Kundalini Yoga
kundalini yoga, kundalini yoga in telugu, Kundalini Yoga Postures: Kundalini yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline for developing strength, awareness, character, and consciousness.
Preaching a message of drug free living and alternative ways of getting high, the teachings of kundalini yoga became a way for anyone to experience higher states of consciousness.
Kundalini Yoga is a physical and meditative discipline that combines postures (asanas), breath (pranayama), and the chanting of mantras. Kundalini refers to the energy that lays dormant at the base of the spine. Through the practice of yoga, this energy is raised and travels up the spine, through the chakras, creating an overall sense of well being and a heightened sense of awareness. The word Kundalini literally translates as a “coiled female serpent.”
Traditionally the techniques of Kundalini were only communicated from Master to disciple and through a long initation process. In 1969 Yogi Bhajan began teaching kundalini yoga openly to the public.
Yogi Bhajan defines yoga as such: “Yoga means a discipline of mind and body. There is nothing mysterious about it. Yoga does not explain the meaning of life... It’s aim is to develop a quality of mind which can perceive reality and acquire self knowledge.”
There are no inverted postures in Bikram yoga, unless you are in a master class. Bikram felt that most beginners could not safely do inversions, and that other poses provided the same benefits as inversions.
Why Learn Kundalini Yoga?
* Stress breaks down the systems of the body opening it to all other forms of disease and discomfort.
* The massive explosion in interest in yoga and mediation in the 21st century is testament to the fact that people are in need of relaxation, ways of finding inner calm, and physical well being.
* The average person is subject to as much information in 1 week as our great great great grand parents were exposed to in their whole lives. Between, iphones, blackberry's, tv, internet, the radio, not to mention advertising, the human psyche is bombarded with information at a non stop rate. Without a buffer zone for the mind, this data acts as 24/7 bombardment of emotional manipulation caussing mental overload, or what we call stress.
* This "buffer zone" of the mind can be developed through yoga and mediation. And with the advent of computers and the rise of the knowledge based economy, many of us are sedentary for hours at a time.
* Yoga is the best form of exercise for maintaining health as it rebuilds the body through stretching and strengthening exercises.
* Through the practice of Yoga and Meditation, even for a very short period of time, major improvements in physical health and mental clarity are possible. It is also a lot of fun.