Eating Sprouted Potatoes are Safe Sprout potatoes means the starch within the potato change into sugar. Must check the potato before buying it. Eating green or sprouted potatoes is not life-threatening, but, potatoes under these conditions are mildly poisonous. While effects are not severe, eating green parts of a potato or eating a potato while raw can cause an upset stomach and digestive problems. Severity is always dependent on the amount of the potato consumed and how much of the potato was green or raw.

Home Remedies for Swollen Lymph Nodes in Neck Swollen lymph nodes are generally experienced in areas like neck, groin, under the chin or in the armpits. Swollen lymph node in neck is caused by many reasons. You can easily decrease the inflammation and get relief from discomfort with number of remedies. * Make salt-water gargle by mixing 1/2 tsp salt in 1 cup of water. Use this mixture for gargling several times a day. This will decrease swelling and help the swollen lymph nodes reduce in size. * Add a pinch of turmeric powder and pepper powder in one cup of milk and boil it. You can also add some sugar for taste. Drink it just before going to bed for about 3 nights. * Take one cup of lukewarm water and add some fresh lemon juice and honey (2 tsp). Drink the concoction after mixing it well. * Drink a shot of organic and unrefined apple cider vinegar daily for three days. This is an excellent remedy for swollen lymph nodes in neck. * Take water (one glass) and add seasalt (one tsp) & baking soda (one tsp). Mix them well and drink once in a day. * Boil 2 tsp of both, basil leaves and cinnamon in 3 cups of water for 10 - 15 minutes. Then, sieve the mixture and sip it in small sips. Drink it three times a day. * You can even use turmeric to make tea or use as a gargle. Mix 1/2 tsp turmeric powder in 1 cup of warm water, and then gargle several times a day. For making tea, boil 1-inch piece of fresh turmeric root in two cups of water for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and sip the tea 2 - 3 times a day.

