This is how too much sweet affects your child's behaviour
It is a common practice in almost every household to make our children feast on chocolates irrespective of when they are happy or sad. Chocolates and sweets do the trick for parents when it comes to making kids do something that the parents want them to do. But what a lot of them don't realise is sugar and other carbohydrate intake can dramatically impact children’s behavior, particularly their activity levels.
Scientists and researchers alike have for long suspected that consuming large amounts of sugars may lead to childhood health problems. Research suggests that there are many negative effects associated with children consuming diets heavy in sugars which mainly includes hyperactivity and obesity..
In a recently conducted survey, it was revealed that that sugar consumption contributes to the aggravation of the symptoms of ADHD, including hyperactivity, aggression and destructive behaviour. Also the research saw children being more calmer when there is less intake of sugars.
Apart from hyperactivity, excess consumption of sugar also leads to obesity and Malnutrition in kids. Researchers also found that children who consumed more sugar and sweetened beverages had the highest probability of being obese. This is because sugar and sweetened beverages are absorbed quickly in the bloodstream, causing an increase in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are high, any calories provided by these sugars that are not used right away are then stored for later use as fat.
It is observed that many children who consume excessive amounts of sugar are overweight, but the reality is they may still be malnourished. The weight of the child does not always convey if he is well nourished. This is because foods high in sugars provide empty calories. Empty calories are calories that provide little to no nutritional value.
Children who fill up on empty calories are likely to miss essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, that would be provided by a nutrient-dense meal. This may lead to malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies.
Another recent research by scientist supports the idea that a breakfast with a lower sugar load may improve short-term memory and also the attention span of children at school. Giving your child a breakfast which contains finer , such as oatmeal, whole-grain bread, etc, instead of loads of refined sugar will keep adrenaline levels more constant and make the school day a more productive and happier experience. So the next time you have to pack the lunch box for your child make sure you include delicacies with good fibre content in it which will take their day and surely yours more delightful.