరుపు ఖాయం అని చెపుతున్నారు. *ఇక అప్పటికప్పుడు ఇన్ స్టాంట్ మెరుపు కోసం... పెరుగు, తేనే, నిమ్మరసం, విటమిన్ E క్యాప్సుల్ లని పేస్టులా చేసి, వీపు భాగానికి పట్టించి పదిహేను నిమిషాల తర్వాత స్నాన౦ చేయాలి. ఇలా వీపు భాగాన్ని నిర్లక్ష్యం చేయకుండా ..మీకు అనుకూలమైన ప్యాక్ ను ఎంచుకొని వేసుకుంటే ఎలాంటి డిజైన్ బ్లౌజునైనా ధైర్యంగా వేసుకోవచ్చు.  

EASY HOME MADE WAX Unwanted hairs in our face and body will reduce our beauty, so in this recent trend everybody doing waxing to enrich our beauty of the hands& legs. Tips 1: Ingredients Waxing strip Cotton piece Keep the wax warm. Then using knife to spread the wax on legs or hands. When you do this on face take care to spread wax very thin and spread in small portions. Then immediately put the wax strip on the area and press lightly. Peel the wax strip out towards the opposite direction of hair-from tip to upwards. Do a sudden pull. Take care to do peeling very gently. Tips2: Ingredients Sugar – 1 cup Lemon juice Honey – ½ cup Corn starch Cotton fabric Mix lemon, sugar, and honey in a bowl. Microwave it on high for about 2-3 minutes, until it get smooth consistency. Make sure your legs it is clean and dry. Spread a thin layer on your leg. Cover with a strip of fabric, and rubbing the strip the opposite way of hair growth, about 3 times. Grab the fabric end and pull it off very quickly against the direction of the hair growth.

GOLD BEAUTY Gold and Shimmer are the top beauty trends now. This season, fashion and beauty experts have shiny and shimmery products on their hotlists, announcing the return of gold looks. Few famous salon chains are offering an exfoliating procedure and gold soak followed by a massage mixed with gold essence and in the final step, a gold pack applied to bring that rich effect on skin. Eyeliners and Mascaras with shimmer are already in the market, nail polishes with dazzle are getting ready to dress up the nails of beautiful ladies. Probably, trends follow the season, the season of celebrations and festivities.   - Prathyusha

FEW TIPS FOR GLOWING SKIN Everybody wants to get glowing skin. But how many of them know the right way of it? You can follow some natural tips for glowing skin and make you more attractive and beautiful. You should always remove your makeup with your makeup remover and moisture it. •Make sure you have to apply cleanser & moisturizer to your skin. Clean your face with rose water before you bath. It is mild and will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. Using almond oil at night might assist you in getting glowing skin in the morning. •For instant glow Use fresh ripe papaya .Take a small piece of freshly cut ripe papaya and gently rubs it on your face. Keep it on for about 15 minutes and then wash. •If you have sensitive skin, try mixing small amount of body oils into your bothered acne spots once a week after opening your pores with warm water and steam. Use a mild cleanser and then splash your face with rose water each night. Avoid junk food, and excess caffeine. Do drink plenty of water. Drinking six to eight glasses of water everyday enables the toxins from the body to get flushed out more effectively, causing the skin to look fresh and hydrated.   -Y. Lillnirmala santhi

