Why You Need Mouthwash ?
Mouthwashes are known to keep your breath fresh for up to 3 hours, but they not only help with bad breath they also have properties to reduce plaque build-up and anti-cavity forming properties.
Your dentist may suggest a prescription-only mouthwash that includes extra ingredients to protect against dry mouth, periodontal disease or inflammation, cavities, or other problems.
Don’t rinse your mouth, eat, or smoke for 30 minutes, this may dilute the effect of the fluoride in the mouthwash.
* Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can cause a burning sensation in the cheeks, teeth, and gums.
* If your mouthwash is concentrated, it can lead to mouth ulcers, sodium retention, root sensitivity, stained teeth, soreness, numbness, and changes in taste sensation.
* Too much fluoride mouthwash or swallowing it can lead to fluoride toxicity.