Growing Succulents in your Handful garden
Succulents are full of moisture and regenerate through leaves and stem, without the need of roots. They develop roots on propagating and spread. They can be grown in the smallest pot to a very large pond. Even old toy trucks and empty tin cans can make a spacious room for a tony succulent.
Get one home or ask a friend for a will end up with a prospering succulent in your window sill or your little balcony soon. They can handle the hottest sun but shiver on a cold day. During winters, they are better off inside, in a sunny warm spot. Forget to water them, they will not even bother to remind you....these are so generous. They can handle days of waterlessness!! Best Friends of a forgetful gardener.
Some are opting for tiny versions of these as wedding favors and wider versions of these as housewarming gifts. Aloevera can be called one, with an Air Freshening, Health Restoring feature. Propagate one at home and give it to a friend as a tomen of love or a Thankyou gift for helping you with a Baking project or send one to your child's teacher on Teacher's Day or her Birthday...make people happy and you loose nothing....your succulent is with you and theirs' handed over. Browse the web or go to a big nursery, they will have quite some varieties for each corner of your garden, or for a potpourri on your center table.