We all mostly have pieces of wrapping paper left out, or we store the wrapping paper from someone's gift and cant reuse as they are foldings here and there.
Wrap candle jars with the strip of wrapping paper, and give them a new look.
Dress up an already wrapped bouquet. It looks so much prettier than the plain paper most stores use.
Use as a shelf liner in the bookshelf or closet, or an armoir.
Use it to cover ceramic or glassware in a box along with a bubble wrap when giving gifts to others, the old foldings dont matter.
Cut the paper into crinkles by folding the paper multiple times and using a crinklecut sciccors and use the pieces to fill jars to decorate or to fill balloons to burst on birthdays or fill boxes for storing glassware.
Make a patchwork poster with different wrapping paper designs and an artpiece is ready.
Turn it into a bunting for Birthday decorations or a party look.
- Prathyusha
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