Oil Facial Massage


The next time you invite your girl-gang over and have fun you could also indulge in some beauty therapies on each other which will not only be relaxing and fun, but this could leave you and your friends with rejuvenated & refreshed skin.
Try this simple DIY oil facial massage  and all you need are the following ingredients below.

Olive oil -1 small cup

Few drops of Rose/Lavender
or any of your favourite essential oils

To massage:

1. Rub your right hand downwards from the top of your neck outward across your collar bone to your shoulder.

2. Massage from the middle of your forehead up towards the hairline and outwards towards the temples.

3. With alternate hands massage upwards along the middle of the eyebrows upwards along the forehead. Also massage gently under the eyes.

4. Gently pinch the chin and jaw line with your thumbs under the chin and fingers on top of the jaw line.

Finally massage the face like you are washing your face in circular but gently.


· Mix together the facial oil and essential oil and warm them between your hands by rubbing the palms.
· You could also smell the oil which works partly like aroma therapy.
· Put a hot turkey towel on your face and let the oil absorb into the skin.