అరటిపండుతో సౌందర్య సంరక్షణ ముఖ సౌందర్యాన్ని, చర్మ ఆరోగ్యాన్ని రక్షించుకోవడానికి అరటిపండు ఓ మంచి టిప్ అని నిపుణులు చెబుతున్నారు . అరటిపండుతో సౌందర్య రక్షణ ఎలాగో చూద్దాం… • బాగా మగ్గిన అరటిపండును గుజ్జుగా చేసి, అందులో రెండు స్పూన్లు గట్టి పెరుగు లేదా ఓట్స్ పొడి వేసి బాగా కలిపి ముఖం, మెడకు పట్టించి.. ఆరిన తరువాత గోరువెచ్చని నీటితో శుభ్రం చేసుకోవాలి. • పొడి చర్మం ఉన్న వారు అరటిపండు గుజ్జులో గుడ్డులోని తెల్లసొన, ఒక టేబుల్ స్పూన్ క్రీమ్ జత చేసి బాగా కలిపి ముఖం, మెడకు పట్టించి ఆరనివ్వాలి. తరువాత గోరువెచ్చని నీటితో శుభ్రం చేసుకోవాలి. ఈ విధంగా వారంలో కనీసం మూడు సార్లు చేసినట్టయితే మంచి ఫలితాన్ని పొందవచ్చు. • ముఖం మీద మచ్చలు ఉన్నట్లయితే... అరటి పండు తొక్కతో మచ్చలున్న ప్రదేశంలో సున్నితంగా రుద్ది ఓ పావు గంట సేపు ఆరనివ్వాలి. తరువాత ముఖాన్ని శుభ్రంగా కడుక్కోవాలి. రోజు మొత్తం మీద వీలయినన్ని సార్లు ఈ విధంగా చేసినట్టయితే మచ్చలు మాయం అవుతాయి. • పళ్ళు పసుపు పచ్చగా మారుతుంటే ఈ విధంగా చేసి చూడండి. అరటి తొక్కతో పళ్ళ మీద బాగా రుద్దాలి. రోజులో కనీసం రెండు సార్లు ఈ విధంగా చేసినట్టయితే మంచి ఫలితాన్ని పొందవచ్చు.   -వై.లిల్లీ నిర్మల శాంతి

How to Look Gorgeous Without Makeup Drink sufficient water : Water infuses the much needed elasticity into your skin, and makes it appear well-hydrated. If you drink 7 to 8 glasses of water every day, you will soon find a unique radiant glow lingering on your skin. Proper skin cleansing regimen : If you want to look gorgeous naturally, you will have to take care of your skin. You have to make sure that your skin is clean and free from blemishes. Follow a cleansing regimen twice a day. Make 'CTM' (cleansing, toning, and moisturising) as your skin care mantra. All you need is, an appropriate skin cleanser, moisturiser, and toner, all of which would keep your skin cleansed and healthy throughout the day. Apart from this, exfoliate your skin thrice a week to remove dead skin cells off. Take care of your hair : Lustrous locks add to your beauty. Ensure that your hair does not become greasy. Use the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Try hair spa and oil turban therapy treatments to enhance the sheen and smoothness of your hair. Also, use natural products to protect your scalp against problems like hair fall, breakage, spilt-ends, and scalp infections, etc. Stop touching your face : Keep your hands away from your face, especially when you are outdoors. Do not prick those pimples, unless you want them to leave behind an ugly mark on your face. Do not rub your eyes constantly because that pulls and effects the sensitive skin around your eyes, leading to wrinkles. Remember, your facial skin is very delicate, so keep those dirty hands away from it! Pay attention to smaller details : Beautiful eyes play a significant part in overall appeal. Eyebrows provide a framing effect to the face. Shape your eyebrows according to your face cut. You can wax your forehead for a cleaner look. Remove facial hair and excess body hair from visible areas.   Smile please! Always take care of your lips and teeth. Never lick your lips and use a good lip balm to keep them soft and supple. Smile lights up your face and spreads a feel good factor all around.

Look Beautiful with Glasses If you are wearing glasses, you know that finding just the right makeup and hair to pair with your specs can be tricky business. Let me share with you some makeup tips and tricks that will make you a sexy and cute glasses wearer:Pop on your lips bold, bright and strong colour of your choose: red, bright pink or coral will do. You will notice how your face will instantly change and you will look extremely elegant without trying too hard. Define your eyes with the help of mascara, eyeliner or eye pencil to balance your frames with your eyes and also curling your lashes will instantly open up your eyes and make you look cute behind your eyewear. If you have thick frames then draw thick lines with your eyeliner. Highlight the area under your eyes. Try to apply a little bit of shimmery highlighter on the area under your eyes, it will instantly brighten up your look.When you wear glasses brows become of great importance. Eyebrows help to frame your face, so create a great shape and trim them regularly.Don’t apply eyeshadow beyond the frame line.Don’t forget the blush. " Stay Beautiful!"