మూడ్ మన చేతుల్లోనే 1. ఒక్కోసారి ఎంతో హుషారుగా, హాయిగా అనిపిస్తుంది. అంతలోనే తెలియని నిస్తేజం, ఎందుకిలా అని మనల్ని మనం ప్రశ్నించుకున్నా సమాధానం దొరకదు  షడన్ గా మూడ్ మారటం వెనుక నిజానికి కారణాలు అనేకం వుంటాయి . కాని మనకి అవి అప్పటికప్పుడు మనకి తెలియకపోవచ్చు, మనకు తెలియకుండానే ఎప్పటి సంఘటనలో మనసుపై ముద్ర వేసుకు...కూర్చుని ఆ సంఘటనని పోలిన సంఘటన ఎదురైనప్పుడు మనల్ని ప్రభావితం చేస్తుంటాయి.అందుకే నా మూడ్ ఇంతే ఎప్పుడెల ఉంటుందో  నాకే తెలియదు అని మీకు తరచూ అనిపిస్తుంటే ఒక్కసారి లోతుగా ఆ విషయం గురిచి ఆలోచించక తప్పదు. 2. ఎప్పుడెప్పుడు మన మనసు నిస్తేజం అవుతుందో  ఏ సంఘటనలు ఏ వ్యక్తులు ఎదురైనపుడు భాద కలుగుతుంది  వంటి విషయాలను  ముందు గమనించాలి  ఆ తర్వాత ఇలాంటి సంఘటనలు గతంలో  ఎప్పుడైనా  ఎదురైయ్యాయ అని చూడాలి ఇలా చుసినపుడు సమస్యకు కారణం దొరుకుతుంది.అప్పుడు  దాని పరిష్కారానికి ఆలోచించాలి.ఎందుకు ఆ సంఘటన  అంతగా ప్రభావితం చూపిస్తుంది. ఎందుకు మనల్ని అలజడికి గురిచేస్తుంది దాని నుంచి బయట పడేందుకు ఏంచేయాలి ఇలా అలోచించినపుడు  తప్పకుండ మనసు తేలిక పడుతుంది మనం ఏ విషయం చూసి భయపడుతున్నమో ఏది మనల్ని ఇబ్బంది పెడుతుందో దానినినేరుగా ఎదుర్కొనేందుకు ప్రయత్నిస్తే అది పలచబడి పోవడం మొదలుపెడుతుంది. 3.  చాలాసార్లు మూడ్ బాగాలేదంటు  విచారంగా ఒంటరిగా ఉండేవాళ్ళు ఆ మూడ్ లోంచి బయటపడేందుకు ప్రయత్నించరు దాంతో తిరిగి ఉత్సాహం నింపుకునెందుకు టైం పడుతుంది ఆ  ఉత్సాహం నింపుకున్న కాసేపటికే మళ్ళి ఏదోఒక కారణం విచారం నింపుకుంటారు ఈ సర్కిల్ నుంచి పక్కకి తప్పుకోవాలంటే ఒకటే  మార్గం మూడ్ బాగోలేదు అనిపించగానే మనసుని మళ్ళించుకోవటం ఇష్టమైన అంశాలతో , ఉత్సాహాన్ని నింపే విషయాలతో మనసుని నింపుకోవటం ఎప్పుడైతే ఈ ప్రయత్నం చేస్తామో కొన్నిరోజులకి అది అలవాటుగా మారుతుంది ఇకప్పుడు గంటలకి గంటలు  మూడ్ బాగాలేదంటూ విచారంగా ఉండం. 4.  అన్నిటికంటే ముఖ్యంగా గమనించాల్సింది మనసుకి ఉత్సాహాన్నిచ్చే అంశాలు ఏమిటన్నది గుర్తించడం, చాల సార్లు మనకి నచ్చని విషయాలు ఏమిటన్నది తెలిసినంత స్పష్టంగా మనకి నచ్చే విషయాలుఏమిటన్నది తెలియాదు. కాని మనకి మన మనసుకి ఉత్సాహనిచ్చే అంశాల పై అవగాహనా ఉన్నపుడు వాటిపై ఎక్కువ ఫోకస్ చేసినపుడు హఠత్తుగా వచ్చే మూడ్ స్వింగ్స్ తగ్గుతాయి మంచి విషయాలతో నిండిన మనసుపై నెగిటివ్ అంశాలు ఎదురైయినా పెద్దగా ప్రభావాన్ని చుపించలేవు. 5.  మన ఆలోచనల పై మనకి పట్టు ఉన్నపుడు ఈ మూడ్ స్వింగ్స్ మనల్ని ఇబ్బంది పెట్టవు అలాగే ఎవరిపైనా ప్రవర్తనపై ఆధారపడి మన మూడ్ మారటం అన్నది కరెక్ట్ కాదు కదా ! అందుకే చిన్న ఫిల్టర్ ఏర్పాటు చేసుకోవాలి మన మనసుకు ప్రపంచానికి మద్య ఆ ఫిల్టర్ ఏ  అంశాలని లోపలి పంపించాలో ఏవి వద్దో చూసుకుంటుంది, ఏమంటారు.

First Aid Convulsions Treatment * Loosen clothing around the person's neck. * Do not try to hold the person down or restrain him or her, this can result in injury. * Do not insert any objects in the person's mouth; this can also cause injury. * Reassure bystanders who may be panicking and ask them to give the person room. * Remove sharp objects (glasses, furniture and other objects) from around the person to prevent injury. * After the seizure, it is helpful to lay the person on his or her side to maintain an open airway and prevent the person from inhaling any secretions. * After many seizures, there may be confusion for a period of time and the person should not be left alone. * In many cases, especially if the person is known to have epilepsy, it is not necessary to call an ambulance. If the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, or if another seizure begins soon after the first, or if the person cannot be awakened after the movements have stopped, an ambulance should be called. If you are concerned that something else may be wrong, or the person has another medical condition such as heart disease or diabetes, you should contact a doctor immediately.

