Home Made lip glosses
Everyone needs to add a little kick of their look every once and a while, and makeup is a great way to do it. But sometimes the done-up lipstick look is a little too much for a natural style, In that case lip glass is a good choice for them who wants to look natural.
A good lip gloss can very expensive and often you do not get very much more your money. Learning how to make homemade lip gloss will not only save you money but it will you give the opportunity to make a lip gloss that is unique and perfect for you. you can make your own with the ingredients you probably already have on hand.
Honey Lip gloss
1 tsp beeswax
1 tsp of honey
2 tsp almond oil
Heat the ingredients in small increments of time so as not to overheat. Melt the beeswax in the microwave. And then mix all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisk to blend completely. Pour into a small pot and let cool until set.
Mint Lip Gloss
Vaseline or petroleum jelly -1 tablespoon
Melt 1 Tablespoon of Vaseline or petroleum jelly in the microwave and Add 2-3 drops of peppermint to taste. Let cool and set.
Lemon lip gloss
1 tsp Honey
1 T Vitamin E Oil
1 tsp. of Aloe Vera
2 tsp of grated beeswax
1 T pure almond extract
6 drops of Lemon essential oil
Heat the beeswax and melt it, then add honey, Aloe Vera, Almond extract, Vitamin E.
then add the lemon essential oil last .