కాంతినిచ్చే ఫేస్ ప్యాక్ లు చర్మం విపరీతంగా పొడిబారడం ,పాలిపోయి నిర్జీవంగా మారడం ….ఇలా ఎన్నో ఇబ్బందులు ముఖ కాంతిని తగ్గిస్తాయి .ఇలాంటి సమస్యల్ని నివారించాలంటే ఇంట్లోనే దొరికే వాటితో స్వయంగా చర్మ కాంతికి కావలసిన వాటిని తయారు చేసుకొని,బంగారం లాంటి నిగారింపును పొందవచ్చు. పుదీనా ఫేస్ ప్యాక్: తాజా పుదీనా ఆకుల్ని మిక్సిలో వేసి, మెత్తని పేస్టులా చేసి, అందులో చిటికెడు పసుపు కలపాలి. ముఖాన్ని గోరువెచ్చని నీటితో కడిగేసుకొని, తరువాత ఈ మిశ్రమాన్ని ముఖానికి రాసుకొని, 15 నిమిషాల తరువాత చల్లని నీటితో కడిగేసుకోవాలి. సోయా గింజలతో: 50 గ్రాముల సోయాగింజలని రాత్రంతా నానబెట్టి, ఉదయం మెత్తటి పేస్టులా చెయ్యాలి. ఆ పేస్టులో పచ్చి పాలు, బాదం నూనె కలిపి ఈ మిశ్రమాన్ని ముఖానికి రాసుకొని, కాసేపయ్యాక శుభ్రం చేసుకోవాలి. ఇలా తరుచు చెయ్యడం వలన ముఖం కాంతివంతం అవుతుంది. కీరదోసతో: కీరదోసకాయని మెత్తగా చేసి, దానికి ఒక టీ స్పూన్ పంచదార కలిపి ఫ్రిజ్ లో కొద్దిసేపు ఉంచాలి. కాస్త చల్లగా అయ్యాక ఆ పేస్టుని ముఖానికి రాసుకొని 10 నిమిషాల తరువాత చల్లటి నీటితో శుభ్రపరుచుకోవాలి. ఇలా చేయడం వలన చర్మం జిడ్డుగా మారకుండా కాంతివంతంగా మారుతుంది. - వై. లిల్లీ నిర్మల శాంతి

Pre Wedding Beauty Treatments When it comes to one of the biggest days of your life, you want to make sure you look fantastic and feel comfortable with whatever decisions you have made in terms of your pre-wedding beauty preparation.Clear your skin and bring a glow to your complexion and plan your pre-wedding with skincare consultation about 2-3 months and then before your wedding day take two or three days facial. If you opt for a sun bed, leave plenty of time to safely build up your tan over a few weeks so that it looks as natural as possible. If you want your skin to shine, you can opt for a body polish, which exfoliates away dead skin cells and moisturises your body. A pedicure will make sure your feet and toes look great. Your feet will feel smoother and softer. Eyelash extensions are a great treatment to bring out your eyes with individual lashes glued to your natural lashes making them longer and sexier. Finally, if the stress of the big day is getting to you, why not try an all over body massage to relax you can keep you calm.

