"-1" class="hP" id=":1m2" style="text-align: center;">Sunflower Entrance decor
I like decorating our entrance door, every season. And because i like to keep changing the look, i dont invest much in the store bought items...my hands always itch to make one on my own and flaunt my art...the entrance door is the best place to shout out to people that 'here stays an artist'..
I had quite some colored papers of medium thickness.
I used glue,
A wide card board for the round base, as big as your flower is
Florist wire to hang
A pair of scissors
First, cut the card board in round shape and required size.
Take green colored sheets, and start rolling each sheet in mehendi cone shape, size as shown in the picture. you will need 4 or 8 pieces if you like, to form the leaves.
Glue the edges of each sheet intact for the cone shape.
Now take the orange color sheets, roll them into cones, you can decide the number of orange cones you need.
Then if you have yellow paper, roll them into a few cones....these shades are just to make the flower look even more beautiful.
Once the cones are ready, then start glueing them to the card board base and to each other-side by side, in spots as shown in the hand drawing.
Fill the spaces with layers of each color.
Insert the wire behind the cardboard after you finish the flower on deciding the upper and lower sides of the flower, and hang it to the door.
This will give the door a fresh look and your home, a creative name.