Tricks to Get Out Of a Bad Mood   * Read Your Favorite Book: Books are an effective tool to influence your mind. They are a powerful medium, which transports you to a world that is far, far away from your current state of mind. It calms and helps you reflect, thus, soothing the anxious mind. Choose your favorite title and read it in a cozy corner of your home or, outside in nature. You can pick up from the zillions of titles available on the markets, to match your expectations, or go back to your bookshelf to read your favorite book. Push your worries away and feel refreshed by reading your favorite book. * Eat Chocolate: You are what you eat. Few foods have a direct impact on your emotions, such as chocolate. The color, texture, smell, flavor of chocolate triggers a good rush of the brain�s happy chemical, serotonin. Studies show that people who eat chocolate have an increase in the energy, and feel a considerable change in the mood. Sugar and caffeine present in chocolate stimulate the body to crave for that extra bite. As long as there is moderation, use chocolate to enhance your sliding mood. Stick to eating dark chocolates, as they contain a larger percentage of cocoa. Grab the excuse and indulge in a bar of chocolate to do away with bad moods. * The Work Therapy: Similar to gardening, do anything that reflects your personality. Cleaning, shopping, cooking, knitting, reading, playing, exercise, write poem, meditate or anything that you have always wanted to do. This gives you the break to accomplish something you love. Focusing on the work or the task surely shifts the mood. The activity that you enjoy gives a sense of control and achievement to leave you refreshed and relaxed. This gives you abundant energy to tackle the rest of the day. * Gardening: Another simple way to lift your mood is to spend time with nature, do gardening. This hobby involves sunshine, fresh air, physical exercise and a bit of hard work which helps to alienate the negative thoughts. Gardening stimulates the sense of smell and touch, which is a natural therapy to boost the mood. The vibrant colors and signs of life are sure to brighten your mood. People sense great pride in having a well-grown garden and feel happy to share their gardening knowledge. So, head to the garden when you find yourself in a crabby mood. * Look at Old Albums: Photo albums, physical or digital are wonderful ways to revive memories. Flipping and watch an album, or video, brings to mind those fond moments that you treasure. Bring back old, happy and funny memories, by looking at those old and forgotten albums. Photographic memories take you down the memory lane, and easily divert your mind from negativity. Stories, facts, names and events in the album freshens your mind, which in turn, is beneficial to make you cheerful. Make it more fun by looking at the albums with your friend or relative. You can also watch your collection of videos to take a trip to the memory land.

Remedies for Heat Strokes Eat more and more fresh fruits and vegetables as they have high water content. -The intake of excess salty food should be reduced .It is found that excess salts disturbs in the functioning of normal sweat production, and this may increase the chance of heat stroke. -Drink lots of water or juice if you see that your urine color is becoming dark yellow. This will help you in replacing fluids which might be lost during sweating process, which is always quite profuse in the summer season. dr.sharib azmi This is one of the effective heat strokes remedy. -If you have a cooler or an air-conditioner at home, then use them during the hot summer season. Moisten your body with water at least twice in a day in the summer, even though you do not have a whole bath. - Avoid exposure to the mid-day and afternoon sun in the summer season. The rays of the sun between these periods are the most excruciating. Try and restrict your outdoor activities in the mornings (before noon) and in the evenings when the sun has begun to go down. - If you cannot avoid working in the sun, then you must at least make use of an umbrella or hat which will save you from intense heat. - Dehydration is one of the commonest problems during the intense summer months. This can aggravate the heat strokes. Therefore, in the hot summers, you must drink more water and that too, more frequently. You must also keep your body supplemented with the necessary vitamins that are obtained from fresh fruit juices. - Avoid alcohol in the summer months. Alcohol increases the heat in the body. This can aggravate the condition of sunburn and heat stroke. - Avoid artificial salt tablets as far as possible. -Do not wear tight fitting clothes. Let your skin breathe. Always wear loose cotton clothes as they absorb sweat and do not make you feel tired. Especially in the summer months, you must stick only to natural cotton fibers. - Whenever possible take a bath or shower with cold water. - Avoid all substances that contain caffeine, like coffee. They cause you to urinate more rather than sweat. This flushes out more fluids from the body, thus making the chances of a heat stroke more prominent.

