Water Chestnuts are Good for You
Water Chestnuts which is predominantly used in western cuisine has its place in Indian cooking where it popularly known as Singhade and the flour made from it is called Singhade ka atta.The water chestnuts are boiled, peeled, dried, and ground into flour. It is similar to corn starch and is used for making food items especially during religious fasting periods where the fast is broken with food made from water chestnut flour.
The water chestnut flour has many health benefits too.
->Fresh water chestnuts have double the amount of potassium, zinc, B vitamins and vitamin E when compared to the flour form. But it should be eaten in moderation or else it could lead gas problems and a bloated feeling.
->Nutritionally, water chestnuts flour is a good source of potassium and fiber.
->They are low in sodium, and fat is virtually non-existent.Which is great for people who are on a diet.You could alternately use this flour along with whole wheat flour.
->Calorie wise, one cup of water chestnut slices contains about one hundred-thirty calories. But for the low-carb dieters, water chestnuts are high in carbohydrates. So you could limit eating these directly.
->They are also known to be a natural coolant to the body.