Importance of Yoga In Daily Life
Yoga in Daily Life is a system of practice consisting of eight levels of development in the areas of physical, mental, social and spiritual health.
Yoga can do in our daily life.
Yoga keeps us physically and mentally fit. Helps in curing lethal diseases like Diabetes, H.B.P., Angina, Blockages in Arteries, Obesity, Asthma, Bronchitis, Leucoderma, Depression, Parkinson, Insomnia, - Migraine, Thyroid, Arthritis, Cervical Spondalities, Hepatitis, Chronic Renal Failure, Cancer, Cirrhosis of Liver, Gas, Constipation, Acidity etc. which are still a challenge in modern medical science.
Yoga gives us new freshness and energy in daily life by giving body, breath and mind to stretch, relax and energize and responsible for the Body cleansing and purification of the blood. This helps us in maintaining a natural glow on our face.
Yoga keeps immune system of the body very strong, which gives us the strength to fight against diseases or helps in improving our concentration.