Some foods can prove to be very good for the mastermind organ, Brain. Specific nutrients can also affect cognitive processes and emotions thus controlling the brain functioning. Some of the brainy foods are:
Beets :
This root vegetable helps in boosting the brain power. Scientists at Wake Forest University stated that the natural nitrates available in Beets are responsible for vasodilatation thus enabling better blood flow to brain and enhancing mental performance. It is a great source of folate manganese and betaine which also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Sage extracts :
It is indeed sage in its properties! Its constituent compounds prevent the break down of the neurotransmitter; acetylcholine which is chiefly functional in learning, memory and other cognitive processes.
Sardine-Oily Fish :
This fish is packed with the essential fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated fats and are vital for the functioning of Brain and Retina. It is stocked with Omega-3-Fatty acids, which strengthen the communication between neural cells and reinforce neurotransmitters responsible for mental focus!
Egg yolks :
Eggs, more specifically egg yolks are major sources of vitamins and minerals. It contains most of the egg’s fat, cholesterol and protein. Yolks are a leading source of Choline, which is a precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. According to Swiss researchers, High protein morning meal improves overall cognitive performance
Oats :
Oats are touted, commercially nutritious and healthy, because of their unique cholesterol lowering properties. Glucose is the primary fuel for our Brain which comes from carbohydrates which are abundant in oats.
Lentils :
Legumes are intact with folate and Vitamin B aiding in boosting brain power. Folate plays a vital role in decreasing levels of amino acids that impair brain functioning.
Flaxseeds :
Flaxseeds are the best source of essential fatty acids and Omega-3-Fatty acids which improve the working of cerebral cortex thus strengthening sensory processes.
Walnuts :
Scientist at Tufts University in Boston found that a diet rich in walnuts can improve mental performance .It boosts brain power because of specific variants of antioxidants and Omega-3-Fatty acids
Gulp down the Brainy Foods!!
Stayy Brainyy!!
- Siri