LETS PREPARE HOMEMADE MOISTURIZER Even if your skin type tends to be normal or oily, using a high quality moisturizer on a regular basis can be a key for improving the way your skin looks and feels. No matter whether your skin type is dry, oily or sensitive you should not skip the moisturizing step . To prepare a high quality home made moisturizer here are the few natural ingredients with the help of them you can prepare a high quality moisturizing cream. PROCEDURE: Take ½ cup of almond or olive oil, ¼ cup of coconut oil, ¼ cup of honey. Optionally we have to add 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil, 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter and finally essential oils, vanilla extract or other natural extracts to suit your preferences. HOW TO MAKE A LOTION: 1. Mix all ingredients in a small or larger glass jar. You can even reuse a glass jar from pickles, olives or other foods. 2. Fill a medium jar with a couple inches of water and place over medium heat. 3. Put a lid on the jar loosely and place in the pan with the water. 4. As the water heats, the ingredients in the jar will start to melt. Shake or stir sometimes to include. When all ingredients are completely melted, pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for storage. Small jars are great for this. It will not pump well in a lotion pump! 5. Use as you would regular lotion. This has a longer shelf life than some homemade lotion recipes since all ingredients are already shelf stable and not water is added. Use within 6 months for best moisturizing benefits. If you want an even easier solution, make these easy Lotion Bars! Only three ingredients, take less time to make and last longer.   - Y. Lilly Nirmala Shanthi  

NATURAL SKIN CARE WITH HONEY Honey is a sweet liquid produced by honey bees using nectar from flowers. honey is good for you in both the ways either taken internally or applied topically to the skin. honey helps to cure acne, scars, wounds, wrinkles and even dry skin. Usage of honey: Facial scrub: Honey is a basic ingredient in a facial mask furnishes. who have sensitive skin can try this. mix honey, brown sugar, olive oil and lemon juice apply to face and leave it for 15 min. it dosn't harsh the skin which removes dead skin cells to reveal a smoother and lively complexion. Hair removal: Mix honey and lemon juice and pour into a sugaring wax that's safe to use on your body. This will remove hair and also make your skin soft. Scars: To make the scars leave your side, apply raw honey on the affected areas before bed and cover with a bandage. In the morning, remove the cover-up and cleanse the skin. Bath treatment: Take bath with milk and honey. The alpha hydroxy acids in milk breaks down dry and flaky skin, while the enzymes in honey softens skin. Sunburn: Honey helps to quite sunburns. You just need to drop a little honey on skin. Chapped lips: Mix honey, brown sugar and olive oil, and apply on your lips. This mixture will moisturise chappy lips.   - Y. Lilly Nirmala Shanthi

SKIN SENSITIVE Keeping your skin clean when its sensitive actually requires less work. According to American Academy of Dermatology, washing the face once a day should be enough for people with sensitive skin. SENSITIVE SKIN: Be careful if you want to exfoliate---when you have sensitive skin, the exfoliation process can actually cause irritation as the scrubs and exfoliants tend to peel off and rub against delicate skin. ACNE: Paying attention to the hair and beauty products we use is extremely important. Conditioners and heavy moisturizers can cause skin break-outs. An overactive thyroid can also cause a medical condition of increased acne which is similar to adolescent acne. FOR THE LIPS: Just like our skin, protecting our lips from the sun's effects is just as important in the winter as it is in the summer. Dermatologists recommend year-round use of a lip balm with a broad spectrum SPF 30 to prevent chapped lips and guard against skin cancer.   - Prathyusha More articles from this author.... 26261.html#.Ut4EQfu6Zkg

Simple Foot Care Tips You can give yourself a good pedicure twice a month. As this will help your feet remain beautiful always. The steps for the pedicure are as follows.. 1) Smooth It Out: Make it a habit to use a pumice stone or foot file on damp heels and calluses. Doing so will keep your feet looking good in open-back shoes.First, soak your feet in water or a foot bath for 10 to 15 minutes to help soften the skin. Then gently remove the thickened skin with a pumice stone.After scrub, apply a rich foot cream or balm containing shea butter or cocoa butter. 2) Moisturize: If your heels are very dry and cracked,then look for creams containing petrolatum, an emollient, or a humectant such as lactic acid, which draws moisture into the skin. 3) Fight Fungus: Look for a medicated powder or spray if you have sweaty feet. Powders usually contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate to help keep feet dry. If you have dry feet, look for an antifungal lotion. Dry your feet thoroughly before you apply antifungal powder or lotion. Basic good foot hygiene is the best way to prevent fungal infections. Wash your feet frequently and dry them thoroughly, especially between your toes. Wear fresh socks or other hosiery daily.