Yoga Benefits For Eyes
Most of us do not exercise our eye muscles at all, but yet, we work them all the time, causing them to be under constant strain. The only time the eyes rest for more than a split second, is when we are asleep.
* Light a lamp/candle at a distance of two feet at the eye level. Stare at the bluish centre of the flame with a steady gaze. Continue staring, even if the eyes start watering.
* You can do this for about 10 minutes to begin with, and slowly increase the duration until the time you feel comfortable.
* Then slowly get up and fill your mouth with water. Keeping this water in your mouth, wash eyes with tap water.
* Then spit the water out. This water will be warm as heat gets released from the body. This has to be done twice or until the water temperature gets normal. This is a must after this particular kriya.
* Look to your right as far as you can, being aware of the edge of your visual field. Hold for 3 seconds, then release. Repeat again, but looking to your left. Hold for 3 seconds, then release. Repeat left and right 3 times.
* Sit comfortably on a straight-backed chair, with your legs uncrossed and hands resting lightly in your lap. Keep your chin level and move only your eyes, neither your head nor neck.
* Breathe gently and evenly throughout the sequence. Don’t stain nor force any movements: go only as far as is comfortable. Close your eyes to relax at the end.
* Sit comfortably with your eyes open. Blink around 10 times very quickly. Close your eyes and relax for 20 seconds. Slowly take your attention to your breath.
* Repeat this exercise about 5 times.
* Rub your palms together and gently cup them over your closed eyes for around a minute. This is known as palming and is very beneficial for the eyes.
* The eyes need darkness to rejuvenate them and this need is best served by palming. Palming should be done after every eye exercise, to relax the eyes and every now and then during the day.