Indian Natural Homemade Beauty Tips
These tips are just for every home & women which is cost effective and can be availed from your day to day handlings. This also avoid chemical mixed beauty items that are mostly sold at high prices and if it is a branded one, then needless to say it would pinch your purse too!
Simple, easy and with easily available items are the special highlights of these tips and sure there is no side effects or damages because of mostly all the ingredients are of natural one. After you try these, you may send in your comments or leave your comments
* The combination is very simple and includes one cup of vanilla yogurt with juice from one-fourth of an orange squeezed into the yogurt. Mix the two well and lather it on your face leaving it for ten minutes. Your skin will feel smooth and will have a lovely vanilla-citrus scent.
* Lips are slightly chapped I hate to put my lip tint on because I think it makes my cracked lips look worse! Yet one way to fix this problem is to take a standard toothbrush and brush the dead flakes off. You want to be gentle because if you scrub too hard it can irritate your lips, but the end result is great and my lips feel so soft. It even gives them a very natural reddish-pinkish look so you can go without tint, gloss or lipstick after brushing!
* Yet one of my friends told me that she likes to leave her lotion on top of a heater or radiator while in the shower so that when she gets out the moisturizer is warm and easier to spread over her dry knees and elbows. I tried this trick and it works great but since the lotion does get warm and liquid-y, you have to be careful to not squeeze it out of the tube too hard and get it everywhere.
* Take a citric fruit, like a lemon, and rub it over the dry parts. The acid breaks up the cracked, flaky bits and leaves behind soft skin. I really like to use a lemon wedge on my hip bones which get really dry and red after my jeans rub them all day long.
* It is final pointer might be really helpful if you've broken up with a boyfriend or seen a really sad movie lately. To relieve puffy, red eyes, just dab a bit of olive oil around them. It will help reduce the swollen look that you can tend to get after crying.