Ideas to hang Pictures on a wall

Who doesnot hang picture frames on walls? Atleast one!? matter how minimalistic your home decor is. There are many different interesting ways to hang photo frames on walls of a room, hallway, staircase....wherever there is space to decorate! Before you take a hammer and bang the wall, please consider proper planning. Based on the shape and size of the frames, two or more frames can be hung stylishly and easily without a second thought or alteration.

Here are some ideas i found and followed. These could be useful to you. Some in old fashioned way, the side-by-side method, some in a square pattern, some zigzag and wavy. But these ideas are only useful strictly before you drill a nail in the wall or stick a very useful Command Hook to the wall. Many determined people even arrange the frames on the floor according to their chosen plan and then drill nails when totally confident...i have never seen anyone so organised...i am always in a hurry mood to see the frames on wall and end up other way to prep is to use Board pins( mostly useful with soft walls in Western countries), if you dont like the layout, rearrange!

Let us know if our ideas help you! In our following articles, we shall learn more about hanging picture frames on walls using shelves or hooks.
