3-Steps for Soft and Fair Knees

DIY for fair knees:For those who have been naughty and were made to kneel down as a punishment in school, would also remember the dark patches on the knees. Not a pleasant sight anymore especially if you are into wearing skirts and shorts, this dry and dark skin on the knees  can be lightened and treated to get back soft and fair knees with this simple  3-step DIY treatment at home…Bleaching- Exfoliating- Moisturizing Mantra!

We know that you know about this mantra which is meant for your face , but these simple steps can also be followed for your knees.

Bleaching: Any gentle crème or gel bleach would do. Apply the bleach all over the knees .Wait don’t just clean it right away

Exfoliating: After the bleach has done its work take a good scrub or make your own salt and granulated sugar scrub ( 1:1 spoon ratio) and scrub the bleach and dead skin away.
As per the Bleaching product instructions mentioned you should not apply soap or any cream for a day. So once you have done the first 2 steps, you need to wait for another day for step 3.

Moisturizing: Use a good, branded moisturizer which has skin lightening agents so that they keep the skin white and soft.This has to be done evry day before you go to bed.

General Tips: 1. Follow this 3-step procedure once a month with moisturizing as a  follow up every day.
2. Scrub and moisturize your knees as regularly as you moisturize your lips and elbows.
3. Apply a sunscreen on your knees at least 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun.
4. Take vitamin A-rich diet (beetroot, carrots and watermelons, as it aids in protecting skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
5. Avoid wearing skirts in winters and when the weather is cold and dry (obviously not when it is freezing, we were referring to  those who live in tropical climates)
6. Apply  coconut oil or olive oil before you bathe, as oil keeps the skin soft and supple. For smooth and supple elbows click here...