Your Morning Coffee
Good Morning, greets your Coffee!! You might be getting ready for work, or hurrying up your spouse for work, or your child. Having breakfast without fail is the best for you to stay healthy on a long run and gather some energy for the day.
As tempting as it may be to heat up a cup of lukewarm coffee that you have forgotten to drink...the longer you leave the same coffee in a cup, the more likely it is to become contaminated by dirt, dust, or even a fly. it's especially risky if you use a dairy creamer.
Not only could reheating dairy cause bacteria to grow, but it can also make it curdle, which might upset your stomach. Plus, the coffee quality suffers the more you reheat it, the more concentrated the brew (decoction) becomes and the more bitter it tastes.
That's not a good way to start the day!!
- Prathyusha Talluri