The most tested and best way to cure a headache is to prevent it. Extreme sunlight, dehydration, irregular eating habits, hunger, strong odours, blasting sounds, sleeplessness, tiresomeness, anything can cause a headache. Best is to identify and avoid these triggers. But, our lifestyles, or some helpless situations would not allow us to avoid these. Then comes the plan B, into the picture.

A nice oil massage, steam, and a hot water hair wash can definitely help in washing away the headache.

Try and hydrate yourself by drinking a lot of water.

A glass of lime water (lemonade) with salt and sugar, will immediately supply any missing hydration, glucose, and salt to your body.

Rub some crushed lemon rind on your forehead for immediate relief. It works!

Switch off all lights, close your eyes and relax until the headache settles down.

Well, if you have the patience, how about a steam inhalation with eucalyptus leaves? At least a massage of eucalyptus oil would help to a great extent.

Green tea with lemon can also help in instant relief.

Every morning on empty stomach, drink lemon water mixed with honey. This will give a long standing effect on preventing headaches in the future.


- Radha Krishnaveni