Stress and Work go hand in hand in the lives of most of us. Suggestions of relief come free...
Maintain good friends. When you feel the heat, sharing a laughter or two gives some relief.
Keep some pictures of your Loved ones/ family on your desk.
Stock up some low-calorie breakfast bars, dryfruits. When you are too hungry, you cant work, which might increase the strain too.
A portable Coffee maker comes handy...Caffeine if taken in limited quantities and rarely is helpful. When you feel stressed out and suffer headaches, a cup of freshly brewed coffee helps.
Keep few sachets of Green Tea in your desk or Hand Bag. Detoxify your body, relieve your stress (provided your office has a microwave or a pantry for hot water)
Clear the air between some hard minded colleagues and you if there were any misunderstandings/ arguments anyday in the past...greeting everyone with a warm smile helps us maintain a happy environment.--just reminding, you know it anyways!!
A short walk, sometimes with a good friend/ colleague and at times a lonesome one helps the rejuvenated YOU, ready to face a better, successful day!!
- Prathyusha Talluri