Your Ice cube Trays.....
Aim for 4 times a year,with hot, soapy water usually works to keep ice tasting fresh. But if ice tastes stale, presoak the trays for 10 minutes in a mix of water and a tablespoon of bleach-free cleaner and wash thoroughly.
Your Food Storage Containers....
Aim for every six months or whenever they need refilling. Wash the inside with hot, soapy water. If the container is tin, towel-dry to prevent rusting. If its glass or ceramic, simply let it air-dry.
Your Wooden Cutting Board....
Aim for a light wash after each use, and a deep scrub wash once a week or whenever you use it to cut poultry, meat or fish. After using the board to cut produce, cheese or bread, wash it with mild soap or equal parts vinegar and water, and pat-dry. Never put a wooden cutting board in a dishwasher or soak for long time, wood absorbs water and tends to crack. If you've used it for raw meat, fish or poultry, sprinkle baking soda over the board and spray it with undiluted white vinegar, wash with running water and let dry.
Every item in the kitchen needs cleaning, we definitely cant dedicate a whole day to clean everything, but instead cleaning one item a day is better and releaving.
- Prathyusha Talluri