Adho Mukha Svanasana Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana helps in building power, flexibility and alertness. This is the first pose which some people learn as they begin to do yoga. While executing different styles of yoga, this posture is repeated. It is many times done during a yoga class as it provides a transition between poses, particularly in Surya Namaskar and vinyIasa flow yoga. Make sure that before starting this asana you should know the exact posture required for this asana.
* Lie on the floor on your abdomen.
* Raise your body to position the body on all fours, palms, knees and toes touching the floor.
* Keep your knees apart and right beneath the hips and the palms a bit ahead of the shoulders.
* Spread out your fingers.
* Exhale and raise your knees off the ground.
* Keep your knees slightly bent and your heels off the ground.
* Raise your body up further, lengthening your tail bone.
* Lift your buttocks further up so they face towards the ceiling.
* Lengthen your thighs and stretch the heels so that they touch the ground.
* Keep your knees straight but still apart.
* Roll the upper thighs inward slightly and roll the heels outward slightly.
* Press your palms on the floor and straighten your arms from the wrists to the tops of the shoulders.
* Open up your shoulders and move them towards the tailbone.
* Keep your head in between the two arms.
* Hold the pose for about a minute. Gradually raise it to three minutes.
* Return to initial position in reverse order