Glowing skin with coconut water!

The effect of diet is of utmost importance in beauty care but is often neglected the most. While consuming fruits as well as their juices is considered to be good enough for the skin avoiding oily and masala rich foods is equally important.


Though orange juice is considered the best for skin, not many among us know the benefits of coconut water when it involves effective skin care. The liquid, which is treated to be the purest one after water, helps in hydrating the skin, giving a more youthful and supple look. Studies have reported that the antioxidants and cytokinins which are present in optimal quantity in coconut water creates an age defying effect on the skin. The nutritious importance of the drink continues to be acknowledged since ancient times. In case you are feeling weak or suffering from stomach problems, fresh coconut water can add that right energy boost.


When compared to fruit juices, concut juice is almost wleocme everyday since it is fat free as well as sugar free. Studies also suggest that coconut water dabbed on skin creates positive effect. Well, it’s time to drink coconut water daily and watch your skin shine ‘n’ glow!


- Kalam Dhari


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