Sodas, Juices,Smoothies, Milk shakes,Chocolate milk or other beverages are Yummy and Tasty, sametime loaded with Sugar.

Research has found that when pre-school age children consume sweetened beverages between meals, this more than doubles their risk of obesity.

A typical Soda can contains upto 8 tablespoons of sugar. Hence beverages, even when named as Diet Soda are not good for anyone.

Mothers generally feel fruit juice is better than these drinks, however, ready made fruit juices still contain artificial ingredients/ loads of sugar. Preparing fresh fruit juice at home is precious. Eating a fruit directly is even better. If you are travelling or find a ready to drink fruit juice for rescue, then diluting the juice with equal quantities of water will do the job.

Babies who have been weened to Cow/ Buffalo milk should drink only whole/full fat milk upto the age of 2 years. School-age children and teens should drink low- fat or skim milk..this was not the story years ago, but due to other high-calorie junk food intake, even good fat intake is forced to be controlled.


- Prathyusha Talluri

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