Computer Eye Strain Eye Exercises However, while we are thankful for all the services it provides, there are organs in our body which are not happy, especially our eyes. Our eyes are surrounded by muscles which assist them in moving as well as focussing on objects which are either far or near.     Cupping:     Rub your hands together till you can feel warmth generating from them.     Gently cup your eyes with your palms without putting any pressure on your eyes.     The hollow of your palm should cover the eye socket.     Keep your eyes cupped for 10-20 seconds.     Repeat this exercise for 2-3 minutes.     Do this exercise whenever you feel the strain     Thumb Exercise:     Jut out your right thumb like you are doing a ‘thumbs-up’.     Keep your thumb at nose level, a short distance away with the elbow slightly bent.     Slowly move your thumb towards the opposing shoulder i.e., your left shoulder. Follow it with your eye till as far as possible.     Bring your thumb back in the front.     Repeat this exercise with your left thumb. Move this thumb to your right shoulder.     Now put down your left hand and once again bring your right thumb to the front.     Slowly move it towards your nose.     Follow it with your eyes till you lose focus.     Then slowly move it back to front.     Now, invert your thumb like a ‘thumbs-down.’     Slowly move it towards the space between your eyebrows.     Follow it with your eyes as long as you can see it clearly.       Now move the thumb slowly back to the front.     Blink!     This should be more of a habit than an exercise.     Blink several times rapidly till you can feel the moisture in your eyes.     Do this several times a day.     Far and Near:     Tear away your eyes from your computer screen for a few minutes.     Now, focus on a faraway object for 20-30 seconds.     Then, immediately shift your focus on a nearby object     Hold your focus for another 20-30 seconds.     Candle Gazing:     Sit in a comfortable position.     Light a candle and place it at a short distance from you.     Ensure that the candle is at eye level and that there is no breeze in the room.     Focus on the flame of the candle for as long as you can.     Try not to move or change your position while you are focussing.     Even if your eyes start watering, try to hold your gaze.     After some time, close your eyes for 2-3 minutes.     Slowly open your eyes.     This exercise helps improve your eyesight as well as concentration. Tips:     Splash water in your eyes regularly to retain their moisture.     Close your eyes and relax them whenever possible since eyes use up a lot of energy.     Eyes are often neglected when it comes to exercise. So make sure you take good care of them!

Swim is Good for Your Health Swimming is an excellent aerobic exercise that improves general body fitness and promotes metabolism.Health experts recommend swimming as a workout exercise. Swimming is an exercise that works out all the muscles of the body. The buoyancy of the water naturally enables movements of the arms and legs without much stress on the joints and muscles. It supports your body weight enabling smooth movements with less effort. This naturally burns more calories making it a perfect workout for weight loss. Swimming has other benefits including, reduced risk for Type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, back pain and helps maintain healthy respiratory system. It is an effective stress buster, improves body balance, posture, and boosts coordination and flexibility.     * Set aside at least two to three days for swimming. Gradually, increase the workout to four to five days. It is recommended to swim in guarded swimming pools.     * Morning is the best time to swim as it avoids body tanning. However, if you are not a morning person, choose the time of the day when you feel the most energetic.     * Get a swimming gear that is practical to use. Trendy ones may look good but could lose shape quickly. You must wear a swimming cap since chlorinated water in the pool can affect your hair-health. You can also get earplugs, which prevent entry of water into the ears.     * Always warm up before you start swimming. Start slowly and build pace gradually. Similarly, it is also essential to cool your body down after a good swimming session.     * Use the right technique, which will help to build strength and endurance.     * You may tend to overeat after a swim since the workout involves the whole body. Eat an hour and a half earlier prior to the swimming schedule. A diet that is rich in carbohydrates and protein helps the slow release of energy that is needed to sustain stamina through the swim. Similarly, adding fiber to an after-swim meal will keep you full and prevents overeating.  

Home Remedies for Back Pain  Almost everyone has low back pain at some time. The good news is that most low back pain will go away in a few days or weeks with some tips. If you have significant back pain accompanied by any of the following symptoms. * Lost bladder or bowel control * Caused by an injury * History of osteoporosis or cancer * So severe you can't move around during the day or sleep at night * Unexplained weight lossContinues down your leg and below your knee * History of taking steroid medications, IV drugs, or substance abuse * Numbness in your leg, foot, groin, or rectal area * Accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, or sweating   Home Remedies for Back Pain : * You can also massage your back with the garlic oil as it provides great relief to back. * Prepare a mixture of khas khas grass and sugar candy. You can take this twice a day with a glass of milk. * People suffering from the back pain should avoid lifting heavy loads as it can make the condition severe. * Take mint oil and massage your back with that oil. This wonderful home remedy for back pain provides great relief to back. * Raw potato is one of the finest home remedies for back pain. Apply raw potato in the poultice form as it has been found effective in backache cure.

