Yoga Tips
However, performing Yoga requires a person to follow some specific guidelines, in order to achieve best results.
There are various do's and don'ts that a person needs to follow before, while and after performing Yoga.
To know more about Yoga practicing guide, browse through the following lines.
* Yoga must energize and not cause weariness and depression.
* You must take breaks in between, if a particular step or exercise proves tiring.
* Over eating and fasting should be avoided. At the same time, you must try to avoid stale food.
* Remember, to start with your movements should be light and if you feel fatigue in between you must discontinue.
* For a person performing Yoga, the diet should be a balanced and you should eat after an interval of 4 hours.
* The most appropriate time for practicing Yoga is in the morning, before breakfast. This is because it is the time, when our mind is calm, composed and fresh and the body movements can be performed, with considerable ease and vigor.
* To get started, you need to have the urge and confidence in yourself.
* To practice Yoga, the place chose must be calm, quiet, ventilated, dust free, moisture free and also distraction free.
* Remember, you need to always begin with the easy postures and then, proceed to the difficult ones. You should follow the graded steps of Yoga.
* Before you start practicing Yoga, it is very important for you to clear your bowels and bladder as well as clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus. You must also drink a glass of lukewarm water.
* Yoga clothing should be loose and as comfortable as possible. Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best. Wait for a few minutes and then you can start.
* Like all other work outs, you must begin with easy poses, thereafter you can advance to the tough ones. Be methodical and systematic.
* You should always keep a Yoga mat, made of some comfortable materials. For lying postures use a woolen carpet and spread a clean sheet over it.