DIY Beauty Treatment for soft and silky legs

Beauty Treatment for legs:So we know facials are for the face and pedicures are for the feet. But what about the thighs and our legs which carry our weight and body? Apart from the overall massage you get for yourself, if you are into spas and therapies it’s equally important to treat your legs to some TLC. When you get your pedicure done and you feel the smooth heels and supple feet you can achieve the same thing for your legs to. Here’s how:


  • First scrub your legs with a strong apricot scrub which is slightly grainier than the ones you use for your face. If that works out to be expensive, take salt and sugar in equal quantities with a good moisturizer and rub vigorously all over your legs and in between the thighs. Work  hard on the cellulite parts also.
  • After that, use almond/coconut/olive oil and massage your legs from thighs to the ankles focusing on each part of the leg. This should be done for a good 15-20 minutes.
  • Dip a large turkey towel in Hot water and squeeze out the excess water and apply the towel to your legs, separately dipping and squeezing for each leg.
  • After the steam make a mixture with fresh aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil and apply it to your legs.
  • If you have dark inner thighs make a separate pack with lemon juice, milk and honey and apply it there as natural bleach. TIP:You can use this regularly to remove the darkness in between the thighs.

Wash of the pack cleanly and pat dry with a soft towel  for those soft and silky legs!