Natural Home Remedies for Earache The greatest pain reliever is the presence of warm, moist heat around the ache. A warm compress - such as a towel rung out in hot water and pressed against the ear, brings immediate relief. After you take a shower or bath; blow dry your ears with the warm setting of a hair dryer instead of rubbing them. Puncture a piece of garlic and pour the juice in the ear. Garlic being a natural antibiotic will help to take the pain away. Put some mineral oil (oil derived from a mineral source, such as petroleum, because it is inexpensive and rarely causes allergic reactions) in your ear before going in the water. Wear earplugs while swimming and avoid swimming in dirty waters. Warm few drops of olive oil in a spoon. Using the dropper, put 2-3 drops in each ear after the oil has cooled down. This will help relieve pain. Excessive earwax can also cause hearing problems and aches. Put a capful of hydrogen peroxide in each ear, let it set for a minute or two, and then let it drain out. One drop of alcohol after bathing can also prevent excessive earwax. A hot water bottle wrapped in a towel also makes a comforting pillow for an aching ear. Press a dual-purpose first-aid gel pack that you can warm up in hot water or the microwave on your ear. It will make you feel better. Warm up an oven-safe plate, wrap it in a towel, and rest your aching ear right on it. The plate should be warm and comforting, not hot. With the help of a dropper, pour warm mineral oil to soothe a sore ear. If wind bothers your aching ears, wear a scarf when you're outside, or stuff cotton, but avoid pushing it deep down from where you can not retrieve it with your fingers. If your ears hurt when the pressure changes, especially during descent and landing during an airplane flight, chew gum or suck on candy. The chewing or sucking will activate the muscles that send air to your inner ears, when you hear your ears "pop," you'll feel better. If chewing doesn't work, close your mouth, relax your cheek muscles, hold your nose and blow one nostril at a time gently until you feel relief.

Best Summer Foods Have you ever wondered why most people suffer from stomach ailments and viral infections during the summer months? The reason is simple. We don’t cool our bodies enough. Even if you include half a bowl of pure curd with every meal, it will largely benefit you. If you tire of curd easily, include curd based drinks, lassi or even buttermilk along with every meal.The best way to get through summer without compromising on your health is by avoiding foods that heat your body and stomach. Primarily, meat products, eggs and most protein rich foods do so.It is best to avoid them and instead consume platefuls of lightly cooked vegetables. Sometimes, it isn’t about consuming the right foods during summer, as much as it’s about the right cooking and preparation technique. In this sense, use fewer spices, because too many of them can definitely make matters worse. Use smaller quantities of heat rich spices like ginger and red chilli. Consume small quantities of every vegetable you can avail of in your local market, the key to balanced health is after all balanced variety. Summer is the season to binge on fresh fruits and fresh juices. Fruits like watermelon, all kinds of citrus fruits, apples, grapes, bananas, melons are known to hydrate the body or boost it with more energy in one way or other. During the summer months, you tend to sweat more.  This can lead to dehydration if you don’t consume the right foods and cooling, hydrating drinks.  Cucumbers have long since known to be the best kind of cooling food. If you consume a few pieces daily, it will definitely keep away upset stomachs and summer illnesses and bugs. Try to chill the cucumber before eating it so that it tastes better. You can decorate it with various kinds of seasoning to add more flavour to it.  It isn’t exactly a delicious thought to consume a whole lemon, but by keeping a piece in your mouth for a few minutes when out in the sun, it can help you stay hydrated and fresh. No food would be right enough if you don’t have enough water. Summer is the time to focus on your thirst! You will always find yourself thirsty this season. So be sure to keep drinking cooling beverages, juices and water throughout.

