Dasara let's celebrate our lives
Dussehra symbolizes the conquest of good over evil. It is thus considered as an auspicious day. On this day burning of the effigy of Ravana along with his subordinates Meghanad and Kumbhkarana are done to celebrate the win of good over evil., As Lord Rama fought a battle of ten days with Ravana, who had abducted his wife Sita, the day of his victory is called Vijaya Dashmi, the tenth day of Victory.That is why this day is held in high regard by people who believe that whenever there will be chaos in the society and evil tries to take over humanity, God will appear in a the form of savior to protect his devotees. This is about the story behind Dussehra festival,but can we relate this festival saga to our life? let's see...There are ten gunas or innate natures of human beings which play a major role in defining their life.
1) Kama(Lust) - lust for any physical thing has to be under control if it crosses a barrier life will be doomed.
2) Krodha(Anger) - Our anger might or might not harm others but it surely will damage our own thought and well being. So keeping anger in control will be a boon to life.
3) Moha(Attachment) - Over Attachment towards people or things will always leave us in a vulnerable situation. A small jerk will pull us down. But with out attachment we cant live. So try to be more semidetached than fully attached.
4) Lobha(Greed) - This greed will for sure pull our life to a place where we have nothing but greed to live with. So beware.
5) Mada(over pride) - Having pride is a normal trait but having abnormal pride is dangerous.
6) Maatsarya(Jealously) - Pride is liking ourselves more but jealously is Hating others even more,will that help us in any way?
7) Swaardha(Selfishness) - If jealously matures it will give birth to selfishness,which will make us think about "me,myself"only
8) Anyaaya(Injustice) - Naturally if we think ONLY about our good,we tend to do injustice to others
9) Aaamaanavathva(Inhuman) - While we do injustice we tend to become more like animals,inhuman .
10) Ahankaar(Ego) - Once a person reaches this Ego Level its hard to come back. So when we know that these 9 vices are around us,and trying to conquer us, dont you think we should wage a war to win over them? Try to do that and our life will become a "Dussera" celebration every day.
Happy" Dussehra"