Tips to remove stains from cotton fabric

As summers are already here and everyone would love to wear cotton so I decided to first compile few stain removal tips for cotton fabric:

1) To remove coffee or tea stains from the fabric sponge the stain with water as soon as possible and then apply salt over it. Once the stain has dried soak the fabric in cold water for atleast 30 minutes and then wash it as usual.

2) In case of sweat stains rub table salt over it and then let it dry out in the sun. Wash as usual.

3) Ink stains can be removed by applying hairspray or alcohol on it.

4) To remove oil stain rub cornstarch or talcum powder over the stain and let it sit for 20 minutes then brush it off with a soft cloth or brush.

5) Dilute the dishwashing liquid with water and dab the makeup of lipstick stains with this solution.

6) To remove chewing gum from clothes apply ice over it and then scrape it off from the garment.

7) Tea and coffee stains can also be removed by applying glycerine over it.

8) To remove curry stains mix the equal amounts of water and glycerine together and then apply it on the stain from the reverse side. Wash as usual.

9) Apply alcohol with a soft cotton cloth over the grass stains and then wash as usual.

10) To remove wine or fruit stains rub the fresh stains with a mixture of salt and lemon juice.

11) To remove tannin stains wash the garment in hot water but do not use bar soaps as they can make the stains permanent.

12) Rust stains can be removed by applying salt and lemon juice on it. Sprinkle salt and squeeze lemon juice on it. Allow it to dry in the sun and then wash it as usual.