One ingredient facial scrubs with no harm !
I am pretty cautious with the store bought cosmetics or toiletry products. And so in search of All-Natural products, i found a few very easy to make facial scrubs. These are single ingredient. Either you already have the raw materials at home or just buy a single item to prepare these scrubs.
Almond scrub: Buy or find some healthy n fresh almonds, grate them into thin slices, then simply Make a semi-coarse powder. Store it in an air tight vessel and use it to wash your face or scrub it. You dont have to worry about any harsh chemicals, any skin tearing, reactions, or even using much moisturiser after washing the face if your face is oily by nature. Almonds have natural oils and you will notice the difference the first time you use it. This scrub is so safe on the skin, it removes black and white heads without irritating and bruising the skin.
Similarly, take a few Walnuts pieces, make a semi-coarse powder and follow the same steps. Most of the store-bought scrubs include Walnuts, Apricots and Almonds...we just deleted the unnecessary chemicals and toxins. There is no expiry date either, as long as you store it away from moist areas and in air-tight containers. They are perfect as gift options too !!