How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose
On the completion of the asana, the person doing it appears like a hooded cobra, with a raised trunk, neck and head. Read on to get complete information on the technique to do Bhujangasana, its health benefits and the people who should not attempt to do this asana.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : To start the pose, lie down on your stomach, on a flat surface, say, floor. Make sure you relax all the muscles completely. Rest your forehead on the floor.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : Now, put your legs together and position your arms below the corresponding sides of your shoulder, close to your body. The hands should be placed beside your chest.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : Now, start inhaling slowly. Keep inhaling and then raise your upper body (trunk), including your chest and head, to the maximum extent possible. Raise your trunk slowly, without creating any jerk. Do this just as a cobra raises its hood.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : By doing the above step, you will gradually feel the bending of the vertebrae one by one and feel the pressure traveling downwards from the cervical, dorsal and lumbar regions and lastly to the sacral regions.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : While doing this, your head and chest should be positioned upwards.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : In order to attain the full form of Bhujangasana, known as Poorna Bhujangasana, raise your legs, bent at the knees, backwards and try to touch the toes to the back of your head.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : In order to release the posture, get back to the original position, by exhaling slowly and bringing down your trunk smoothly down to the floor.
* How To Do Cobra Yoga Pose : You may repeat the exercise for five times. For the beginners, taking the help of their arms to raise the upper body is beneficial.