Pregnancy Exercise Tips
According to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1985, moderate exercise, during pregnancy, may reduce the chance of having a miscarriage or a premature baby. Exercise strengthens the pelvic and abdominal muscles which help make the birth easier.
* Regular exercise during pregnancy is essential. Walking is the best exercise in that body condition. Brisk and strenuous exercise should be avoided when tired, take a casual stroll.
* While sitting on a chair keep your knees wide apart and cross your legs at the ankles and not at the knees. Join an exercise class for pregnant women if available nearby.
* A woman should not work full time after the 30th week of pregnancy. During the last three months the heart is working 33% harder than normal. It needs some relief. Avoid high heeled shoes in pregnancy because they shift the body weight forward, thus placing additional strain on the spine and back.
* Avoid prolonged sitting. Get up slowly after lying down. During pregnancy you need 9 to 10 hours of sleep. Try to lie on your left side with your knees bent inwards Mid-day rest is the answer to fatigue in early pregnancy. Do not wear undergarments tight about the waist. Link has been established between fetal anomalies, childhood malignancies and X-Ray examination during early pregnancy. X-ray examination must therefore be avoided.
* Exposure to smoking, active or passive, must also be avoided. Such an exposure could lead to even a still birth. Drinking alcohol and using narcotic drugs has similar consequences and must be shunned. Do not take any medicines during pregnancy unless prescribed by a doctor who is aware of your pregnancy position.
* During pregnancy, the presence of breast milk is no cause for alarm. Wash away any dried milk with warm water so that your nipples do not become itchy, irritated or sore. If the gain in weight is less than 10 kgs or inside of your eyelids is pale or there is unusual swelling of legs, arms or face, medical advice may be sought immediately.
* There are occasions when faintness comes while lying on your back. It only means that the uterus has fallen against the main blood vessels at the front of your spine and has interfered with enough circulation to those vessels. The drop in circulation makes you faint. Solution is very simple. Lie on your side and not on your back. The weight of the uterus shifts and normal circulation is restored.