Important Health Tips Following health tips, you can keep yourself away from deadly health diseases. 1. Don't go on a diet. Eat in the right and healthy manner all the time. To shed extra body weight, you can follow strict exercise plans. 2. Consuming high fiber diet is a vital health tip. Fiber diet adjusts the gastrointestinal system and lessens the possibility of bowel cancer. 3. Keep yourself away from risky artificial sweeteners, and try to replace sugar with natural sweetening options like agave nectar. 4. Lessen the quantity of saturated fat consumed on a daily basis. 5. Take less alcohol. Males and females have different necessities - females must have below 14 units each week and males should have below 21 units of alcohol. 6. Try to consume more fruits and veggies on a daily basis. 7. Eat more fish as omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil is very defensive against heart illness and increased cholesterol levels. 8. Cut the quantity of salt. Don't eat more than 5-6 grams of salt daily. Intake of extra salt can result in heart problems afterward. 9. Drink about eight ounces of liquid a day. This is not limited to water and can be fruit juices. This helps the kidneys to flush and stay healthy and reduces urinary tract infections. 10. Follow strict exercise plan to stay yourself away from health diseases like cancer, blood pressure, depression, liver diseases, obesity and many others. 11. Dietary aids, which are high in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus naturally, strengthen bones.

Why we should avoid Yoghurt an Empty stomach This is because Yogurt contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria. When we eat an empty stomach, lactic acid bacteria are easy to die in a large number while being in the stomach with higher acidity, thus losing part of the health effects.dr.sharib azmi After we eat large quantities of food, the acidity of stomach decreases, so the lactic acid bacteria can play a better role..! Be sure to eat yogurt after a meal or if you have little to do with a full stomach..!

Health Benefits of Pineapple You can enjoy the health benefits of pineapple by consuming the fresh fruit, or eating the canned or frozen versions. Pineapple juice is just as healthy. Loaded With Vitamins and Minerals: Pineapples are rich in vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium, fiber and Vitamin C. The fruit is also low in fat and cholesterol. Good for Colds and Coughs: While many people take Vitamin C supplements or drink orange juice during a cold, few consider eating pineapple. The fruit provides the same benefits as orange juice in treating a cold or cough, but with an additional benefit. Bromelain, a substance found in pineapples, helps suppress coughs and loosen mucus Strengthens Bones: Pineapple helps build healthy bones. This is because pineapples are rich in manganese, a trace mineral that is required to strengthen bones and connective tissues. One cup of pineapple provides 73 percent of the daily recommended intake of manganese. Pineapple consumption can boost the growth and development of bones in young people and strengthen bones among the elderly.

General Health Tips * Get adequate rest daily. Don’t deprive yourself of sleep for extended periods of time. * If you’re on medication for an illness, ensure that you follow the course all the way through. * Skin, teeth, hair, nails are all indicators of general health. Loss of hair or lack of lustre may mean poor nutrition. * Make friends with your family physician. Get regular check-ups done. * Watch out for the signs of major illnesses, especially cancer, heart disease etc. Early detection is the key. * When it comes to healthy living, even little things count. Like eye health. Make sure you rest them well. They’ll serve you a long time. * Take care of your teeth. Dental health has been linked, among other things, to premature heart disease. * Try to get all your nutrition from the food you eat. If you aren’t getting it though, multivitamins and nutritional supplements are a good option. * Get your vitamin D from the sun. But also stay UV-protected.

ఒకరోజుకి మనకు ఎన్ని కాలరీల శక్తీ కావాలో తెలుసుకుందాం ఒకరోజుకి మనకు ఎన్ని కాలరీల శక్తీ కావాలో ఎవరికైన తెలుసా ! ఎన్ని కాలరీల శక్తి ఉంటే మనం ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉంటామో ఎవరికైన తెలుసా ? అనే రెండు ప్రశ్నలకి సమాధానాలు చాలామందికి తెలియకపోవచ్చు కదా ! అందుకే ఈ రోజు మనకు ఒకరోజుకి ఎన్ని కాలరీల శక్తి కావాలో తెలుసుకుందాం !   * పసిపిల్లకి 110 నుండి 120 వరకు కాలరీల శక్తి కావాలి. * వయసు మగపిల్లలకి 3100 నుండి 3200 వరకు కాలరీల శక్తి కావలి. * వయసు ఆడపిల్లలకి 2500 నుండి 2600 వరకు కాలరీల శక్తి కావాలి. * కార్మికులకు, గర్భిణి స్త్రీలకి 3000 నుండి 3100 వరకు కాలరీల శక్తి కావలి. * లావుగా ఉండే వాళ్లకి, పనిలేని వాళ్లకి 2000 నుండి 2500 వరకు కాలరీల శక్తి కావాలి. * వేడి వాతావరణం 10% కాలరీల శక్తి కావాలి. * చల్లని వాతావరణం 3% కాలరీల శక్తి కావలి.   మనం చేసే పనులను బట్టి, మనకొచ్చే వయస్సును బట్టి, మన చుట్టూ ఉండే వాతావరణాన్ని బట్టి మగవాళ్ళకి, ఆడవాళ్ళకి, చిన్నపిల్లలకి, అందరికి నిర్ణయించిన కాలరీలు ఏంటో ఇప్పుడు మనం తెలుసుకున్నాం కదా !

పాలతో క్యాన్సర్‌ను తరిమికొట్టండి క్యాన్సర్ తో బాధపడుతున్న వాళ్ళందరికీ ఒక శుభవార్త ! ప్రతిరోజూ రెండు గ్లాసులు పాలు తాగితే క్యాన్సర్ నుంచి కొంతలో కొంతైనా ఉపశమనం పొందొచ్చని నిపుణులు చెబుతున్నారు. పాలలో ఉండే ‘మిల్క్ ప్రొటీన్’ క్యాన్సర్ కణాలను నాశనం చేస్తుందని యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ లండన్, స్వీడన్ నిపుణులు గుర్తించారు. క్యాన్సర్ కణాలను నాశనం చేయగల గుణం మిల్క్ ప్రొటీన్‌కు ఉందని, మిల్క్ ప్రొటీన్ తీసుకునే వారిలో క్యాన్సర్ సమస్యలు పెద్దగా కనిపించలేవని నిపుణులు తమ అధ్యయనంలో గుర్తించారు. ఈ వివరాలను వెల్లడించారు. మిల్క్ ప్రొటీన్ గల ఏ పదార్థాలైనా సరే అవి క్యాన్సర్ కణాలను నాశనం చేస్తాయని వారు తెలిపారు.

Take Care Tips for Mental Health Women suffering from such depression need to seek strength from within, and reach out to people around them for support. Postpartum depression may be moderate or severe and may develop within three months of childbirth. Common symptoms are feeling worthless and used, irritated, negative feeling towards baby, weight issues, ‘burdened’ with social and work responsibilities, loss of energy, feeling isolated etc. Be assertive and openly express your situation of post-delivery exhaustion, and the need for extra love and support to manage your life and others’ around you. Ensure that you make time for yourself to rest and rejuvenate. Read books or surf the internet for positivity, time and people management, new mother’s dietary needs and baby development, which would clear a lot of your anxiety and also refresh your mind. For severe cases, a psychiatrist may be required, who may suggest a questionnaire, such as the Edinburgh Post natal depression scale, to ascertain the level of depression, and may treat with antidepressants that are safe during breastfeeding. There may be several counseling sessions required for both mother and the family. There is no substitute for exercise for a healthy mind and body. Enrolling in a pre-delivery yoga or aerobics class helps you with maintaining a good weight and also aids in the delivery process because your muscles are flexible. The same programme extends to postpartum yoga or exercise but would require managing between the breastfeeding schedules, and should be done under the supervision of a trained professional or, better still, if offered in the hospital. A good oil massage from the well known postpartum masseurs relieves the new mother of muscle aches, backaches, etc. and is said to strengthen and relax the stressed out body. Care should be taken by the new mother not to exert oneself immediately in household chores, lifting heavy things (the uterus is still in a very vulnerable state). Take help by hiring domestic help, or ask for some relative (parents) to help out for the first two months at least. Make a resolution to be fit and fine, to ensure that your motherhood is an enjoyable experience and not a nightmare.